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Gagarina, Natalia. 2003. The early verb development and demarcation of stages in three Russian-speaking children. In Bittner, Dagmar, Wolfgang U. Dressler & Marianne Kilani-Schoch (eds.). Development of Verb Inflection in First Language Acquisition. A Cross-Linguistic Perspective, 131-169. Berlin: de Gruyter.
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Brunner, Jana, Susanne Fuchs, Pascal Perrier & Hyeon-Zoo Kim. 2003. Mechanisms of contrasting Korean velar stops: A catalogue of acoustic and articulatory parameters. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 32), 15-30.
Zygis, Marzena. 2003. Phonetic and phonological aspects of Slavic sibilant fricatives. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPil 32), 175-213.
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Bittner, Dagmar. 2003. Von starken Feminina und schwachen Maskulina: Die neuhochdeutsche Substantivflexion - eine Systemanalyse im Rahmen der natürlichen Morphologie. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 31). Berlin: ZAS.
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Fuchs, Susanne, Pascal Perrier & Christine Mooshammer. 2003. The role of the palate in tongue kinematics: an experimental assessment in VC sequences from EPG and EMMA data. Proceedings of Eurospeech 3, 1487-1490.
Ridouane, Rachid, Susanne Fuchs & Phil Hoole. 2003. Laryngeal adjustments in the production of voiceless obstruent clusters in Berber. Proceedings of the ISSP 6, 237-242.
Geng, Christian, Susanne Fuchs, Christine Mooshammer & Bernd Pompino-Marschall. 2003. How does vowel context influence loops?. Proceedings of the ISSP 6, 67-72.
Hoole, Phil, Susanne Fuchs & Klaus Dahlmeier. 2003. Interarticulatory timing in initial consonant clusters. Proceedings of the ISSP 6, 101-106.
Pape, Daniel, Christine Mooshammer, Phil Hoole & Susanne Fuchs. 2003. Devoicing of word-initial stops: A consequence of the following vowel?. Proceedings of the ISSP 6, 207-212.
Fuchs, Susanne & Pascal Perrier. 2003. An EMMA/EPG study of voicing contrast correlates in German. Proceedings of the ICPhS 15, 1057-1060.
Mooshammer, Christine, Anja Geumann, Phil Hoole, Peter Alfonso, Pascal van Lieshout & Susanne Fuchs. 2003. Coordination of lingual and mandibular gestures for different manners of articulation. Proceedings of the ICPhS 15, 81-84.
Frey, Werner. 2003. Syntactic conditions on adjunct classes. In Ewald Lang et al. (eds.). Modifying adjuncts, 163-209. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.