Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Aleksandra Ćwiek

Presentations & Poster

Staff talk

Which phonological features express size sound symbolism? – A cross-linguistic analysis with extreme gradient machine learning

Ebert, Melissa, Alexander Kilpatrick & Aleksandra Ćwiek

The 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL)

08. - 14.09.2024

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznán

Staff talk

Regulating the body in communicative challenges. Experimental study under kinematicacoustic analysis

Kadavá, Šarka, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Wim Pouw

The Fifth Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS-5)

15. – 17.08.2024

Lund University, Sweden

Staff poster talk

What do we mean when we say gestures are more expressive than vocalizations? An experimental and simulation study

Kadavá, Šarka, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Wim Pouw

46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024)

24. – 27.07.2024

Postillion Hotel & Conference Centre, Rotterdam

Staff talk

Repair Kinematics of Silent Gesture

Kadavá, Šarka, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Wim Pouw

46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024)

24. – 27.07.2024

Postillion Hotel & Conference Centre, Rotterdam

Staff talk

Exploring the sound structure of novel vocalizations

Fuchs, Susanne, Šárka Kadavá, Wim Pouw, Bradley Walker, Nicolas Fay, Bodo Winter & Aleksandra Ćwiek

International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang) 2024

18. - 21.05.2024

Universtiy of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA


Staff talk

Prosodic Structure and the Prominence of Pitch Accents by Bob Ladd

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Šárka Kadavá & Susanne Fuchs

ZAS, Pariser Str. 1, 10719 Berlin; Room: Ilse-Zimmermann-Raum 0.32 (Ground floor)


Staff talk

Bridging the Gap: Exploring a Middle-Way Approach for Prosodic Annotation

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Alina Gregori, Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Frank Kügler & Pilar Prieto

DGfS 2024, AG10 Prosody in focus: prominence marking from multiple perspectives

28.02. - 01.03.2024

Universität Bochum


Staff talk invited

Exploring the Dynamic Interplay of Gestures and Prosody in Polish Counting-Out Rhymes

Ćwiek, Aleksandra

Seminar of the Group of Prosodic and Gesture Studies (GrEP-G)


Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona

Staff talk

When Gestures Enter the Game, Prosody Breaks the Rules

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Šárka Kadavá, Katarzyna Stoltmann, Wim Pouw & Susanne Fuchs


13. - 15.09.2023

Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen

Staff poster talk

Is gesture-speech physics at work in rhythmic pointing? Evidence from Polish counting-out rhymes

Kadavá, Šárka, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Katarzyna Stoltmann, Susanne Fuchs & Wim Pouw

20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)

07.08.2023 - 11.08.2023

Prague Congress Center, Czech Republic

Staff talk

Attitudes in the German-Polish context based on perceptual evidence

Zygis, Marzena, Markus Saint-Pettersen, Aleksandra Cwiek, Piotr Gulgowski, Joanna Blaszczak & Sarah Wesolek

20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)

07. - 11.08.2023

Prague Congress Center, Czech Republic

Staff poster talk

Does thin sound “small” and heavy sound “big”? – An investigation of the size sound symbolic potential of antonym adjective pairs

Ebert, Melissa & Aleksandra Ćwiek

From icon to abstraction - how iconicity shapes the lexicon

20.07.2023 - 21.07.2023

University of Birmingham

Staff talk

Through the lens of a language: Is there a sound-symbolic functional load?

Ćwiek, Aleksandra

TeaP 2023


Universität Trier

Staff talk invited

Lautsymbolik um und herum

Ćwiek, Aleksandra

Seminar "Sprachproduktion und -perzeption"


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Staff poster talk

Lautsymbolische Größencodierung bei der Benennung von Hunden

Chistoph, Nadine & Aleksandra Ćwiek

18. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P)

06.10.2022 - 07.10.2022

Universität Bielefeld

Staff talk invited

Sorting the Mischmasch of German Ideophones

Ćwiek, Aleksandra



Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Staff poster talk

Was war vor Wörtern da? Eine Reise in die Abgründe der Sprache

Ćwiek, Aleksandra

Tabula Rasa


Urania Berlin

Staff talk invited

Iconicity in Everyday Communication

Ćwiek, Aleksandra

MLC Lab meeting (virtual)


Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen

Staff talk

Are German Pokémon Names Sound-Symbolic?

