Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

ZAS Database of Clause-embedding Predicates, release 1.0 in: OWIDplus

Author(s) Stiebels, Barbara, Thomas McFadden, Kerstin Schwabe, Torgrim Solstad, Elisa Kellner, Livia Sommer & Katarzyna Stoltmann
Date of publication 2018
Series title OWID plus
Editor(s) Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim (ed.)
Publisher Institut für Deutsche Sprache, OWID plus
Place Mannheim
Publisher website
Open Access

Publishing date of the first version: 16.02.2017
The previous version of the ZAS database, release 0.2 (public beta), is available for the time being at the following address: http://www.owid.de/plus/zasembed2017