Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. habil. Clemens Steiner-Mayr


CO English linguistics Oberseminar

Mayr, Clemens

WS 2017/18

U Göttingen

UE Introduction to semantic theory lab

Mayr, Clemens

WS 2017/18

U Göttingen

VL Introduction to semantic theory

Mayr, Clemens

WS 2017/18

U Göttingen

HS Semantic unacceptability

Mayr, Clemens

WS 2017/18

U Göttingen

SE Precedence in semantics

Mayr, Clemens

SS 2016

EGG summer school, Lagodekhi

GK Introduction to semantics

Mayr, Clemens

SS 2016

EGG summer school, Lagodekhi

SE Semantik und Pragmatik von Gebärdensprachen

Mayr, Clemens

WS 2015/16

HU Berlin

GK Semantik

Mayr, Clemens

SS 2014

HU Berlin

SE Plural

Mayr, Clemens

WS 2013/14

HU Berlin

GK Semantik

Mayr, Clemens

SS 2013

HU Berlin

SE Variablenbindung und Pluralsemantik

Mayr, Clemens

SS 2012

U Potsdam

SE Fragen und Polarität

Mayr, Clemens

SS 2012

U Potsdam

CO Semantikkolloquium

Mayr, Clemens

SS 2012

U Potsdam

S Semantik und Syntax von Fragen

Mayr, Clemens

WS 2011/12

HU Berlin

Introduction to syntactic theory

Mayr, Clemens

SS 2009

Harvard U (TF for Prof. Dianne Jonas, PhD)

Introduction to Semantics

Mayr, Clemens

WS 2008/09

Harvard U (TF for Prof. Gennaro Chierchia)


Mayr, Clemens

SS 2008

Harvard U (TF for Prof. Gennaro Chierchia and Prof. Jesse Snedeker)

Introduction to syntactic theory

Mayr, Clemens

SS 2008

Harvard U (TF for Prof. Cedric Boeckx)

Quantifier Raising and Logical Form

Mayr, Clemens

WS 2007/08

Harvard U

Introduction to Language

Mayr, Clemens

WS 2007/08

Harvard U (TF for Prof. Masha Polinsky)