Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Susanne Fuchs


Speech science for PhDs

Fuchs, Susanne

SS 2023

ZAS, Berlin

SE Zur Rolle der Atmung in der Sprachproduktion und Perzeption

Fuchs, Susanne

WS 2020/21

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

BS EFL Lecture Series: An embodied and situated perspective on speech and language- Labex EFL - Lecture 3 & 4: Speech and language adaptations in the context of rhytmic body motions

Fuchs, Susanne


Paris, Sorbonne, Labex

Video lecture

BS EFL Lecture Series: An embodied and situated perspective on speech and language- Labex EFL - Lecture 2: The forgotten articulator: How respiration constrains linguistic structure and affects speech at a local and global level

Fuchs, Susanne


Paris, Sorbonne, Labex

Video lecture

BS EFL Lecture Series: An embodied and situated perspective on speech and language- Labex EFL - Lecture 1: Changes and challenges in understanding speech variability: A review over half a century

Fuchs, Susanne


Paris, Sorbonne, Labex

Video lecture

SE Ikonizität in der Sprache

Ćwiek, Aleksandra & Susanne Fuchs

WS 2018/19

HU Berlin

BS Respiratory movement measures in speech

Fuchs, Susanne


U Köln

Link zur Phonetik an der Universität zu Köln

SE Die Rolle der Atmung in der Sprachproduktion, Sprachperzeption und im Dialog

Fuchs, Susanne

WS 2016/17

HU Berlin

HS Labororientierte Phonologie

Żygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs

WS 2008/09

HU Berlin