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Genus und Sexus in deutschen Prädikativkonstruktionen

Trutkowski, Ewa. 2023. Genus und Sexus in deutschen Prädikativkonstruktionen. Wege der Germanistik in transkulturellen Perspektiven : Akten des IVX. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik 12. Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte, 167-182.

Articulatory and acoustic variation in Polish palatalised retroflexes compared with plain ones

Lorenc, Anita, Marzena Żygis, Lukasz Mik, Daniel Pape & Márton Sóskuthy. 2023. Articulatory and acoustic variation in Polish palatalised retroflexes compared with plain ones. Journal of Phonetics 96, Article 101181, 1-34.

QUEST: Guidelines and Specifications for the Assessment of Audiovisual, Annotated Language Data. Version 1.0: November 2022

Wamprechtshammer, Anna, Arestau, Elena, Aznar, Jocelyn, Hedeland, Hanna, Isard, Amy, Khait, Ilya et al.. 2022. QUEST: Guidelines and Specifications for the Assessment of Audiovisual, Annotated Language Data. Version 1.0: November 2022. Working Papers in Corpus Linguistics and Digital Technologies: Analyses and Methodology (WPCL) 8. Szeged, Hungary: University of Szeged, Department of Finno-Ugric Studies.

Pre-DP 'only' is a propositional operator at LF: a new argument from ellipsis

Bassi, Itai, Aron Hirsch & Tue Trinh. 2022. Pre-DP 'only' is a propositional operator at LF: a new argument from ellipsis. Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 32), 814-830.

Really: Ambiguity and question bias

Bill, Cory & Todor Koev. 2022. Really: Ambiguity and question bias. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, 130-148.

Anaphoric Potential of Pseudo-Incorporated Nominals in Comparison with Compounds and Implicit Objects

Modarresi, Fereshteh & Manfred Krifka. 2022. Anaphoric Potential of Pseudo-Incorporated Nominals in Comparison with Compounds and Implicit Objects. Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020: Linguistic Theory enriched by Experimental Data, 585-605.

Modeling (im)precision in context

Mühlenbernd, Roland & Stephanie Solt. 2022. Modeling (im)precision in context. Linguistics Vanguard 8(1), 113-127.

Not Eating Kein Veggies: Negative Concord in Child German

Nicolae, Andreea & Yatsushiro, Kazuko. 2022. Not Eating Kein Veggies: Negative Concord in Child German. Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020: Linguistic Theory enriched by Experimental Data, 317-332.

Romanian 5-year-olds derive global but not local implicatures with quantifiers embedded under epistemic adverbs: Evidence from a shadow play paradigm

Bleotu, Adina Camelia, Anton Benz & Nicole Gotzner. 2022. Romanian 5-year-olds derive global but not local implicatures with quantifiers embedded under epistemic adverbs: Evidence from a shadow play paradigm. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, 149-164.

Implicatures in (non-)monotonic environments

Gotzner, Nicole & Anton Benz. 2022. Implicatures in (non-)monotonic environments. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, 340-348.

Reconciling cumulativity with maximality in questions

Hirsch, Aron & Bernhard Schwarz. 2022. Reconciling cumulativity with maximality in questions. Proceedings of NELS 52 (Vol. 2), 29-42.

Cumulative readings in focus contexts

Hirsch, Aron & Bernhard Schwarz. 2022. Cumulative readings in focus contexts. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, 413-431.

Bias in high negation questions as a quantity implicature in commitment space semantics

Goodhue, Daniel. 2022. Bias in high negation questions as a quantity implicature in commitment space semantics. Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, 106-112.

As complex as they appear: Children's comprehension of conjunctive expressions in Georgian

Bill, Cory, Aurore Gonzalez, Imke Driemel & Tamar Makharoblidze. 2022. As complex as they appear: Children's comprehension of conjunctive expressions in Georgian. Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, 38-44.

Clausal embedding under TO in Japanese as speech acts

Goodhue, Daniel & Junko Shimoyama. 2022. Clausal embedding under TO in Japanese as speech acts. Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, 98-105.

Isn’t there more than one way to bias a polar question?

Goodhue, Daniel. 2022. Isn’t there more than one way to bias a polar question?. Natural Language Semantics 30(4), 379-413.

Of snoidels and hofdüütsch: Some (Standard German) Keys to the Phonetic Variation in Pomerano

Kaufmann, Göz & Daniel Duran. 2022. Of snoidels and hofdüütsch: Some (Standard German) Keys to the Phonetic Variation in Pomerano. Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik : ZDL 89(2-3), 231-282.

Meaning and Use in the Expression of Estimative Probability

van Tiel, Bob, Uli Sauerland, & Michael Franke. 2022. Meaning and Use in the Expression of Estimative Probability. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science 6. Special Collection: CogNet, 250-263.

Schmutzige Sprache? Beleidigung mit Fäkalbegriffen im Deutschen und in anderen Sprachen

Meinunger, André. 2022. Schmutzige Sprache? Beleidigung mit Fäkalbegriffen im Deutschen und in anderen Sprachen. InPolitik & Kultur 12/2022-1/2023 vom 28.11.2022, pp. 1-3.

Experiments and Research in Semantics and Pragmatics: Which Methods for Which Problems?

Sauerland, Uli. 2022. Experiments and Research in Semantics and Pragmatics: Which Methods for Which Problems?. In Miyamoto, Yoichi, Masatoshi Koizumi, Hajime Ono, Kazuko Yatsushiro & Uli Sauerland (eds.). Key Concepts of Experimental Pragmatics. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.