Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Stefanie Jannedy

Presentations & Poster

Staff talk

Exploiting virtual reality for controlling interlocutor and location in speech research20. Jahrestreffen für Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P20 2024)

Oschkinat, Miriam, Denise Bischof, Melanie Weirich & Stefanie Jannedy

20. Jahrestreffen für Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P20 2024)

01. - 02.10.2024

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Staff poster talk

Gender and age based f0-variation in the German Plapper Corpus

Weirich, Melanie, Daniel Duran & Stefanie Jannedy

Interspeech 2024

01. – 05.09.2024

Kos, Greece

Staff talk

Gender effects on f0 variation in Germany

Duran, Daniel, Melanie Weirich, Natalie Bernau, Kemal Afzal & Stefanie Jannedy

Social Meaning Berlin 2023

14. - 15.11.2023

Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin

Staff poster talk

Eliciting phonetic register variation via app

Duran, Daniel, Melanie Weirich, Natalie Bernau & Stefanie Jannedy

Phonetik & Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum

06. - 07.10.2023

Universität Bern

Staff talk invited

Sprachexterne Faktoren haben Einfluss auf die Sprache: welche, wie und warum

Jannedy, Stefanie

Kiel Linguistik Kolloquium


Universität Kiel

Staff talk invited

Der Einfluss sprachexterner Faktoren auf die gesprochene Sprache - Wer spricht wie mit wem und warum?

Jannedy, Stefanie

Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprechwissenschaft und Sprecherziehung (DGSS): Stimme und Geschlecht im Wandel - Implikationen für Theorie und Praxis in der Sprechwissenschaft und Phonetik

23.09.2022 - 25.09.2022

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Staff talk invited

Phonetic detail and social meaning of the Berlin multi-ethnolect

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

The Sounds of Multiethnolects in (Western) Europe

09.06.2022 - 10.06.2022

Universität Zürich

Staff talk invited

Ethnicity as a factor in sociophonetics

Jannedy, Stefanie

Challenging Borders: From/Between Borders

11.11.2021 - 13.11.2021

Universität Bern

Staff talk

An experimental approach to cross-situational variation of single speakers

Brandt, Erika, Melanie Weirich, Gediminas Schüppenhauer & Stefanie Jannedy

New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV 49) (virtual)

19.10.2021 - 24.10.2021

The University of Texas at Austin


Staff talk invited

Fine Phonetic Detail in Intra-Individual Variation

Jannedy, Stefanie

Visit by Students from Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg


ZAS Berlin

Staff poster talk

What Pauses tell us about Register

Brandt, Erika, Gediminas Schüppenhauer, Johannes Witt, Melanie Weirich & Stefanie Jannedy

Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P17) (virtual)

29.09.2021 - 30.09.2021

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt


Staff poster talk

Phonetic Register Coding in Formal and Informal Speech

Brandt, Erika, Gediminas Schüppenhauer, Melanie Weirich & Stefanie Jannedy

4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE) (virtual)

21.06.2021 - 23.06.2021

Universitat Pompeu Fabra / Universitat de Barcelona

Staff talk invited

Diasporic German

Jannedy, Stefanie

Neighbor Languages

06.05.2021 - 07.05.2021

Københavns Universitet

Staff talk

Register Differences in Vowel Dispersion in Formal and Informal Situations

Duran, Daniel, Melanie Weirich, Gediminas Schüppenhauer & Stefanie Jannedy

International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLAVE 11)

11.04.2021 - 14.04.2021

Universität Wien

Staff talk invited

Fine phonetic detail in the context of social variation

Jannedy, Stefanie

Linguistic Representatitions and Language Processing (LiRLaP) (virtual)

25.03.2021 - 27.03.2021

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Staff poster talk

Register awareness in perception - visual and acoustic cues

Jannedy, Stefanie, Melanie Weirich

16. Tagung zur Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P16) (virtual)

10.09.2020 - 11.09.2020

Universität Trier

Staff talk invited


Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Seminar von Prof. Norma Mendoza-Denton (postponed)


University of California, Los Angeles

Staff poster talk

Language external factors as predictors in language processing

Jannedy, Stefanie, Melanie Weirich & Felicitas Kleber

42. DGfS-Jahrestagung 2020

04.03.2020 - 06.03.2020

Universität Hamburg

Staff talk invited

Fine Phonetic Detail & Social Meaning

Jannedy, Stefanie

Phonetisches Kolloquium (postponed)

05.02.2020 - 05.04.2020

Universität des Saarlandes

Staff talk invited

Phonetisches Detail und Soziale Bedeutung im Berliner Kiezdeutsch

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Vortragsreihe am Institut für Germanistik

27.01.2020 - 28.01.2020

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Staff talk invited

Sprachliches Kapital

Jannedy, Stefanie

Besuch Herder-Gymnasium


ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk

Vowels in Hood German: A Phonetic Analysis of Vowel Quality and Quantity

Rummel, Susanne, Stefanie Jannedy & Katharina Nimz

Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung

26.09.2019 - 27.09.2019


Staff talk

The Social Meaning of Diphthong Fronting in Berlin German

Jannedy, Stefanie, Melanie Weirich, Gediminas Schüppenhauer & Julia Mendelsohn

Phonetik & Phonologie Tagung

25.09.2019 - 27.09.2019


Staff talk

Factors influencing the stability of phonetic contrasts and phonemic oppositions

Kleber, Felicitas, Melanie Weirich & Stefanie Jannedy

41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, AG6

06.08.2019 - 08.08.2019

Universität Bremen

Staff talk invited

The State of Sociophonetics in Germany

Jannedy, Stefanie

Workshop on "Bio-Cultural Linguistic Anthropology"

19.05.2019 - 22.05.2019

Tuscaloosa, AL (USA)

Staff poster talk

What is in a Name?

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Conference on New Ways on Analyzing Variation (NWAV)

18.10.2018 – 21.10.2018

New York U

Staff talk

The ecological validity of crowd sourced data

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Phonetik und Phonologie in deutschsprachigen Ländern (P&P)

05.09.2018 - 07.09.2018

U Wien

Staff talk invited

Language External Effects on Speech

Jannedy, Stefanie

Socially Situated Language Processing (SSPL)

04.09.2018 - 05.09.2018

ZAS Berlin

Staff talk invited

Phonetisches Detail und Soziale Bedeutung: Testfall Kiezdeutsch

Jannedy, Stefanie

Sprachwissenschaftliche Vorträge am Institut für Germanistik in Leipzig (Spigl)


U Leipzig

Staff talk

Production and Perception of multi-ethic urban German

Jannedy, Stefanie

Diasporic Language, Mobility and Diversity: The Importance of Social Context in Understanding Contact and its Outcomes

04.01.2018 - 07.01.2018

LSA, Salt Lake City

Staff talk invited

Diasporic German: Production and reception of multi-ethnic urban German

Jannedy, Stefanie

Linguistic Society of America (LSA) 2018 Annual Meeting

04.01. - 07.01.2018

Salt Lake City

Staff talk

Sprache, Identität und Lautwandel

Jannedy, Stefanie

Kurs 'Experimentalphonetische Untersuchungen zum Lautwandel'


HU Berlin

Staff talk

From Intuition to Significance

Jannedy, Stefanie

14.11.2017 - 16.11.2017

University College Dublin (UCD)

Staff poster talk

Voiceless Fricatives im Deutschklang Corpus

Jannedy, Stefanie, Melanie Weirich & Adrian Leemann

Phonetik & Phonologie in deutschsprachigen Ländern (P&P13)

