Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Andreea Nicolae

Presentations & Poster

Staff talk

More than one way to free choice: A view from child Romanian.

Panaitescu, Mara, Adina Camelia Bleotu, Alexandre Cremers, Andreea Nicolae, Anton Benz, Gabriela Bîlbîie & Lyn Tieu

24th Amsterdam Colloquium

18. - 20.12.2024

ILLC University of Amsterdam

Staff poster talk

On the anti-exhaustive inference of ya

Nicolae, Andreea, Yasutada Sudo, Muyi Yang

24th Amsterdam Colloquium

18. - 20.12.2024

ILLC University of Amsterdam

Staff talk

Free choice inferences and exclusivity in adults: Insights from simple and complex disjunctions in Romanian

Panaitescu, Mara, Lyn Tieu, Andreea Nicolae, Gabriela Bilbiie, Anton Benz, & Adina Camelia Bleotu.

5th Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference (XPRAG.it 2024)

26. - 27.09.24

San Camillo Hospital IRCCS, Venice Lido, Italy

Staff poster talk

Incompatible disjuncts boost the acquisition of disjunction in child Romanian.

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Andreea Nicolae, Gabriela Bilbiie, Mara Panaitescu, Anton Benz & Lyn Tieu

5th Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference (XPRAG.it 2024)

26. - 17.09.2024

San Camillo Hospital IRCCS, Venice Lido, Italy

Staff talk

FC with discourse referents: the curious case of ‘any’

Alxatib, Sam & Andreea Nicolae

Sinn und Bedeutung 29

17. – 19.09.2024

Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale, Noto, Italia

Staff talk

The role of incompatible disjuncts in the acquisition of disjunction: Insights from studies involving actual and missing logical words in child Romanian

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Andreea Nicolae, Gabriela Bilbiie, Mara Panaitescu, Anton Benz & Lyn Tieu

Sinn und Bedeutung 29

17. – 19.09.2024

Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale, Noto, Italia

Staff talk invited

Expressing and Embedding Bias: Remarks on "On the Grammatical Status of Speech Act Level Prosody"

Nicolae, Andreea

Workshop on Speech Act Related Operators

27. - 29.06.2024

Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin

Staff poster talk

A nonce investigation of a possible conjunctive default for disjunction

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Andreea Nicolae, Mara Panaitescu, Gabriela Bilbiie, Anton Benz & Lyn Tieu

Experiments in Linguistic Meaning

12. - 14.06.2024

University of Pennsylvania

Staff poster talk

Coloring disjunction in child Romanian

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Mara Panaitescu, Anton Benz, Andreea Nicolae, Gabriela Bilbiie & Lyn Tieu

Experiments in Linguistic Meaning

12. - 14.06.2024

University of Pennsylvania

Staff poster talk

Experimentally investigating the strengthening properties of disjunction in French: When exclusivity meets free choice and ad hoc implicatures

Tieu, Lyn, Yawovi Godo, Lydia Mei & Andreea Nicolae

Experiments in Linguistic Meaning

12. - 14.06.2024

University of Pennsylvania

Staff poster talk

Exceptives under negation: strengthening the case for p-exh

Andreea Nicolae, Aron Hirsch & Anamaria Falaus

Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT34)

28. – 30.05.2024

University of Rochester

Staff talk

Does merely hearing and boost implicatures with disjunction or is relevance also needed?

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Andreea Nicolae, Anton Benz, Alexandre Cremers, Gabriela Bilbiie, Mara Panaitescu & Lyn Tieu

42nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 42)

12.04. - 14.04.2024

Universitiy of California, Berkeley

Staff poster talk

Is there a conjunctive default in the interpretation of disjunction? A nonce word approach

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Andreea Nicolae, Gabriela Bilbiie, Mara Panaitescu, Anton Benz & Lyn Tieu

Linguistic evidence 2024

22. - 23.02.2024

Universität Potsdam

Staff talk invited

Varieties of disjunctions

Nicolae, Andreea

The NihiL Workshop

31.01. - 02.02.2024


Staff poster talk

On the role of alternatives and QUD in implicatures with disjunction in child Romanian

