In addition to a selection of linguistic Open Access journals, this page lists some Open Access tools and information pages to help you find suitable publication media and to assess the quality of publishers, journals, and projects. The contents of this page are regularly extended and updated.
Linguistics in Open Access (LingOA)
Eine gemeinnützige Stiftung, die Herausgeber linguistischer Zeitschriften vertritt und dabei den Grundsatz "Fair Open Access" verfolgt.
Glossa : a journal of general linguistics
Bietet Open-Access-Veröffentlichungen zu fairen Bedingungen an. Artikel werden frei zugänglich und gebührenfrei publiziert.
Semantics & Pragmatics
Diese Open-Access-Fachzeitschrift der Linguistic Society of America (LSA) ist peer-reviewed und publiziert hochwertige Forschungsartikel über Semantik und Pragmatik natürlicher Sprachen.
PLOS ONE (Link zum Suchwort "Linguistics" in "advanced search", "subject")
Eine internationale Open-Access-Fachzeitschrift der Public Library of Science (PLOS), die peer-reviewed ist und alle Wissenschaftsbereiche abdeckt.
Laboratory Phonology
Die Open-Access-Zeitschrift wird seit 2016 bei Ubiquity Press veröffentlicht.
Journal of Portuguese Linguistics
Languages - Open Access Journal
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft
Open-Access ab 2017. Die Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft wird von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) herausgegeben. Ziel der Zeitschrift ist die Förderung der sprachwissenschaftlichen Forschung durch Veröffentlichung von qualitativ hochwertigen Beiträgen aus allen Bereichen und Strömungen der modernen Linguistik.
Open Library of Humanities (Zeitschrift)
Die Zeitschrift Open Library of Humanities veröffentlicht international anerkannte und gründlichem Peer-Review unterzogene Forschung in den Geisteswissenschaften. Die gemeinnützige Organisation Open Library of Humanities (OLH) betreibt zudem eine gleichnamige Plattform für Open-Access-Zeitschriften in den Geisteswissenschaften, die sich der Open-Access-Veröffentlichung in den Geisteswissenschaften widmet, ohne den Autorinnen und Autoren Artikelgebühren in Rechnung zu stellen.
Open Research Europe publication platform
Fast publication and open peer review for research stemming from Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and Euratom funding across all subject areas. There are no author fees.
Quality Open Access Marker (QOAM)
Offers information on the quality of Open Access journals.
This is a recommendation service for quality-assured open access journals
You can choose the language (German or English) at the very bottom of the web page.
Offers information on Open Access journals with a variety of filter options, and helps to identify a suitable journal for Open Access publishing. Information on costs and cost coverage have to be checked internally at ZAS in each case before submission.
Directory of Open Access (DOAJ)
Offers an overview of high-quality peer-reviewed Open Access journals.
Sherpa Romeo
Offers information on copyright and Open Access self-archiving policies of journals.
Offers criteria for evaluating journals.
A freely accessible research network for sharing and evaluating scientific information. More than 31 million articles (including 3 million open access articles) are available.Open access articles from many sources are brought together and discussed. Submissions are immediately released and evaluated in a completely transparent peer-review process.
Language Science Press
A publication model for open access books in linguistics, founded by the linguist Stefan Müller (FU Berlin) and Martin Haspelmath (MPI EVA Leipzig). The scope of the project includes many Open Access publications in different areas of linguistics, produced by the researchers themselves.
OAPEN = Open Access Publishing in European Networks
A Europe-wide platform for publishing Open Access books – especially from the social sciences and humanities. This project, funded by the European Union, came out of the cooperation between multiple University publishers. In the shared catalogue, the OAPEN Library, Open Access digital and quality assured content are available.
Knowledge Unlatched
An Open Access intiative that makes scientific monographs in the humanities and social sciences available worldwide. The initiative is based on cooperation between publishers and libraries.
DOAB = Directory of Open Access Books
Tool for finding scientific Open Access books that were published after the peer-review process.
Directory of Open Access Repositories
This tool allows to search or browse for academic open access repositories.
DINI Overview of German Repositories
A list of the repositories with identification of those that are DINI certified.
Zenodo (Research data repository)
A repository of outputs across all fields of research that gives each upload a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to make them easily and uniquely citeable. Posters, presentations, pictures, audio and video materials are also easily integrated. The repository is operated and developed by CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research).
Central Open Access gateway of the Leibniz Association.
Publication Repository of the "Institute for German Language (IDS)"
Institutional repository storing the scientific publications of the IDS. Contains bibliographic data und partly also full texts.
Publication Server of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Archives electronic documents of the Goethe University, amongst them the collection "General linguistics, comparative linguistics" and other special collections from the "German Research Council" = " Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)".
Publication Repository MPG.PuRe
Repository on the website "Max Planck Open Access" of the "Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science"
An open archive where authors can deposit scholarly documents from all academic fields. It's run by the Centre pour la communication scientifique directe, a French computing centre, which is part of the French National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS.
BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)
A search engine for scientific documents operated by the University library of Bielefeld that offers access to the content and metadata of scietific document servers, that through Open Access are freely available.
Search engine operated by the University of Michigan and the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), which can search through the metadata of various document servers. The catalogue includes over 50 million datasets with digital sources from over 2,000 participants. It is one of the most important search engines for Open Access content.
Leibniz Association Open Access
Information related to Open Access presented on the website of the Leibniz Association
Open Access Policy of the Leibniz Association 2016-2020
Open Access Office Berlin
The offices aim is to inform the Berlin science and cultural institutions about the key objectives of the Berlin Open Access Strategy, to assist them in their implementation and to promote the networking of the different actors.
An information and networking project that provides information on the topic of Open Access. Also it serves to convey competence and to network the existing community. Philology
"Internet portal Open Access: Philology" offers free access to information related to the philological sciences.
Priority Initiative "Digital Information"
Information related to Open Access by a joint initiative of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany aiming to improve the provision of information in research and teaching.
DFG Open Access
Information related to Open Access on the website of the "German Research Foundation (DFG)" [in German]
BMBF Open Access
Information gateway on the website of the "Federal Ministry of Education and Research" = "Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)" [in German]
Max Planck Open Access
Information related to Open Access at the "Max Planck Society"
Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities
"Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities" on the website of the "Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science"