- Polar vs. focal alternatives in polar questions in broad focus: The case of Turkish. November 2020. Universität Tübingen.
- On the role of syntax in exceptional word stress in Turkish. 2019. Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main.
- Evidential bias uses monopolar alternatives? 2019. Ling Lunch, MIT.
- Turkish polar questions shed light on evidential bias? 2019. Tu+ 4, NYU.
- Two kinds of broad focus in polar questions. 2018. University College London.
- Elements of interrogative intonation in Turkish. 2018. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
- Negative concord in Turkish polar questions. 2017. Leiden University Center for Linguistics.
- Morphosyntax of Turkish, Session 1: Basics. 2016-2019. Uniwersytet Wrocławski.
- Morphosyntax of Turkish, Session 2: Information structure and its interfaces. 2016-2019. Uniwersytet Wrocławski.
- On the role of syntax in incorporation, compounding, and yes/no clitic placement in Turkish. 2016. Potsdam Research Institute for Multilingualism.
- Yes-No questions in Turkish: Between syntax, semantics and phonology. 2016. Universität Bielefeld.
- Clitic placement in Turkish yes/no questions with special reference to predicatecentered focus. 2015. HU Berlin.
- On modeling the distribution of the yes/no question clitic in Turkish. 2015. Leiden University Center for Linguistics.
- Revisiting Turkish intonation: Sentence stress without word stress. 2013. ZAS.
- More on the (PF) interface properties of yes/no questions in Turkish. 2013. ZAS.
- Two unexpected information structural properties of yes/no questions in Turkish. 2013. Universität Konstanz.
- Accentless words and recursive phrasing: A case study in Turkish. 2012. Linguistics colloquium, Radboud University Nijmegen.
- On focus and topic in yes/no questions in Turkish. 2012. Linguistics colloquium, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
- Turkish intonation from a pitch accent language perspective. 2010. Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main.
- The Question Particle in Turkish: Clitic placement and prominence. 2010. Universität Potsdam.
- Scope-prosody correspondence and the MaP in Turkish. 2008. Comparing Prosodies Grammatically Workshop, Harvard University.
- Focus and contrastive topics in assertions and questions (with Manfred Krifka). 2019. Institut Jean Nicode, Ecole Normale Superieure.
- Focus and contrastive topics in assertions and questions (with Manfred Krifka). 2018. University of Milwaukee
- On identifying the wh-feature with the F-feature (with Hubert Truckenbrodt). 2014. SinFonIJA 7, Universität Graz.
- Topics in questions (with Daniel Büring). 2011. GLOW 34, Universität Wien.
- Revisiting agrammatic comprehension: The Case of Turkish (with Clemens Mayr, Cedric Boeckx & Adam Szczegielniak). 2006. Left Periphery in Aphasia Meeting, Universita Ca'Foscari di Venezia.
- Constructing underlying representations based on informed guesses: Turkish evidence (with Andrew Nevins). 2005. Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society, Boston University.
- Focus and contrastive topics in assertions and questions: disjunction and conjunction of alternatives. 2020. Talk given at SALT30, Cornell University.
- Two kinds of broad focus in polar questions. 2020. Poster presented at the Workshop on Focus Alternatives, HU Berlin.
- Focus and Contrastive Topic in assertions and questions in Turkish. 2018. Talk given at the Meaning in (non-canonical) Questions Workshop. Universität Konstanz.
- Implicit negation in yes/no questions in Turkish. 2016. Talk given at the Questions, Answers and Negation Workshop. ZAS & HU Berlin.
- Negative concord in focus-sensitive yes/no questions. 2015. Talk given at the Workshop on Negation, Universität Göttingen.
- On modeling the interaction between prominence and clitic placement in Turkish yes/no questions. 2015. Talk given at the 1st International Conference Prominence in Language, Universität zu Köln.
- On wh and F in German and Turkish (with Hubert Truckenbrodt). 2015. Talk given at the AG6 of the annual meeting of the DGfS, Universität Leipzig.
- Intricacies of polar questions in Turkish: Broad focus. 2014. Talk given at the 6th Questions in Discourse Network meeting, Universität Göttingen.
- Intonation in Turkish: word accent in sentence intonation (with Hubert Truckenbrodt). 2014. Poster presented at the 6th Conference on Tone & Intonation in Europe, Universiteit Utrecht.
- Almost morphosyntax: elements of interrogative intonation in Standard Turkish. 2014. Talk given at ICTL 17, Université de Rouen.
- Prosodic marking of givenness in Czech (with Radek Šimík & Marta Wierzba). 2013. Talk given at Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 22, McMaster University.
- Accentless words and recursive phrasing: A case study in Turkish. 2013. Talk given at the 10th Old World Conference on Phonology, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
- Accentless words and recursive phrasing in Turkish. 2012. Talk given at SinFonIJA 5, Universität Wien.
- Information structure in Yes/No questions in Turkish. 2012. Talk given at ICTL 16, ODTU.
- Against compound stress in Turkish (with Didem İkizoğlu). 2012. Talk given at ICTL 16, ODTU.
- 'Also': Similarities and differences between Turkish and Ishkashim (with Lena Karvovskaya). 2012. Poster presented at the 7th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, Universität Stuttgart.
- The question particle in Turkish: Consequences for the interfaces. 2010. Poster presented at WCCFL 28, USC.
- Types of topic in Turkish. 2009. Poster presented at Prosody and Meaning, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- Case and incorporation in Turkish. 2009. Talk given at ECO-5 Syntax Meeting, University of Maryland.
- Scope of negation and phonological phrasing in Turkish. 2008. Talk given at the 2nd Mediterranean Syntax Meeting, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
- All non-final stress suffixes in Turkish are not created equal (with Bridget Samuels). 2008. Poster presented at the 2nd Mediterranean Syntax Meeting, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
- Phonological phrasing and scope interactions in Turkish. 2008. Poster presented at the 3rd Conference on Tone & Intonation in Europe, Universidade de Lisboa.
- The syntax of Turkish pre-stressing suffixes (with Bridget Samuels). 2008. Poster presented at the 3rd Conference on Tone & Intonation in Europe, Universidade de Lisboa.
- Phases of incorporation and a three-way distinction for direct objects (in Turkish). 2008. Talk given at the 5th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, SOAS.
- Constructing underlying representations based on informed guesses: Turkish evidence (with Andrew Nevins). 2005. Talk given at the Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society, Boston University.
- Turkish vowels (with Ebru Arısoy et al.). 2004. Poster presented at ICTL 12, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi.