Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Stephanie Solt

Presentations & Poster

Staff poster talk

On the distinction between amounts and degrees

Mendia, Jon Ander & Stephanie Solt

Sinn und Bedeutung 29

16. - 20.09.2024

Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale, Noto, Italia

Staff poster talk

Social meaning and pragmatic reasoning: A case study on (im)precision

Mühlenbernd, Roland & Stephanie Solt

Sinn und Bedeutung 29

16. - 20.09.2024

Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale, Noto, Italia

Staff talk

Social meaning and pragmatic reasoning: The case of (im)precision

Mühlenbernd, Roland, Stephanie Solt & Mariya Burbelko

Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM 3)

12. - 14.06.2024

University of Pennsylvania

Staff talk invited

Pragmatic reasoning and social meaning: The case of (im)precision

Solt, Stephanie

SMIC Workshop


Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, Université de Paris

Staff talk

Modeling pragmatic choices and their social meanings: A case study of (im)precision

Mühlenbernd, Roland, Stephanie Solt, Mariya Burbelko & Uli Sauerland

Leibniz MMS Days 2024 (Leibniz-Forschungsnetzwerk Mathematische Modellierung und Simulation)

10. - 12.04.2024

Leibniz Institute for Composite Materials, Kaiserslautern

Staff talk invited

On the pragmatic derivation of social meaning

Solt, Stephanie



University of Cyprus

Guest talk

Properties of amounts and measures

Stephanie Solt

27.02.2024, 11:00 - 12:30 Uhr

ZAS, Pariser Str. 1, 10719 Berlin; Room: 1.02 (First floor)


Staff poster talk

Social meaning of (im)precision: testing a pragmatic approach

Mühlenbernd, Roland, Mariya Burbelko & Stephanie Solt

Social Meaning Berlin 2023

14. - 15.11.2023

Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin

Staff talk

Social meaning has multiple sources: Form vs. meaning-driven variation

Chark, Jordan, Roland Mühlenbernd, Uli Sauerland & Stephanie Solt

Social Meaning Berlin 2023

14. - 15.11.2023

ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk

Social meaning has multiple sources

Chark, Jordan, Roland Mühlenbernd, Uli Sauerland & Stephanie Solt

Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 12

11. - 13.10.2023

Université Côte d’Azur, Nice

Staff talk

Predicates of amount and the ontology of degree

Mendia, Jon Ander & Stephanie Solt

Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 12

11. - 13.10.2023

Université Côte d’Azur, Nice

Staff talk

Social meaning has multiple sources: Form vs. meaning-driven variation

Chark, Jordan, Roland Mühlenbernd, Uli Sauerland & Stephanie Solt

Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 12

11. - 13.10.2023

Nice, France

Staff talk invited

On amounts and measures

Solt, Stephanie

TbiLLC 2023: Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation

18. - 22.09.2023

Telavi, Georgia

Staff talk invited

On amounts and measures

Solt, Stephanie

Semantics Workshop in Osaka


Osaka University

Staff talk invited

Numerals, imprecision, polarity (and homogeneity)

Solt, Stephanie

HNM2 — Gaps and imprecision in natural language semantics: homogeneity effects and beyond

19.07.2023 - 20.07.2023

Universität Wien

Staff poster talk

Not vary easy: Towards the unification of scalar implicature & understatement

Solt, Stephanie

Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 33

12.05.2023 - 14.05.2023

Yale University

Staff talk invited

Polarity sensitive equatives cross-linguistically

Solt, Stephanie, Eri Tanaka & Kenta Mizutani

Terraling meeting (virtual)


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Staff talk invited

Towards an alternative-based theory of understatement

Solt, Stephanie

Workshop on Alternatives, Expectations and Domain Widening

19.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv

Staff talk invited

Modeling (im)precision in context

Solt, Stephanie & Roland Mühlenbernd

SFB1412 Colloquium (virtual)


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Staff talk invited

On the underspecification of measurement

Solt, Stephanie

AG Change of State Verbs, 44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (virtual)

23.02.2022 - 25.02.2022

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Staff talk invited

'Much', polarity and register

Solt, Stephanie

Online-Colloquium "Empirical English Linguistics"


