Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft


Open Access at ZAS

Relevant information for Open Access publications of the ZAS

ZAS has ratified an own Open Access Policy (PDF) in 2017.

Open access refers to the unlimited and free access to quality-tested scientific information on the internet. Due to the lifting of technical, financial and legal barriers, open access contributes to accelerating scientific innovation and improving the visibility of research findings. Scientists are therefore supported in the research and publication processes, and the use of public funded research is maximized. As a member of the Leibniz Association, the Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS) is committed to open access. It thereby follows the „Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities“ and the „Open Access policy of the Leibniz Association“.

The fact sheet "Paper publishing options at ZAS", provided on the intranet, illustrates the Open Access publishing options, and provides guidance on the necessary procedures as well as cost information. If there are any questions or further information needed, the contact person for Open Access matters, Christina Beckmann, is available.

As part of the BMBF-funded collaborative project open-access.network, the online service oa.finder can be used to search for journals for open-access publishing.

Leibniz Association's Open Access Publishing Funds

The ZAS is entitled to receive funding from the Leibniz Association's Open Access Publishing Fund for journal articles and the Leibniz Association's Open Access Publishing Fund for monographs, provided that the eligibility criteria are met.

The  Leibniz Association's Open Access Publishing Fund for journal articles expires in June 2024

Agreements with publishers

Taylor & Francis Journals Open Access Read & Publish Transformation Agreement 2024-2026 (Forum13+)

ZAS has joined a Leibniz consortium contract from 2024-2026. As reading rights are included, an annual amount paid by the library budget covers the costs for Open Access in hybrid journals and reading access to journals. For fully OA journals (Gold journals)) there is a 15% discount on the Article Publishing Fee (APC).

Publishing component

Open Select journals (Hybrid OA)

There aren’t any publication costs for articles in T&F Open Select Journals (hybrid OA). Articles with a Corresponding Author from ZAS accepted for publication from 1st January 2024 are eligible for approval under the Forum13 Open Select allocation fund. For the submission the ZAS e-mail address must be used and the institutional affiliation to the ZAS must be indicated. Authors will retain copyright of their work.

List of the T&F Open Select Journals: https://www.tandfonline.com/openaccess/openselect

General information on the author‘s workflow:

Fully Open Access journals  

Article Processing Charges (APC) only occur for articles in T&F fully OA Journals. ZAS Corresponding Authors have the option to publish in T&F fully OA Journals with a 15% discount on the regular APC. 

T&F Fully OA journals and their fees can be calculated on this page: Open Access Cost Finder

Author rights: Authors can choose between different Creative Commons licenses. The CC-BY license as the default setting is recommended for journal articles, as it allows maximum distribution and freedom of use as well as the best possible combinability with other CC-licensed works. With CC-BY, the copyright remains with the authors.

Reading component

Participating institutions receive unlimited access rights to the contents of the journals financed by them within the consortium, which are published and licensed during the subscription period. During the license period there is access to the archive volumes published from 1997 onwards. There is no access to the entire publishing portfolio.

The Taylor & Francis Collection Social Science & Humanities + Science & Technology Library is licensed as part of the Leibniz Consortium and is available to all participating institutions. No permanent access rights are granted for collections.

Taylor & Francis: All journals

The free reading rights include these linguistic journals:
Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics
Language Acquisition
Studia Neophilologica
Discourse Processes
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics
Language & Intercultural Communication
Research on Language & Social Interaction
Critical Discourse Studie

DEAL-Publish-and-Read-Contracts with Springer Nature, Wiley and Elsevier

DEAL-Publish-and-Read-Agreement with Elsevier

Details on the DEAL Open Access Consortium Elsevier (1.9.2023-31.12.2028) 

Publishing component

"Submitting Corresponding Authors" can publish Open Access in these journals. ZAS will be charged with costs that are to be determined using this Elsevier journal title list for 2024 (xlsx file), in which the net prices are given in the "included" worksheet. These apply to articles accepted from 01.01.2024.

Publications in Elsevier Fully Gold Open Access journals are charged at the list price less 20% discount.

It is recommended to choose the CC-BY license for journal articles, as it allows maximum distribution and freedom of use as well as the best possible combinability with other CC-licensed works. With CC-BY, the copyright remains with the author.

The CC-BY-NC-ND license, which most strongly restricts subsequent use in the sense of open access, should rather be avoided. With this license, the rights are transferred to Elsevier. The license can be subsequently adjusted until January 15 of the following year (Elsevier Copyright Policies).

Author Workflow

To the  Elsevier Journal Finder

The costs for open access publishing in Elsevier's core hybrid journals and for reading access to core hybrid journals including the CPTL journals are covered by a fee, the Publish-and-Read fee (PAR fee), which the MPDLS charges to the participating institutions. For 2024, this is expected to be € 2,500 net. The VAT is split, with approx. 60-70% for reading (7%) and approx. 30-40% for publishing (19%).