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Rodica Ivan, Mara Panaitescu, Monica Casa, Anton Benz, Lyn Tieu & Andreea Nicolae

48th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD)

02. - 05.11.2023

Boston University

Staff poster talk

The conjunctive interpretation of disjunction is not just an experimental artifact: Insights from marked and unmarked disjunctions in child Romanian

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Rodica Ivan, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Monica Casa, Mara Panaitescu, Anton Benz, Lyn Tieu & Andreea Nicolae

10th biennial meeting of Experimental Pragmatics (XPRAG)

20. - 22.09.2023

Université Paris Cité

Staff talk

Multiple disjunctions in child Romanian: On the possible sources of conjunctive readings

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Rodica Ivan, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Monica Casa, Mara Panaitescu, Anton Benz, Lyn Tieu & Andreea Nicolae

Sinn und Bedeutung 28

05. - 08.09.2023

Ruhr University Bochum

Staff talk

Exclusivity of disjunctions: a cross-linguistic study

Nicolae, Andreea, Aliona Petrenco, Anastasia Tsilia & Paul Marty

Sinn und Bedeutung 28

05. - 08.09.2023

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Staff poster talk

Investigating the effect of prosodic markedness on the interpretation of simple disjunction in Romanian

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Rodica Ivan, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Monica Casa, Mara Panaitescu, Andreea Nicolae, Anton Benz & Lyn Tieu

Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 29)

31.08. - 02.09.2023

San Sebastian, Spain

Staff poster talk

Evidence from child Romanian for the conjunctive interpretation of disjunction

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Rodica Ivan, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Monica Casa, Mara Panaitescu, Anton Benz, Lyn Tieu & Andreea Nicolae

Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 29)

31.08. - 02.09.2023

San Sebastian, Spain

Staff poster talk

Not all complex disjunctions are alike: On inclusive and conjunctive interpretations in child Romanian

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Rodica Ivan, Andreea Nicolae, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Anton Benz, Mara Panaitescu & Lyn Tieu.

CogSci 2023

26. - 29.07.2023



Staff talk

Insights into the acquisition of simple and complex disjunction markers in Romanian

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Rodica Ivan, Andreea Nicolae, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Anton Benz, Mara Panaitescu & Lyn Tieu

53rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 53)

26. - 30.06.2023

INALCO, Université Paris Cité, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, and Université Paris Saclay


Staff talk

Exclusivity of disjunctions: a cross-linguistic study

Nicolae, Andreea, Aliona Petrenco, Anastasia Tsilia & Paul Marty

logic^grammar^meaning workshop

07. - 08.06.2023

Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca

Staff talk

Negative concord and the Mass/Count distinction

Nicolae, Andreea, Paloma Jeretic, Letitzia Raminelli & Uli Sauerland

logic^grammar^meaning workshop

07. - 08.06.2023

Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca

Staff talk invited

Exclusivity of disjunctions: a cross-linguistic study

Nicolae, Andreea, Aliona Petrenco, Anastasia Tsilia & Paul Marty

Oberseminar English Linguistics


Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Staff poster talk

Experimental insights into markedness and the interpretation of disjunction in Romanian

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Rodica Ivan, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Monica Casa, Mara Panaitescu, Andreea Nicolae, Anton Benz & Lyn Tieu

36th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing

09. - 11.03.2023

University of Pittsburgh

Staff talk invited

Simple and Complex Disjunction in Romanian: An Experimental Approach

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Rudmila Rodica Ivan, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Monica Casa, Mara Panaitescu, Andreea Nicolae, Anton Benz & Lyn Tieu

Advances in Generative Grammar workshop, Annual International Conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages


Universitatea din București

Staff poster talk

Indefinite quantifiers versus disjunctions: the view from distributive readings

Nicolae, Andreea

Sinn und Bedeutung (hybrid)

14.09.2022 - 16.09.2022

Univerzita Karlova, Prague

Staff talk invited

Exclusive Interpretations of Disjunction in Japanese-speaking Children

Nicolae, Andreea

Michigan State University Linguistics Colloquium (virtual)


Michigan State University

Staff talk

The polarity of additive particles

Nicolae, Andreea

Tsinghua Interdisciplinary Workshop on Logic, Language, and Meaning

17.12.2020 - 20.12.2020


Staff talk

Functional multiple wh-free relatives

Nicolae, Andreea

North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 51 (virtual)

06.11.2020 - 08.11.2020

Université du Québec à Montréal

Staff poster talk

When children interpret disjunction exclusively

Yatsushiro, Kazuko, Andreea Nicolae, Mana Asano, Yoichi Miyamoto & Shuki Otani

45th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 45) (virtual)

05.11.2020 - 08.11.2020

Boston University

Staff talk

Additive free choice items in unconditionals

Fălăuș, Anamaria & Andreea Nicolae

SinFonIJA 13 (virtual)

24.09.2020 - 26.09.2020


Staff poster talk

Exclusive children in Japanese: evidence from disjunction in subject position

Asano, Mana, Yoichi Miyamoto, Andreea Nicolae, Shuki Otani & Kazuko Yatsushiro

ELM: Experiments in Linguistic Meaning

16.09.2020 - 18.09.2020

University of Pennsylvania

Poster file

Staff talk

Additive free choice items in unconditionals

Fălăuș, Anamaria & Andreea Nicolae

Sinn und Bedeutung 25 (virtual)

03.09.2020 - 09.09.2020

UCL London

Staff talk

The polarity of additive particles

Nicolae, Andreea

Sinn und Bedeutung 25 (virtual)

03.09.2020 - 09.09.2020

University College London (UCL) / Queen Mary University of London

Staff poster talk

The polarity of additive particles

Nicolae, Andreea

GLOW 43: Generative Linguistics in the Old World

08.04.2020 - 20.04.2020

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Staff poster talk

Not eating 'kein' veggies: negative concord in child German

Nicolae, Andreea & Kazuko Yatsushiro

Degree Expressions and Polarity Effects (DegPol2020)

09.03.2020 - 10.03.2020

ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk

Not eating 'kein' veggies: negative concord in child German

Nicolae, Andreea & Kazuko Yatsushiro

Linguistic Evidence 2020

13.02.2020 - 15.02.2020

Universität Tübingen

Staff talk invited

Functional multiple wh-relatives

Nicolae, Andreea

Complex multiple wh-constructions

25.11.2019 - 26.11.2019

Nantes, France

Staff poster talk

The relative scope of connectives and negation in Japanese children

Otani, Shuko, Andreea Nicolae, Mana Asano, Yoichi Miyamoto & Kazuko Yatsushiro

44th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD)

07.11.2019 - 10.11.2019

Boston University

Staff talk invited

Positive polarity disjunction

Nicolae, Andreea

On Development of Logical Language and Mathematical Concepts

08.03.2019 - 11.03.2019

Osaka University

Staff talk

Coordinated wh-expressions

Elliott, Patrick & Andreea Nicolae

Multiple wh- constructions and their kin (internal workshop)

17.09. - 18.09.2018

Laboratoire de Linguistique, Nantes

Staff talk

'Who' and Number Marking: What Spanish and Hungarian tell us

Sauerland, Uli, Patrick Elliott & Andreea Nicolae

XPrag Dojo meeting

U Tübingen

Staff talk

Sorting out who's who: higher-order quantification and the interpretation of number cross-linguistically

Nicolae, Andreea, Patrick D. Elliott & Uli Sauerland

CLS 53 (Chicago Linguistic Society)

25.05.2017 - 27.05.2017


Staff talk

Shielding positive polarity indefinites

Nicolae, Andreea


12.05.2017 - 14.05.2017

U Maryland


Staff talk

Who and what do who and what range over cross-linguistically?

Nicolae, Andreea, Patrick D. Elliott & Uli Sauerland


12.05.2017 - 14.05.2017

U Maryland

Staff talk

Strict negative concord: a view from fragment answers and double negations

Nicolae, Andreea & Anamaria Fălăuş

Landscape of Neg-Words

28.03.2017 - 29.03.2017

U Göttingen

Staff talk

Understanding the distribution of positive polarity indefinites

Nicolae, Andreea

UCL Semantics research seminar

UCL, London

Staff poster talk

Who and what do who and what range over cross-linguistically?