27.09.2017 - 29.09.2017


Staff talk

Acoustic Manifestations of Social Characteristics

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Interspeech 2017

20.08.2017 - 24.08.2017

U Stockholm

Staff talk

The acoustics of German Fricatives

Jannedy, Stefanie, Melanie Weirich & Felicitas Kleber

International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) 9

06.06.2017 - 09.06.2017


Staff talk

Sprache, Identität & Einstellung

Jannedy, Stefanie

Seminar "Soziophonetik"

U Konstanz

Staff talk


Jannedy, Stefanie

Die Stimmen von Berlin

BBAW, Berlin

Staff talk

Produktion, Perzeption und Einstellungen

Jannedy, Stefanie



HU Berlin

Staff talk

The Acoustics of Northern German Fricative Contrasts

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Phonetik & Phonologie 12

12.10.2016 - 14.10.2016

LMU München

Staff talk

The production-perception-attitude triangle

Jannedy, Stefanie

ExAPP (Experimental Approaches to Production and Perception)

21.09.2016 - 24.09.2016

U Wien

Staff poster talk

Duration as a contrast enhancer in a northern German dialect

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Poster, Speech Prosody 8

31.05.2016 - 03.06.2016

Boston U

Staff talk

Fricative variation as an expression of youth culture

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

8th International Conference on Youth Language: Variation - Dynamics - Continuity

26.05.2016 - 28.05.2016

U Graz

Staff talk

Variabilität in der [c] Produktion im Deutschen

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Phonetik & Phonologie in Deutschland (P&P 11)

08.10.2015 - 09.10.2015

U Marburg


Staff talk

Dima - Annotation Guidelines for German Intonation

Kügler, F. , B. Smolibocki, D. Arnold, B. Braun, S. Baumann, M. Grice, J. Michalsky, O. Niebuhr, J. Peters, S. B. Ritter, C. Röhr, A. Schweitzer, K. Schweitzer, P. Wagner

18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

10.08.2015 - 14.08.2015


Staff talk

Acoustic Analyses of differences in [ç] and [ʃ] productions in Hood German

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

ICPhS Glasgow

10.08.2015 - 14.08.2015


Staff talk

Listening with an Attitude: Evaluations of Presumed Speaker Groups (Hood German vs. French Learners of German)

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

ICLaVE Leipzig

27.05.2015 - 29.05.2015


Staff poster talk

Loss of Phonemic Contrast as a Marker of Social Identity

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Borders & Identiy: Urban Fragmentation(s)

16.03.2015 - 19.03.2015

HU Berlin

Staff talk

Evaluating attitudes towards Hood Germans and speakers with French foreign accents

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Phonetik & Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum

08.10.2014 - 10.10.2014

U Konstanz


Staff poster talk

Some aspects of individual speaking style features in Hood German

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

7th International Conference on Speech Prosody

20.05.2014 - 23.05.2014

Trinity College Dublin

Staff poster talk

Linguistic Influences on Diphthong Realization of /oy/ in Hood German

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Poster, Xth ISSP

05.05.2014 - 08.05.2014

U Köln

Staff talk

Diphthong Realization as a Phonetic Marker of Hood German

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Phonetik & Phonologie 9

11.10.2013 - 12.10.2013

U Zürich

Staff talk

Diphthong Characteristics of Urban Speech from Different Neighborhoods in Berlin

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

International Conference on Language Variation and Change (ICLAVE)

26.06.2013 - 28.06.2013


Staff talk

Verwendung und Bedeutung von 'so' in spontanem Berliner Kiezdeutsch

Jannedy, Stefanie

Phonetik & Phonologie 8


U Jena

Staff poster talk

Phonology & the Interpretation of fine phonetic detail in Berlin German

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Poster, Interspeech 2012

09.09.2012 - 13.09.2012

Portland (Oregon, USA)

Staff talk

Perceptual Divergence in Berlin

Jannedy, Stefanie

Sociolinguistics Symposium 19

21.08.2012 - 24.08.2012

FU Berlin

Staff talk

Die perzeptive Instabilität des palatalen Frikatives in Berlin

Jannedy, Stefanie

Eingeladener Vortrag


HU Berlin

Staff poster talk

The Interpretation of Fine Phonetic Detail in Berlin German

Jannedy, Stefanie

Poster, 13. Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 13)

27.06.2012 - 29.06.2012

U Stuttgart

Staff talk

Category Instability of the Palatal Fricative in Berlin German

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

2nd Workshop on Soundchange

02.05.2012 - 04.05.2012

Kloster Seeon

Staff talk invited

Perzeption & Interpretation: Die Wahrnehmung des Palatalen Frikativs im 'Kiezdeutsch'

Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich

Eingeladener Vortrag


U Jena

Staff talk

Wahrnehmung & Einstellung

Jannedy, Stefanie

Zentrum Sprache, Variation, Migration


U Potsdam

Staff talk

Konsens & Diskonsens in G-ToBI

Jannedy, Stefanie

1. Workshop zur Deutschen Intonation: Modellierung und Annotation (DIMA)

09. - 10.09.2011

U Köln

Staff talk

The Effect of Inferences on the Perceptual Categorization of Berlin German Fricatives

Jannedy, Stefanie, Melanie Weirich & Jana Brunner

International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)

16. - 21.08.2011

U Hong Kong

Staff talk

Urbanes Deutsch

Jannedy, Stefanie

HU Examenskolloquium


HU Berlin

Staff poster talk

Perceptual evidence for allophonic variation of the palatal fricative /ç/ in spontaneous Berlin German

Jannedy, Stefanie, Melanie Weirich, Jana Brunner & Micaela Mertins

Poster, Acoustical Society of America

15. - 19.11.2010

Cancun, Mexico

Staff talk

Distributional and Durational Propoerties of 'so' in Berlin Kiezdeutsch

Jannedy, Stefanie

Cologne International Workshop on Prosody

02. - 03.07.2010

U Köln

Staff poster talk

Prosodic boundaries in German: Final lengthening in spontaneous speech

Fuchs, Susanne, Jelena Krivokapic & Stefanie Jannedy

Poster, 159th ASA meeting/NOISE-CON

19. - 23.04.2010

Baltimore, MD (USA)

Staff talk

Positional Phenomena in Speech

Jannedy, Stefanie

Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW)


U Wroclaw

Staff talk

Emerging sounds

Jannedy, Stefanie & Marzena Żygis

DGfS-Jahrestagung, AG 'Form and function of insertions and deletions in speech'


U Osnabrück


Staff poster talk

Besonderheiten im Kiezdeutsch: der palatale Frikativ und seine Realisierungen

Jannedy, Stefanie

Poster, Phonetik und Phonologie in Deutschland


HU Berlin

Staff talk

Der Einfluss von Fokus auf Ton im Vietnamesischen

Jannedy, Stefanie


U Köln

Staff poster talk

Schwa out of control?

Jannedy, Stefanie, Susanne Fuchs & Melanie Weirich

Poster, International Seminar on Speech Production

08.12.2008 - 12.12.2008


Staff talk

The Effect of Focus on Lexical Tone in Vietnamese

Jannedy, Stefanie

Workshop on Experimental Linguistics International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)

25.08.2008 - 27.08.2008


Staff talk

The Effect of Lexical Tone and Focus on the Formation of F0 in Vietnamese

Jannedy, Stefanie

Congress of International Linguistics (CIL18)

21.07.2008 - 26.07.2008

Seoul, Korea

Staff talk

Phonetik und Phonologie des Kiezdeutschen

Jannedy, Stefanie


U Bielefeld

Staff talk


Jannedy, Stefanie


LMU München

Staff talk

The Phonetics of Kiezdeutsch: The Speech of Turkish Adolescents in an Urban Context

Jannedy, Stefanie

Arizona Linguistics and Anthropology Symposium

09.05.2008 - 11.05.2008

Tucson, AZ