MPDLS gGmbH charges a service fee of €100 for each publication in hybrid and full OA journals. The costs for the service fees will be sent with a separate invoice.

It is not possible to split the invoice between different institutions. The invoice will only be sent to the institution of the Submitting Corresponding Author.

Reading Component

Reading access to almost the entire Elsevier journal portfolio, including titles from Cell Press and The Lancet (see Journal List). Access to journal content published during the term of the agreement remains permanently available to the participating institution (perpetual access). By retroactively participating in 2023, the ZAS has perpetual reading rights for the 2023 volume.

This Journal List.xlsx lists the journals for which reading rights exist.

Access via the Publisher's Online Platform.


DEAL-Publish-and-Read-Agreement with Springer

Details on the DEAL Open Access Consortium Springer Nature (2024-2028)

The contract covers both the publisher's hybrid journals and the genuine open access journals.

Springer-Verlag website with lists of open access journals (hybrid and fully open access).

Publishing component

Details on the Open Access Process (Author Workflow)

Hybrid Journals with "Open Choice" option
For each hybrid OA article, the regular fee (Publish-and-Read Fee = PAR Fee) is € 2,600 net plus € 100 service fee for the MPDLS, which corresponds to approx. € 3,200 gross.

These costs for the ZAS are incurred if ZAS scientists submit the paper as the responsible Submitting Corresponding Author. The institutional affiliation must be clearly stated upon submission. The ZAS must be indicated as the 1st affiliation if there are several institutional affiliations. If possible, the ZAS e-mail address should be used and the paper should be submitted from the ZAS IP network.

Fully Open Access Journals
Publications in Springer Nature's pure Open Access journals (Gold/Fully OA) will be charged at the list price charge (APC) less a 20% discount. The service fee of €100 for the MPDLS and VAT must be added for each article. Higher prices apply for the Fully Open Access Journals of the Nature brand (e.g. Nature Communications).


Reading rights

Participating institutions receive access to almost the entire journal content on the Springer Nature platform according to the journal title list.

Perpetual reading rights (perpetual access): For content published in the years of their participation, participating institutions receive perpetual access, i.e. they can access this content even if they do not have a contract with the provider.

Financing model / invoicing

In the first three years of the contract, upper and lower limits apply to the publication costs calculated according to the PAR fee that an institution incurs for publications in Springer Nature hybrid journals. These limits determine the minimum or maximum share of the Springer Nature participation costs (= PAR reference amount 2023) that an institution must bear if its publication-related costs according to the PAR fee fall below or exceed these limits.

2024: Institutions generally pay Paper Charge, but at least 75% and at most 150% of the PAR reference amount 2023. The PAR reference amount 2023 corresponds to 112.5% of the 2016 subscription costs.

Participating institutions make an advance payment on their expected participation costs (according to the PAR fee within the upper and lower price limits).

For all eligible institutions, publication costs in hybrid journals will be reduced by the amount of a PAR fee.

Relevant dates for the invoicing of hybrid articles:
PAR pricing: Approval Date
Origin of the payment obligation: Approval Date
Settlement: after Online Publication Date

Relevant dates for the invoicing of Gold article:
APC pricing: Acceptance Date
Origin of the payment obligation: Approval Date
Billing: after Online Publication Date


DEAL-Publish-and-Read-Agreement with Wiley

Details on the DEAL Open Access Consortium Wiley (2024-2028)

The agreement covers both the publisher's hybrid journals and the genuine open access journals.
Wiley's page with lists of open access journals (hybrid and fully open access).

Publication rights

Hybrid articles
Open Access can be published in over 1,300 Wiley hybrid journals. Authorized authors must be Responsible Corresponding Author.

Gold articles
For papers in the more than 600 pure (Gold/Fully Gold) Open Access Wiley journals, a discount of 20% on the list prices is granted. See also Wiley's Journal Finder with filter on Fully Open Access.

Institutional affiliation with ZAS must be clearly stated upon submission:
- ZAS must be the primary affiliation
- The ZAS e-mail address should be used
- If possible, make the submission in the IP area of the ZAS

The Wiley Open Access Workflow can be found here:

-             How to publish in a fully open access journal (PDF)
-             How to publish in a hybrid open access journal (PDF)

The CC-BY license is recommended as an open access license. CC-BY is the freest license type, which allows the greatest possible reuse of a work and ensures that the author is named as the creator of the original.

For publications in hybrid journals, the acceptance date and for publications in Gold OA journals, the submission date is the relevant date for determining the publication fees and billing the article under the DEAL contract.

Reading rights
Reading access to almost the entire journal content on the Wiley Online Library platform according to the journal title list. Institutions receive permanent reading rights for all years in which they have fully participated in the contract, i.e. they can access this content even if they do not have a contract with Wiley.


