Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Olga Steriopolo


Laufende Projekte

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  • DFG-Projekt GENDER - Die Beziehung zwischen sozialem und grammatischem Geschlecht: ein neuartiger soziotheoretischer Ansatz (2020-2023)
    Begutachtung der Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): „This is a novel and very interesting project which approached topical questions regarding the relation between grammatical gender, social gender and biological sex with strong theoretical and empirical components and from a linguistic and sociological/sociolinguistic perspective. The project outputs present results on a range of issues from the relation between grammatical and social gender and the relation between grammatical gender and biological sex to questions of pronoun choice. The linguistic data is mainly from German, English, French, Spanish and Russian, but a larger sample of non-European languages is occasionally included, covering much ground in terms of linguistic diversity. The results have been disseminated adequately in peer-reviewed publications (privileging Open Access) and international conferences. Two practical tools that have been produced during the course of the project are a sociolinguistic survey in German and a database containing gendered phrases and sentences across a number of different languages. Both tools are available online and are free to use. The project fell almost completely within the times of the COVID-19 pandemic and has successfully overcome significant problems principally due to delayed data collection. Despite these external difficulties, all projected milestones have been covered.“
  • DFG-Projekt ToG - Eine formale Typologie des Genus (2016 - 2019)
  • Sentential homophony: A case study of Russian if-clauses (six months in 2015), supported by the ZAS
  • A linguistic typology of expressive constructions (2012–2014), supported by SSHRC, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canada