- since 01/2022
Research data management of the ERC Project Realizing Leibniz’s Dream: Child Languages as a Mirror of the Mind - since 05/2019
Public Relations Officer of ZAS - 06/2014
Dissertation: "Bedeutung und informationsstrukturelle Funktion von Adverbialen auf –mäßig“; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manfred Krifka - 04/2014 – 06/2022
Project-Manager, SPP 1727 XPrag.de: New Pragmatic Theories based on Experimental Evidence (PD Dr. Uli Sauerland) - 01/2011 - 12/2013
Researcher, project Implikaturen und Diskursstruktur (IDis) at Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin - 08/2009 - 12/2010
Scholarship holder at Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin - 02/2009 - 08/2009
Project-Manager, CHLaSC-Characterizing Human Language by Structural Complexity (Prof. Dr. Manfred Krifka / PD Dr. Uli Sauerland) at Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin, project is closed - 02/2008 - 01/2009
Stay abroad in Berkeley, CA, USA - 12/2006 - 01/2008
Project-Manager, CHLaSC-Characterizing Human Language by Structural Complexity (Prof. Dr. Manfred Krifka / PD Dr. Uli Sauerland) at Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin - 01/2006 - 11/2006
Researcher, project P9 Kompositionale Semantik der C-Domäne: Positions- und Interpretationsoptionen für den Variationsbereich Satztopikalität (Prof. Dr. Claudia Maienborn) at Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin - 23.12.2005
Magister in German Linguistics/ Computer Science
Thesis: "Präpositionalphrasen an der linken Peripherie: Überlegungen zu ihrer Syntax und Semantik"; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin