Organisator(en) | LASER project team |
Veranstaltungsbeginn | 04.12.2021, 15.00 Uhr |
Veranstaltungsende | 06.12.2021, 19.00 Uhr |
Ort | Online |
Workshop webpage |
The LASER project will feature a two-day kickoff workshop to introduce the project and to encourage discussion of different syntactic treatments of selective opacity effects in the Minimalist framework. The workshop will involve presentations by project team-members and invited speakers specialising in issues of locality and selective opacity. It will be fully virtual, and participation is open to all, following a (free) registration.Invited Speakers:
LASER (Locality and the argument/adjunct distinction: Structure-building vs. structure-enrichment, jointly funded by AHRC and DFG) seeks to investigate and derive cases of selective opacity, i.e. systematic variation in locality constraints on different types of syntactic dependencies, such as movement, control, and agreement. We are especially interested in how various A- and A'-dependencies interact with the argument/adjunct distinction. Among other things, we are exploring a novel path-based approach to locality which makes a crucial distinction between structure-building and structure-enrichment. The LASER project team consists of Elise Newman & Rob Truswell (Edinburgh), Sandhya Sundaresan & Hedde Zeijlstra (Göttingen), and Kenyon Branan & Thomas McFadden (ZAS, Berlin).
Workshop registration:
Workshop website: