Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Narrative texts by children and adults: insights into their organization through a prism of language system and environmental factors

Editor(s) Weber, Oliver, Josefin Lindgren & Natalia Gagarina (eds.)
Date of publication 2019
Series title ZAS papers in linguistics (ZASPiL 62)
Publisher ZAS
Place Berlin
Publisher website
Open Access

Contributions by ZAS authors

Introduction [Narrative texts by children and adults: insights into their organization through a prism of language system and environmental factors]

Weber, Oliver, Josefin Lindgren & Natalia Gagarina. 2019. Introduction [Narrative texts by children and adults: insights into their organization through a prism of language system and environmental factors]. Narrative texts by children and adults: insights into their organization through a prism of language system and environmental factors. ZAS papers in linguistics (ZASPiL 62). Berlin: ZAS.

Ist der Verbwortschatz entscheidend für die Makrostruktur? Eine Analyse anhand elizitierter Narrative deutsch-russisch bilingualer Vor- und Grundschulkinder

Sürmeli, Natalie. 2019. Ist der Verbwortschatz entscheidend für die Makrostruktur? Eine Analyse anhand elizitierter Narrative deutsch-russisch bilingualer Vor- und Grundschulkinder. Narrative texts by children and adults: insights into their organization through a prism of language system and environmental factors. ZAS papers in linguistics (ZASPiL 62). Berlin: ZAS.

Identifying early preschool bilinguals with DLD: A composite profile of narrative and sentence repetition skills

Gagarina, Natalia, Stefanie Gey & Natalie Sürmeli. 2019. Identifying early preschool bilinguals with DLD: A composite profile of narrative and sentence repetition skills. Narrative texts by children and adults: insights into their organization through a prism of language system and environmental factors. ZAS papers in linguistics (ZASPiL 62). Berlin: ZAS.

Macrostructural organization of adults’ oral narrative texts

Gagarina, Natalia, Ute Bohnacker & Josefin Lindgren. 2019. Macrostructural organization of adults’ oral narrative texts. Narrative texts by children and adults: insights into their organization through a prism of language system and environmental factors. ZAS papers in linguistics (ZASPiL 62). Berlin: ZAS.