Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Luke Adamson

Vorträge & Poster

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Gender, nominalizing heads, and locality

Adamson, Luke

Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics 17

12. - 13.12.2024

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Polite Pronouns and the PCC

Adamson, Luke & Stanislao Zompì


16. - 17.10.2024

Yale University

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Selectional restrictions of clause-taking emotive predicates across lexical categories

Adamson, Luke & Kajsa Djärv

Sinn und Bedeutung 29

17. - 19.09.2024

Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale, Noto, Italia


The Neuter Kinship Puzzle in Greek: On Gender, Number, and Ellipsis

Adamson, Luke, Artemis Alexiadou & Elena Anagnostopooulou

2024 Annual Meeting of the LAGB

27. – 30.08.2024

Newcastle University


The Neuter Kinship Puzzle in Greek: On Gender, Number, and Ellipsis

Adamson, Luke, Artemis Alexiadou & Elena Anagnostopoulou

Linguistic Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2024

27. - 30.08.2024

Newcastle University


Gender Allosemy and Neuter Interpretation in Greek

Adamson, Luke

Linguistic Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2024

27. - 30.08.2024

Newcastle University

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

What do we mean when we say gestures are more expressive than vocalizations? An experimental and simulation study

Kadavá, Šarka, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Wim Pouw

46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024)

24. – 27.07.2024

Postillion Hotel & Conference Centre, Rotterdam

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

The Interaction of Topic, Voice, Case, and Agreement: On O-Constructions in Jarawara

Adamson, Luke & Ruth Kramer

LingLunch at CNRS LLF


Université Paris Cité

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

The Interaction of Topic, Voice, Case, and Agreement: On O-Constructions in Jarawara

Adamson, Luke & Ruth Kramer

Colloquium Series


Universität Leipzig

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Selectional restrictions of clause-taking emotive predicates across lexical categories

Adamson, Luke & Kajsa Djärv

MECORE Closing Workshop: Meaning-driven Combinatorial Restrictions in Clausal Embedding

19. - 21.06.2024

Universität Konstanz

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Allosemy and the Interpretation of Neuter Gender in Greek

Adamson, Luke

Colloquium Series


Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Selectional restrictions of clause-taking emotive predicates across lexical categories

Adamson, Luke & Kajsa Djärv

Meaning @ Edinburgh Workshop

09. - 10.05.2024

University of Edinburgh

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Split coordination with adjectives in Italian

Adamson, Luke

Seminar in Topics on Syntax (Guest Lecture)


University of Massachusetts, Amherst


Gender interpretation and allosemy in Greek

Adamson, Luke

Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting 2024

04. - 07.01.2024

New York City

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Gender markedness and coordination resolution: Capturing variation across three-gendered languages

Adamson, Luke & Elena Anagnostopoulou

Linguistics Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2023

29.08. - 01.09.2023

Anglia Ruskin University

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Coordination resolution and markedness in three-gendered languages

Adamson, Luke & Elena Anagnostopoulou

Gender Markedness and Defaults CreteLing Workshop


University of Crete

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Valuing gender on a noun is local: Evidence from possession and number

Adamson, Luke

West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 41

05. - 07.05.2023

University of California, Santa Cruz

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Gender features and coordination resolution

Adamson, Luke

Roundtable on Phi-Features


University of California, Santa Cruz

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Valuing gender on a noun is local: Evidence from possession

Adamson, Luke



New York University