Gagarina, Natalia & Insa Gülzow. 2008. Introduction. In Gagarina, Natalia & Insa Gülzow (eds.). The acquisition of verbs and their grammar: the effect of particular languages. Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics 33, 1-11. Dordrecht: Springer.
Gagarina, Natalia. 2007. What happens when adults often use infinitives?. In Gülzow, Insa & Natalia Gagarina (eds.). Frequency effects in language acquisition. Studies on Language Acquisition [SOLA] 32, 205-233. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Gülzow, Insa & Natalia Gagarina (eds.). 2007. Frequency effects in language acquisition: Defining the Limits of Frequency as an Explanatory Concept. Studies on Language Acquisition [SOLA] 32. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Bittner, Dagmar & Natalia Gagarina (eds.). 2007. Intersentential Pronominal Reference in Child and Adult Language : proceedings of the Conference on Intersentential Pronominal Reference in Child and Adult Language, December 1-2, 2006, ZAS, Berlin. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 48). Berlin: ZAS.
Bittner, Dagmar. 2007. Influence of animacy and grammatical role on production and comprehension of intersentential pronouns in German L1-acquisition. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 48), 103-138.
Gagarina, Natalia. 2007. The hare hugs the rabbit. He is white ... Who is white? : Pronominal anaphora in Russian. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 48), 139-170.
Gagarina, Natalia & Insa Gülzow. 2007. Noun phrases, pronouns and anaphoric reference in young children narratives. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 48), 203-223.
2007. Was motiviert die partielle Unflektiertheit des indefiniten Artikels? Markiertheitstheoretische und sprachhistorische Überlegungen. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 34(3), 354-373.
Gagarina, Natalia, Sharon Armon-Lotem & Olga Gupol. 2007. Developmental variation in the acquisition of L1 Russian verb inflection by monolinguals and bilinguals. On-Line Supplement to the Proceedings of BUCLD 31.
Gagarina, Natalia. 2007. Становление функционально-семантического поля аспектуальности в детской речи [The development of the functional-semantic field of aspect in language acquisition]. In Akhapkina, Y., M. Voeikova, & S. Cejtlin (eds.). Semantic categories in language acquisition, 18-40. Sankt Petersburg: Nestor-Istorija.
Gagarina, Natalia. 2007. Stanovlenie funkcional'no-semaničeskogo polja aspektual'nosti v detskoj reči [Acquisition of aspectual semantics in Russian]. In Stella N. Cejtlin (ed.). Semantičeskie kategorii v detskoj reči, 26-48. Sankt-Petersburg: Nestor-Istorija.
Gagarina, Natalia & Insa Gülzow (eds.). 2006. The Acquisition of Verbs and their Grammar: The Effect of Particular Languages. Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics 43. Dordrecht: Springer.
Dressler, Wolfgang U., Marianne Kilani-Schoch, Natalia Gagarina, Lina Pestal, & Marcus Pöchtrager. 2006. On the Typology of Inflection Class Systems. . Folia Linguistica, XL/1-2, 51-74.
Bobaljik, Jonathan & Kazuko Yatsushiro. 2006. Problems with honorification-as-agreement in Japanese: A reply to Boeckx & Niinuma. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 24, 355-384.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Uli Sauerland. 2006. [Feminine] in a high position. Snippets 13, 11-12.
Gagarina, Natalia. 2005. Der Ball ili mjač. Vybor pervych slov russko-nemeckim bilingvom [Der Ball oder mjač? Die Wahl der ersten Wörter bei einem russisch-deutschen bilingualen Kind]. Proceedings of the Conference on Language acquisition, St. Petersburg State University, 13-15.
Bittner, Dagmar. 2004. Zur Historie der nominalen -er-Bildungen. Ist die Suffixidentität sprachwandlerischer Zufall?. Linguistik online 19(2), 47-69.
Bittner, Dagmar. 2004. Experimentelle Studie zum Verständnis des bestimmten Artikels. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 33), 3-11.
Gagarina, Natalia & Dagmar Bittner. 2004. On correlation between the emergence of finite verbs and the development of utterances in Russian and German. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 33), 13-38.
Gagarina, Natalia. 2004. Does the acquisition of aspect have anything to do with aspectual pairs?. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 33), 39-61.