Financing model / invoicing

The participation fees according to PAR Fee (Publish-and-Read-Fee) are paid annually in advance by means of an advance payment. The annual advance payment is calculated on the basis of the number of reference articles specified in the participation documents. Invoices will be issued in such a way that payment is possible either in the previous year or in the contract year. For the first contract year, the installment payments are expected to be invoiced in the first quarter of 2024. A final invoice for the actual hybrid publication costs (taking into account all discounts and any applicable lower and upper price limits for the year) will be issued after each completed publication year.

Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Wiley's pure (Gold) Open Access journals, if incurred, are expected to be invoiced after each quarter. The service fee is invoiced separately for each contract year (in May at the earliest).

In the first two years of the contract, there are upper and lower limits for the publication costs calculated on the basis of the PAR fee that an institution incurs for publications in Wiley hybrid journals. Minimum and maximum participation costs have been set as a proportion of the institution's total costs in 2023. Institutions generally pay a paper charge, but at least 60% and no more than 150% of the PAR reference amount in 2023. The financial participation model will be converted to a full paper-charge model within two years.

Please note that Wiley will charge page charges for each additional page if more than 6 pages are published.

Participating institutions will be asked for an advance payment on their expected participation costs (after PAR fee and within the upper and lower price limits).

For the new Wiley contract from 2024, journals will be divided into three different tiers/categories, each with different PAR fees:

Tier                PAR Fee
I                     3.150 €
II                    2,700 €
III                   2,200 € (e.g. "Syntax")

In addition, it is planned to retroactively reduce the amount of the PAR fee for all eligible participating institutions after the end of a publication year if corresponding funds are available.

For each publication in hybrid and full OA journals assigned to a participating institution, MPDLS gGmbH charges a service fee of €100 (plus 19%).

Wiley deposits the version of records of the published OA articles with DeepGReen. The digital long-term archiving, which is operated as a dark archive of the TIB, remains in force.


National Publishing consortium with Frontiers

As part of the German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED) partnership with the publisher Frontiers (Frontiers Framework Agreement for Open Access Gold Publishing), the ZAS can take advantage of a discount. The agreement runs from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2026.

For publications of Open Access articles by ZAS Corresponding Authors in Frontiers journals, a 10% discount is granted on Article Processing Charges (APC).

Frontiers is a Gold Open Access publisher. All journal articles are immediately and permanently accessible online free of charge for readers. All articles are published under the CC-BY 4.0 license. The authors retain the copyright.

Open Library of Humanities (OLH)

In March 2020 we joined the Open Library of Humanities' Library Partnership system. The OLH is an academic-led gold open-access publisher in the field of the humanities, including linguistics, with no author-facing charges. The organization consists of an international library consortium. The system of the OLH Library Partnership enables libraries to support an infrastructure instead of purchasing journals. OLH supports teams of editors who want to convert their journal to a Fair Open Access publication.

Language Science Press (LSP) via Knowledge Unlatched (KU)

We cooperate with the publisher Language Science Press (LSP) via the online platform Knowledge Unlatched, who offers free access to scholarly content. Language Science Press publishes high quality, peer reviewed Open Access books in the field of linguistics.

ZAS authors do not incur any costs with LSP. All titles are available to readers as PDFs free of charge. Information for interested authors, e.g. on workflow and submission procedures, can be found here.

In addition to the other supporting institutions, ZAS is listed on this page.

MIT Direct To Open

ZAS participates in the MIT Press Direct to Open (MIT D2O) initiative, a collaborative, library-supported model for open access monographs. Beginning in 2022, all new MIT Press scholarly monographs and edited volumes will be publicly available on the MIT Press Direct e-book platform. Costs will be recovered through recurring participation fees. Benefits of the model:

  • Access to the content of the "Humanities and Social Sciences Backlist" (even if the required number of participating libraries is not reached).
  • Access to the entire collection of more than 3,000 eBooks, with about 150 more added annually.
  •  Part of the MIT D2O model is that all monographs accepted by MIT Press are published without an open access fee.

Open Access Publications at ZAS

Journal articles and books can be found on the ZAS researchers' websites under Publications. Open Access publications are marked there with OA icons.

ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL)

Also under Publications (here with filtering the series ZASPiL) you will find the ZASPiL, which is published by ZAS in Open Access. Only contributions by ZAS authors are listed there.

The complete issues of the journal starting with ZASPiL 14 (1999) can be found on the ZASPiL website at zaspil.leibniz-zas.de.

The realization of a website for the ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL), published by our institute in Open Access, was done in close cooperation with the Fachinformationsdienst (FID) Linguistik on the basis of the software Open Journal Systems. The ZASPiL website can be found at zaspil.leibniz-zas.de. The journal is hosted - as a service of the FID - by the University Library Frankfurt am Main and archived via the Frankfurt Linguistik-Repository.

In addition to all articles from issues starting with ZASPiL 14 (1999), the website offers important information on the submission procedure, such as the checklist for article submissions, the guidelines for authors, the Author‘s Agreement, as well as a ZASPiL document template and a ZASPiL sample file.