Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Bi-SLI 2022

Organisator(en) Maria Dorbert, Seda Esersin, Onur Özsoy, Freideriki Tselekidou, Wenchun Yang & Natalia Gagarina
Veranstaltungsbeginn 09.05.2022, 09.00 Uhr
Veranstaltungsende 11.05.2022, 18.00 Uhr
Ort Hybrid
External webpage

Save the date for our next big conference: Bi-SLI 2022 

BiSLI stands for: Bi/multilingualism and Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Language Disorder).  

The 4th Bi-SLI 2022 will be hosted as a hybrid conference in Berlin and via Zoom on 9th - 11th May 2022.  

In addition to the interesting talks on 9-10 May, we have another fascinating day on new development in LITMUS tools and dissemination and practitioner event on 11 May. 

Please find the full conference program here.

You can register for the conference here.

This is the full link of the program, in case it doesn't link to "here" on your end: https://leibnizzas-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/oezsoy_leibniz-zas_de/ER51ikTBxUZCrhlfio68ZpsBZBGzqHOgFs441fOT_1EFfA?e=3zT7Oa