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Staff talk invited

Social meaning of indefinites

Chark, Jordan, Stephanie Solt & Uli Sauerland

Psychosemantics Colloquium (virtual)


Universität Potsdam

Staff talk

Assertability differences between epistemic adverbs and adjectives

Yatsushiro, Kazuko, Tue Trinh, Marzena Żygis, Stephanie Solt, Anton Benz & Manfred Krifka

Sinn und Bedeutung 26 (virtual)

08.09.2021 - 10.09.2021

Universität zu Köln


Staff talk invited

On saying less with more

Solt, Stephanie

Scales, Degrees and Implicature: Novel Synergies between Semantics and Pragmatics

26.05.2021 - 28.05.2021

Universität Potsdam

Staff talk invited

On the social meaning of (im)precision in context

Solt, Stephanie, Andrea Beltrama & Heather Burnett

Oppressive Speech, Societies & Norms: Social Meaning & Semantics/Pragmatics (virtual)

18.02.2021 - 19.02.2021

ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

M-modifiers and varieties of degree modification

Solt, Stephanie & E. Cameron Wilson

Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Modification (virtual)

28.01.2021 - 30.01.2021

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Staff talk

M-modifiers, attenuation & polarity sensitivity

Solt, Stephanie & E. Cameron Wilson

Sinn und Bedeutung 25 (virtual)

03.09.2020 - 09.09.2020

University College London (UCL) / Queen Mary University of London

Staff poster talk

M-Degree Modifiers and Polar Sensitivity

Solt, Stephanie & E. Cameron Wilson

Degree Expressions and Polarity Effects (DegPol2020)

09.03.2020 - 10.03.2020

ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk

Licensing of Minimizer PPIs under Negation

Ihara, Shun, Stephanie Solt, Kenta Mizutani & Eri Tanaka

Degree Expressions and Polarity Effects (DegPol2020)

09.03.2020 - 10.03.2020

ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Equative semantics and polarity sensitivity

Tanaka, Eri, Kenta Mizutani & Stephanie Solt

Degree Expressions and Polarity Effects (DegPol2020)

09.03.2020 - 10.03.2020

ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk

On two polarity-sensitive equative constructions

Tanaka, Eri, Kenta Mizutani & Stephanie Solt

Variation in the lexical semantics of adjectives and their cross-linguistic kin, 42. DGfS-Jahrestagung 2020

05.03.2020 - 06.03.2020

Universität Hamburg

Staff talk

Existential semantics in equatives in Japanese and German

Tanaka, Eri, Kenta Mizutani & Stephanie Solt

22nd Amsterdam Colloquium

18.12.2019 - 20.12.2019

University of Amsterdam

Staff talk

Equative 'hodo' and the polarity effects of existential semantics

Tanaka, Eri, Kenta Mizutani & Stephanie Solt


10.11.2019 - 12.11.2019

Keio University, Yokohama Japan

Staff talk invited

Bare and approximator-modified numerals under negation

Solt, Stephanie & Brandon Waldon

Numerals in Grammar and Beyond

17.10.2019 - 18.10.2019

Leiden University

Staff talk

How pragmatic precision affects social perception: a socio-pragmatic study

Beltrama, Andrea, Heather Burnett & Stephanie Solt


10.10.2019 - 12.10.2019

University of Oregon

Staff talk invited

Disentangling the types and sources of adjectival subjectivity

Solt, Stephanie

Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 11

20.09.2019 - 22.09.2019

Warsaw University

Staff talk

The effect of precision and context on social perception

Beltrama, Andrea, Heather Burnett & Stephanie Solt

Sinn und Bedeutung 24



Staff talk

Scalar comparison via 'eher'

Umbach, Carla & Stephanie Solt

Sinn und Bedeutung 24



Staff poster talk

The effect of precision and context on social perception

Beltrama, Andrea, Heather Burnett & Stephanie Solt


03.09.2019 - 05.09.2019

Queen Mary University London

Staff poster talk

Interplay of scalar and manner implicature

Gotzner, Nicole, Stephanie Solt & Anton Benz

The semantics and pragmatics of gradable adjectives (XPrag ADJ19)


