Vice Director; Head of Research Area
Pariser Straße 1
10719 Berlin
Room: 1.09
Phone: +49 30 20192 410
PD Dr. André Meinunger is Vice Director of the Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS) and heads the Research Area 3 'Syntax & Lexicon'. He is also Principal Investigator of the DFG project Congruence mismatches in relative clauses and related structures (KoMiRe).
His research focus is grammar theory, especially German syntax. He is currently working on sentence linking, i.e. the interaction of parts within a sentence structure. In this context, he is researching semantic, syntactic or phonological contradictions in the interaction of linguistic expressions. He is also committed to the topic of language and linguistics in the public sphere, contributing to the discussion in the areas of language norming, gendering, improvement and verbal aggression (swearing, cursing, "Hate Speech").
Aktuell 05.08.2024
Aktuell 07.06.2024
Aktuell 30.07.2023
Aktuell 23.07.2023
Aktuell 01.08.2022
Workshop/AG 19.06.2025
Adamson, Luke, Artemis Alexiadou & André Meinunger
Staff talk 12.12.2024
Meinunger, André
Staff talk invited 24.09.2024
Meinunger, André
Staff talk invited 20.06.2024
Zuchewicz, Karolina & André Meinunger
Staff poster talk 19.06.2024
Meinunger, André & Karolina Zuchewicz
Publication 01.11.2024
Meinunger, André
Publication 29.01.2024
Trutkowski, Ewa & André Meinunger (eds.)
Publication 29.01.2024
Trutkowski, Ewa & André Meinunger (eds.)
Publication 29.01.2024
Meinunger, André
Publication 01.12.2023
Meinunger, André