Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Prof. Dr. Natalia Gagarina

Vice Director; Head of Research Area
Pariser Straße 1
10719 Berlin
Room: 1.23
Phone: +49 30 20192 506

Prof. Dr. Natalia Gagarina is Head of the Research Area 2 'Language Development & Multilingualism'. She has been an extraordinary professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin since September 2020 and visiting professor at Uppsala University since December 2017. At ZAS she is Principal Investigator of four projects and currently working with

  • Prof. Angela Grimm, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität; Prof. Tanja Rinker, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt; Prof. Anna-Lena Scherger, Technische Universität Dortmund; Diagnosis of language abilities in multilingual children: Validation of a test battery
  • Prof. Dr. Veronika Makarova & Valery Chirkov, University of Saskatchewan, Alla Nedashkivska, University of Alberta, Lana Soglasnova, University of Toronto; Sociocultural and linguistic practices and needs of immigrant communities: the pandemic impact and post-pandemic recovery
  • Prof. Dr. Ewa Haman, University of Warsaw; Multilingual Language Development and Assessment Lab (MultiLADA), on Macro- and microstructure of narrative discourse in Polish

Her research focuses on monolingual and bilingual (a)typical language acquisition in the areas of lexicon, morphosyntax, discourse, as well as aspect and anaphors. In recent years, she has worked intensively on the macro- and microstructure of narratives and the development of language assessment methods for multilingual children.

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