Nicolae, Andreea, Patrick D. Elliott & Uli Sauerland

Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Presuppositions

03.03.2017 - 05.03.2017

U Genua

Staff talk

Reducing the locality of PPI anti-licensing to an instance of PPI shielding

Nicolae, Andreea

LSA 2017 Annual Meeting

05.01.2017 - 07.01.2017


Staff talk

Cumulative readings beyond nominals

Nicolae, Andreea & Patrick D. Elliott

LSA 2017 Annual Meeting

05.01.2017 - 07.01.2017


Staff talk invited

A new take on shielding and locality of anti-licensing of PPIs

Nicolae, Andreea C

Oberseminar: English Linguistics


U Göttingen

Staff talk

A new take on shielding and locality of anti-licensing of PPIs

Nicolae, Andreea C.

LogiCon Workshop


Utrecht U

Staff talk invited

Reducing the locality of PPI anti-licensing to an instance of PPI shielding

Nicolae, Andreea C.

Workshop on Exhaustivity and cognitive architecture



Staff talk

Cumulative readings beyond nominals

Elliott, Patrick D. & Andreea C. Nicolae

Linguistic Association of Great Britain (LAGB)


U of York

Staff talk

Fragment answers and double negation in strict negative concord languages

Fălăuș, Anamaria & Andreea C. Nicolae

Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 26


U Texas at Austin

Staff talk

N-words in fragment answers

Fălăuș, Anamaria & Andreea C. Nicolae

Workshop on Questions, Answers & Negation


HU Berlin

Staff talk

Positive Polarity and Obligatory Ignorance Inferences

Nicolae, Andreea

Semantics Colloquium


U Utrecht

Staff talk

List Readings of Conjoined Singular Which-Phrases

Nicolae, Andreea, Patrick D. Elliott & Yasutada Sudo



Concordia U, Montreal

Staff talk

Simple disjunction PPIs: a case for obligatory epistemic inferences

Nicolae, Andreea



Concordia U, Montreal

Staff talk

Simple disjunction PPIs: a case for obligatory epistemic inferences

Nicolae, Andreea

Workshop on Negation

16.09.2015 - 17.09.2015

U Göttingen

Staff talk

An exhaustification account of strict negative concord

Nicolae, Andreea & Anamaria Falaus

Workshop on Negation

16.09.2015 - 17.09.2015

U Göttingen

Staff poster talk

A contest of strength: 'or' versus 'either or'

Nicolae, Andreea & Uli Sauerland

Sinn und Bedeutung 20

09.09.2015 - 12.09.2015

U Tübingen

Staff poster talk

Disambiguation and Priming: The Effect of Equivalence

Nicolae, Andreea & Uli Sauerland

Sinn und Bedeutung 20

09.09.2015 - 12.09.2015

U Tübingen


Staff poster talk

Levels of exclusivity

Nicolae, Andreea & Uli Sauerland

Experimental Pragmatics 2015

16.07.2015 - 18.07.2015

U Chicago

Staff poster talk

Priming scalar inferences

Nicolae, Andreea & Uli Sauerland

SPP 1727 XPrag.de, Annual Meeting

26.06.2015 - 27.06.2015

Universität Göttingen


Staff talk

Priming scalar inferences

Nicolae, Andreea & Uli Sauerland


01.06.2015 - 03.06.2015

ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Strength differences of implicatures

Nicolae, Andreea & Uli Sauerland

II. Workshop at the semantics//pragmatics interface: Implicatures and presuppositions

19.03.2015 - 20.03.2015

University of Siena

Staff talk

The positive polarity aspect of weak disjunction

Nicolae, Andreea

DGfS Jahrestagung

04.03.2015 - 06.03.2015

U Leipzig

Staff talk

Deriving the PPI behavior of weak disjunction

Nicolae, Andreea

Workshop on Syntax & Semantics

08.02.2015 - 10.02.2015

U Jerusalem