The Research Theme Speech Acts and Perspective is mainly carried out by the five-year ERC Advanced Grant Speech Acts in Grammar and Discourse (SPAGAD). The project spans activities across all four research areas. One main goal is the development of a formal dynamic model for speech acts, as the minimal meaningful units of human communication. In particular, the model should be able to specify how particles, sentence adverbials and dependent clauses are able to modify speech acts like assertions, questions, commands and exclamatives. It also investigates the role of speech acts in conversations and the social standards in their use, and how speech acts and their standards are acquired. Speech acts connect with the Research Theme on perspective, already well established at ZAS, as expressions relating to speech acts often signal a shift of perspective from the speaker to other persons, like the addressee, a bystander or a third person referred to. Phenomena related to speech acts and perspective will be investigated broadly and with respect to different languages and speaker communities within languages; it is planned to investigate sentence mood, verb placement, pronoun choice, discourse particles, question choice and prosody.
Publikation 29.05.2024
Trinh, Tue
Publikation 24.05.2024
Buch, Friederike
Publikation 22.04.2024
Krifka, Manfred
Publikation 16.04.2024
Trinh, Tue
Publikation 19.01.2024
Goodhue, Daniel
Publikation 19.01.2024
Trinh, Tue
Publikation 12.01.2024
Krifka, Manfred
Publikation 13.12.2023
Trinh, Tue, Trang Phan & Vu Duc Nghieu
Publikation 01.10.2023
Goodhue, Daniel, Valentine Hacquard & Jeffrey Lidz
Publikation 31.08.2023
Trinh, Tue
Publikation 11.08.2023
Żygis, Marzena, Nasim Mahdinazhad Sardhaei & Manfred Krifka
Publikation 14.07.2023
Yatsushiro, Kazuko
Publikation 14.07.2023
Trinh, Tue & Itai Bassi
Publikation 06.06.2023
Krifka, Manfred
Publikation 12.04.2023
Francis, Naomi, Patrick Georg Grosz & Pritty Patel-Grosz
Publikation 13.03.2023
Krifka, Manfred
Publikation 22.12.2022
Bill, Cory & Todor Koev
Publikation 19.12.2022
Goodhue, Daniel & Junko Shimoyama
Publikation 19.12.2022
Goodhue, Daniel
Publikation 05.12.2022
Goodhue, Daniel
Publikation 01.09.2022
Meinunger, André
Publikation 24.08.2022
Krifka, Manfred
Publikation 19.08.2022
Yatsushiro, Kazuko, Tue Trinh, Marzena Żygis, Stephanie Solt, Anton ...
Publikation 28.04.2022
Trinh, Tue
Publikation 10.12.2021
Krifka, Manfred
Publikation 10.12.2021
Krifka, Manfred
Publikation 18.08.2021
Benz, Anton
Publikation 10.06.2021
Popa-Wyatt, Mihaela
Publikation 01.06.2021
Krifka, Manfred
Publikation 24.03.2021
Bill, Cory & Todor Koev
Publikation 25.01.2021
Krifka, Manfred
Publikation 29.09.2020
Schmitt, Marvin
Publikation 28.08.2020
Krifka, Manfred
Publikation 13.06.2020
Kamali, Beste & Manfred Krifka
Publikation 13.06.2020
Kamali, Beste & Manfred Krifka
Publikation 04.06.2020
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Artemis Alexiadou
Publikation 27.05.2020
Popa-Wyatt, Mihaela
Publikation 04.03.2020
Popa-Wyatt, Mihaela