Sauerland, Uli. 2001. A contrast to a trace. In Karine Megerdoomian & Leora Bar-el (eds.). The Proceedings of WCCFL 20, 498-509. Somerville: Cascadilla Press.
Veenstra, Tonjes. 2001. Les verbes sériels en Saramaka: inventaire. Amerindia 26/27, 319-344.
Smith, Norval & Tonjes Veenstra (eds.). 2001. Creolization and contact. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Bittner, Dagmar. 2001. Was symbolisieren die bestimmten Artikel des Deutschen?. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 21), 1-19.
Veenstra, Tonjes. 2001. Getting results in Saramaccan. In Ernesto D'Andrade, Dulce Pereira & Maria Antónia Mota (eds.). Crioulos de base Portuguesa, 144-167. Lissabon: APL.
Frey, Werner. 2001. Über Indefinita und ihre Plazierung im Mittelfeld. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 21), 33-44.
Sauerland, Uli. 2001. On the computation of conversational implicatures. In Rachel Hastings, Brendan Jackson & Zsofia Zvolenszky (eds.). Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 11), 498-509. Ithaca: CLC Publications.
Schwabe, Kerstin. 2001. On Shared Indefinite Expressions in Coordinative Structures. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 21), 175-196.
Sauerland, Uli. 2001. Defense of a global account of scalar implicatures. In Anton Benz (ed.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Pragmatics, 11. Berlin: HU Berlin.
Bittner, Dagmar & Klaus-Michael Köpcke. 2001. On the acquisition of the German plural markings. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 21), 21-32.
Teuber, Oliver & Nanna Fuhrhop (eds.). 2001. Papers for Ewald Lang. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 21). Berlin: ZAS.
Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren (ed.). 2001. Bericht über das Forschungsjahr 2000 : ZAS. Berlin: GWZ.
Schwabe, Kerstin, André Meinunger & Horst-Dieter Gasde (eds.). 2000. Issues on topics. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 20). Berlin: ZAS.
Alexiadou, Artemis. 2000. Some remarks on word order and information structure in romance and greek. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 20), 119-136.
Frey, Werner. 2000. Über die syntaktische Position der Satztopiks im Deutschen. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 20), 137-172.
Rochon, Marzena. 2000. Prosodic constituents in the representation of consonantal sequences in Polish. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 19), 177-205.
Hall, Tracy A. & Marzena Rochon (eds.). 2000. Investigations in prosodic phonology: The role of the foot and the phonological word. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 19). Berlin: ZAS.
Dressler, Wolfgang U., Marianne Kilani-Schoch & Dagmar Bittner. 2000. First tentative conclusions on the early development of verb morphology. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 18), 163-169.
Bittner, Dagmar (ed.). 2000. Early verb development in one German-speaking child. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 18), 21-38.
Gagarina, Natalia. 2000. Early verb development in one Russian-speaking child. ZAS Papers in Linguistics (ZASPiL 21), 143-161.