Universität zu Köln

Staff poster talk

The effect of precision and context on social perception

Beltrama, Andrea, Heather Burnett & Stephanie Solt

Social Meaning Berlin 2019

20.03.2019 – 21.03.2019

ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk invited

The polarity sensitivity of 'much' words cross-linguistically

Solt, Stephanie


University of Osaka

Staff talk invited

Pragmatic strengthening and scalar ambiguity

Solt, Stephanie

Ambiguity as (information) gaps

16.11.2018 – 17.11.2018

U Tübingen

Staff poster talk

Microvariation in the polarity sensitivity of Germanic quantity words

Solt, Stephanie & Jennifer Sander


27.09.2018 – 28.09.2018

U Göttingen

Staff talk invited

The case for semi-ordered scales

Solt, Stephanie

Logic Now and Then 4 (LNAT 4): Scales in language and logic


KU Leuven, Brussels

Staff talk

Not much: On the variable polarity sensitivity of ‘much’ words cross-linguistically

Solt, Stephanie

Sinn und Bedeutung 23

05.09.2018 - 07.09.2018

U Barcelona

Staff poster talk

Scalar implicature and negative strengthening in different types of gradable adjectives

Gotzner, Nicole, Stephanie Solt & Anton Benz

Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 28

18.05.2018 - 20.05.2018

MIT, Cambridge/MA

Staff poster talk

Some three students: Towards a unified account of ‘some’

Solt, Stephanie & Jon Stevens

Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 28

18.05.2018 - 20.05.2018

MIT, Cambridge/MA

Staff talk invited

Diagnosing the types and sources of adjectival subjectivity: underspecification vs. judge-dependence

Solt, Stephanie

Workshop on Testing Linguistic Intuitions

16.03.2018 - 17.03.2018

U Hamburg

Staff talk

Iconicity in language: Evidence from social media corpora

Fuchs, Susanne, Egor Savin, Uwe D. Reichel, Cornelia Ebert, Stephanie Solt & Manfred Krifka



ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Diagnosing two sources of subjectivity

Solt, Stephanie

Subjective Language

13.11.2017 - 14.11.2017

ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Approximators as a case study of attenuating polarity items

Solt, Stephanie

48th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 48)

27.10.2017 - 29.10.2017

U Reykjavik

Staff talk

Do quantifiers count?

Solt, Stephanie

Kick-Off Workshop 'Cognitive Semantics and Quantities'

28.09.2017 - 29.09.2017

U Amsterdam

Staff talk

About 40 or so people: how and why we approximate

Solt, Stephanie

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2017

Leibniz-Geschäftsstelle, Berlin

Staff poster talk

"Some" approximations: an experimental investigation

Solt, Stephanie, Jon Stevens & Brandon Waldon

XPrag 2017

21.06.2017 - 23.06.2017

U Köln

Staff talk

Approximators under negation: empirical findings

Solt, Stephanie & Brandon Waldon

Negation and Negativity in Natural Language

27.04.2017 - 29.4.2017

U Bochum

Staff talk

The semantics and pragmatics of "some 27 arrests"

Stevens, Jon & Stephanie Solt

41st Penn Linguistics Conference

24.03.2017 - 26.03.2017

U Pennsylvania

Staff talk

Approximators as polarity items: empirical findings

Solt, Stephanie

Leipzig Linguistik Colloquium


U Leipzig

Staff talk

Some 27 arrests: Why some + numeral isn t an approximator, and what it might be

Stephanie Solt and Jon Stevens

91st Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America

05.01.2017 - 08.01.2017

Austin, TX

Staff talk

Some 27 arrests: Why "some" + numeral isn't an approximator, and what it might be