Cwiek, Aleksandra

SLE 2021 - WS 12: Iconicity in prosaic lexicon (virtual)

30.08.2021 - 03.09.2021

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Staff talk invited

Komm und schnapp sie dir!: Sound Symbolism in German Pokémon Names

Ćwiek, Aleksandra

Seminar "Warum klingt Orkisch böse? Zur Phonologie und Sprachästhetik von sogenannten Plansprachen" (virtual)


Humboldt Universität, Berlin

Staff talk invited

The Iconic Bits in Language

Ćwiek, Aleksandra

GULP lab lunch (hybrid)


Glasgow University, Laboratory of Phonetics

Staff poster talk

Hand-Mouth Coordination in a Pointing Task Requiring Manual Precision

Ćwiek, Aleksandra & Susanne Fuchs

12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP) (virtual)

14.12.2020 - 18.12.2020

Providence, USA

Staff talk invited

Bouba and kiki across the globe

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Susanne Fuchs, Marcus Perlman & Bodo Winter

Séminaires de Recherches en Phonétique et Phonologie (virtual)


Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France

Staff talk

Ikonizität in der Sprache: Warum soll man dem Sprachinstinkt folgen?

Ćwiek, Aleksandra

Besuch von Studierenden aus Bremen


ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk

What does a foreign accent reveal about listeners' attitudes? An experimental study with German listeners rating Polish and American accents

Żygis, Marzena, Aleksandra Ćwiek & Joanna Blaszczak

Linguistic Meeting at the Center for Experimental Research on Natural Language


University of Wroclaw

Staff talk

What does a foreign accent reveal about listeners‘ attitudes? An experimental study wiht German listeners rating Polish and American accents.

Żygis, Marzena, Aleksandra Ćwiek & Joanna Blaszczak

Workshop on Experimental Methods in Laboratory Phonology


ZAS, Berlin

Staff poster talk

Comprehension of Non-Linguistic Vocalizations across Cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Susanne Fuchs, Cornelia Ebert, Manfred Krifka, Christoph Draxler, Bodo Winter & Marcus Perlman

XPrag.de Annual Meeting 2019

20.11.2019 - 21.11.2019

ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk invited

Comprehension of Non-Linguistic Vocalizations across Cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Bodo Winter, & Marcus Perlman

MAMPF Seminar


LMU München


Staff talk

Comprehension of Non Linguistic Vocalizations across Cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Shigeto Kawahara, Bodo Winter & Marcus Perlman

15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC)


Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan

Staff talk

Comprehension of Non-Linguistic Vocalizations across Culture

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Shigeto Kawahara, Bodo Winter & Marcus Perlman

15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

06.08.2019 - 11.08.2019

Kwansen Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan

Staff poster talk

Iconic Prosody is Rooted in Sensorimotor Properties: Fundamental Frequency and Vertical Space

Ćwiek, Aleksandra & Susanne Fuchs

41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2019)



Staff talk

Comprehension of iconic vocalizations across languages and cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Bodo Winter, Shigeto Kawahara & Marcus Perlman

12th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature


Lund (Sweden)

Staff talk

Comprehension of iconic vocalizations across languages and cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Bodo Winter, Shigeto Kawahara & Marcus Perlman

Symposium: Universal vs. language-specific factors in the processing of iconic structures; International Convention of Psychological Science


Paris (France)

Staff talk

Comprehension of non-linguistic vocalizations across cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Bodo Winter & Marcus Perlman

41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, AG11

06.03.2019 – 08.03.2019

Universität Bremen


Staff talk invited

Warum soll man dem Sprachinstinkt folgen?

Ćwiek, Aleksandra

Kolloquium Phonetik & Phonologie


U Bielefeld

Staff poster talk

The Acoustic Realization of Prosodic Prominence in Polish: Word-level Stress and Phrase-level Accent

Ćwiek, Aleksandra & Petra Wagner

9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018

13.06.2018 - 16.06.2018

Adam Mickiewicz U, Poznań

Staff talk

A tiny tiny abstract on a biiiiiig topic: An analysis of adjective re(du)plications in a social media corpus

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Susanne Fuchs, Egor Savin, Cornelia Ebert & Manfred Krifka

Iconicity Workshop

14.05.2018 - 15.05.2018

ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk

Experimental studies on co- and post-speech gestures and their role in perspective-taking

Ebert, Cornelia, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Manfred Krifka

Iconicity in speech and gesture

14.05.2018 - 15.05.2018

ZAS, Berlin

Staff poster talk

The Pragmatic Status of Iconic Meaning in Spoken Communication: Gestures, Ideophones, Prosodic Modulations

Ebert, Cornelia, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Manfred Krifka

XPrag.de annual meeting 2017

18.09.2017 - 19.09.2017

Universität zu Köln