The library of the Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics is a specialised scientific library for the staff and guests of the centre. After prior registration, it is also availabe to employees of linguistic institutions and students of linguistic study courses in Berlin and Potsdam as a reference and research library. Short-term loan for copying purposes is possible in exceptional cases.
The library has about 40,000 volumes. The holdings of the ZAS are searchable in the library catalogue (WebOPAC). The collection contains stocks of more than 300 linguistic journals. Currently 31 journals are subscribed. Within the ZAS, their contents and a selection of research-specific eBooks are accessible online. In addition, of course, pertinent open access journals are available without restriction. A selection can be found on the page Open Access tools and information.
The librarian is the contact person for Open Access matters.
ZAS has ratified an own Open Access Policy (PDF) in 2017.
Arbeitskreis Bibliotheken und Informationseinrichtungen der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
Arbeitskreis Open Access und Publikationsmanagement der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Spezialbibliotheken (ASpB)
OPL-Arbeitskreis Berlin-Brandenburg (regional working group for one-person libraries)
Our participation in this Open access agreement for Authors at the Leibniz Association allows ZAS researchers to publish all articles accepted from 2021 in open access free of charge. In addition, it includes free access to the content of the Taylor & Francis journals from 1997 onwards. For details, see the page Open Access at ZAS.
In March 2020 we joined the Open Library of Humanities' Library Partnership system. The OLH is an academic-led gold open-access publisher in the field of the humanities, including linguistics, with no author-facing charges. For more details, see the page Open Access at ZAS.
We cooperate with the publisher Language Science Press via the online platform Knowledge Unlatched, who offers free access to scholarly content. Language Science Press publishes high quality, peer reviewed Open Access books in the field of linguistics. For more details, see the page Open Access at ZAS.
By participating in the collaborative, library-supported model for open access monographs, ZAS is supporting the free accessibility of all new scholarly monographs and edited volumes from MIT Press on the MIT Press Direct MIT Press Direct e-book platform since 2022. For details, see the page Open Access at ZAS.
ZAS participates in the nationwide DEAL contract with the publisher Wiley since 2019 and in the nationwide DEAL contract with the publisher Springer Nature since 2020. For details, see the page Open Access at ZAS.
Since 2018 the data stock of the ZAS library can be searched not only via the ZAS catalogue (WebOPAC), but also via the catalogue search on the Lin|gu|is|tik-Portal, since the ZAS library's title records are imported into the database there on a quarterly basis.
The ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL), published by our institute in Open Access, have their own web presence at The realization was done in close cooperation with the Fachinformationsdienst (FID) Linguistik on the basis of the software Open Journal Systems. For details, see the page Open Access at ZAS.