Solt, Stephanie & Jon Stevens

91st Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America

05.01.2017 - 08.01.2017

U Texas, Austin

Staff talk

Approximators and Polarity

Solt, Stephanie


Universität Köln

Staff talk

Approximators and Polarity - Preliminary Findings

Solt, Stephanie


SynSem Colloquium, University of Potsdam

Staff talk

Proportional comparatives and relative scales

Solt, Stephanie


25.10.2016 - 26.10.2016

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Staff poster talk

Proportional comparatives and relative scales

Solt, Stephanie

Sinn und Bedeutung 21

04.09.2016 - 06.09.2016


Staff talk

Degree and quantity: semantics and conceptual representation

Solt, Stephanie

RefSemPlus Workshop, ESSLLI 2016

22.08.2016 - 26.08.2016

University of Bolzano

Staff talk

English 'rather' vs. German 'eher': A Study in Semantic Micro-variation

Solt, Stephanie & Carla Umbach

17th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics

04.03.2016 - 07.03.2016

Szklarska Poreba


Staff talk

Granularity and weak dIsjunction

Solt, Stephanie


13.10.2015 - 14.10.2015

Bar Ilan University, Israel


Staff poster talk

The subjectivity of gradable adjectives and the absolute/relative distinction

Solt, Stephanie

Sinn und Bedeutung 20

09.09.2015 - 12.10.2015


Staff poster talk

Faultless comparatives and the subjectivity of gradable adjective

Solt, Stephanie

Experimental Pragmatics 2015

16.07.2015 - 18.07.2015

University of Chicago

Staff talk

Varieties of range approximations

Solt, Stephanie



Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS

Staff talk

Multidimensionality, subjectivity and scales: experimental evidence

Solt, Stephanie

Workshop on Gradability, Scale Structure and Vagueness: Experimental Perspectives

27.05.2015 - 28.05.2015



Staff talk

English rather vs. German eher: A study in semantic micro variation

Umbach, Carla & Stephanie Solt


U Oslo, Forum for Theoretical Linguistics

Staff poster talk

An alternative account of imprecision

Stephanie Solt

Semantics and Linguistics Theory (SALT) 24

30.05.2014 - 01.06.2014

New York U

Staff talk

Experimental contributions to a theory of vagueness and gradability

Solt, Stephanie

New Directions in Experimental Semantics

26.03.2014 - 28.03.2014

City U New York

Staff talk

The ruler model of granularity

Solt, Stephanie


Center for Research in Syntax, Semantics & Phonology (CRISSP), Brussels

Staff poster talk

On the processing benefit of roundness

Solt, Stephanie, Chris Cummins & Marijan Palmovi

XPRAG-2013: The 5th Biennial Conference of Experimental Pragmatics

04.09.2013 - 06.09.2013

Utrecht U


Staff talk

Linguistic ways and benefits of being vague

Krifka, Manfred & Stephanie Solt

Ringvorlesung, Institut für Psychologie


HU Berlin


Staff talk

Linguistic ways and benefits of being vague

Solt, Stephanie & Manfred Krifka

Dealing Reasonably with Blurred Boundaries

25.04.2013 - 27.04.2013

Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover

Staff talk

Preference for rounding

Solt, Stephanie, Chris Cummins & Marijan Palmovi

87th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America

03.01.2013 - 06.01.2013



Staff talk

Observations on 'much' as an NPI

Solt, Stephanie

Much Ado about 'Much': The Semantics and Pragmatics of Quantity Expressions

12.10.2012 - 13.10.2012


Staff talk

Observations on 'much' as an NPI

Solt, Stephanie

Much Ado about Much: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Quantity Expressions

12.10.2012 - 13.10.2012


Staff talk

What exactly does 'exactly' mean? Unifying scalar and NPI 'exactly'

Solt, Stephanie

LeGO, ILLC University of Amsterdam



Staff poster talk

Experimenting with Degree

Solt, Stephanie & Nicole Gotzner

Poster, Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 22

18.05.2012 - 20.05.2012



Staff talk

Experimental insights into the nature of degree

Solt, Stephanie & Nicole Gotzner


U Bochum

Staff talk

Who here is tall? Comparison classes, standards and scales

Solt, Stephanie & Nicole Gotzner

Linguistic Evidence 2012

09.02.2012 - 11.02.2012



Staff talk

Three aspects of scale structure

Solt, Stephanie



Staff talk

Preference for approximation

Solt, Stephanie, Chris Cummins & Marijan Palmovi

2nd Euro-XPRAG Workshop

30.09.2011 - 02.10.2011

Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

Staff talk

Vagueness, imprecision and scales

Solt, Stephanie

LogICCC Final Conference

15.09.2011 - 18.09.2011


Staff talk

The interpretation of vague predicates - experimental insights

Gotzner, Nicole, Marijan Palmovi & Stephanie Solt

LogICCC Final Conference

15.09.2011 - 18.09.2011


Staff talk

Comparison to fuzzy standards

Solt, Stephanie

Sinn und Bedeutung 16

06.09.2011 - 08.09.2011



Staff talk

Most, more than half and scale structure

Solt, Stephanie


U Frankfurt/Main

Staff talk

Implicatures and modified numerals

Cummins, Chris, Uli Sauerland & Stephanie Solt

4th Biennial Conference on Experimental Pragmatics

02. - 04.06.2011

U Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Staff talk

More than 100 implicatures

Cummins, Chris, Uli Sauerland & Stephanie Solt

85th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America

06. - 09.01.2011


Staff talk

Experimental evidence for implicatures with modified numerals

Cummins, Chris, Uli Sauerland & Stephanie Solt

85th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America

06. - 09.01.2011



Staff talk

Some cases of vague quantity

Solt, Stephanie

Vague Quantities and Vague Quantifiers (VQ2)

08.12.2010 - 09.12.2010


Staff talk

Varieties of most

Solt, Stephanie

Logic and Engineering of Nautral Language Semantics 7 (LENLS VII)

18. - 19.11.2010

Campus Innovation Center, Tokyo

Staff talk

The semantics of quantity adjectives

Solt, Stephanie

Nanzan Linguistics Colloquium


U Nanzan (J)

Staff talk

How many most's?

Solt, Stephanie

Sinn und Bedeutung 15

09. - 11.09.2010



Staff talk

An experimental investigation of vague predicates

Solt, Stephanie & Nicole Gotzner

2nd VAAG Workshop

27.04.2010 - 30.04.2010


Staff talk

Who uses round numbers?

Sauerland, Uli & Stephanie Solt

2nd VAAG Workshop

27. - 30.04.2010


Staff talk

Vagueness in quantity

Solt, Stephanie

MiDiSoVa Workshop

26. - 28.03.2010



Staff talk

Expensive, not expensive or cheap? An experimental investigation of vague predicates

Solt, Stephanie & Nicole Gotzner

The 11th Szklarska Poreba Workshop

11.03.2010 - 15.03.2010

Szklarska Poreba (PL)


Staff talk

On the expression of proportion: Most and more than half

Solt, Stephanie

84th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America


Baltimore, MD (USA)


Staff talk

Much support and more

Solt, Stephanie

Seventeenth Amsterdam Colloquium



Staff talk

Most and more than half: Two modes of proportion

Solt, Stephanie

CUNY Syntax Supper


CUNY Graduate Center, New York

Staff talk

The vague expression of quantity

Solt, Stephanie

Logical Models of Reasoning with Vague Information


ejkovice (CZ)


Staff talk

Notes on the comparison class

Solt, Stephanie

Vagueness in Communication (VIC), ESSLLI '09




Staff talk

A scale-based approach to 'most' and 'more than half'

Solt, Stephanie

Workshop 'Vagueness, Approximation and Granularity' (VAAG)


ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Update on granularity experiments

Krifka, Manfred, Stephanie Solt & Nicole Gotzner

Workshop 'Vagueness, Approximation and Granularity' (VAAG)


ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Update on Basque experiments

Krifka, Manfred, Stephanie Solt & Nicole Gotzner

VAAG Workshop

25.06.2009 - 26.06.2009

ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Most and more than half

Solt, Stephanie

4th Workshop on Optimality Theory and Interpretation



Staff talk

On the semantics of adjectives of quantity

Solt, Stephanie


ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Attributive quantity words as nonrestrictive modifiers

Solt, Stephanie

The 39th Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS39)


Cornell U

Staff talk

Two types of modified cardinals

Solt, Stephanie

International Conference on Adjectives




Staff talk

A degree-based semantics for many and few

Solt, Stephanie

LSA Annual Meeting


Anaheim, CA (USA)

Staff talk

Abstract categories vs. limited scope formulae: The case of children's determiners

Valian, Virginia, Stephanie Solt & John Stewart

31st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Acquisition


Boston, MA (USA)

Staff talk

Phonological effects in emergent bilinguals' perception and production of the English regular past

Solt, Stephanie, Elaine C. Klein, Yana Pugach & Iglika Stoyneshka

BilingLatAm: First international symposium on bilingualism and bilingual education in Latin America


Buenos Aires