Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Olga Steriopolo

Presentations & Poster

Staff talk

A comparison of the grammatical gender systems in German and Ukrainian

Steriopolo, Olga

21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL)

08. - 14.09.2024

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

Staff talk invited

A comparison of the grammatical gender in German and Ukrainian

Steriopolo, Olga

The seminar “Gender and Language”. Structures Formelles du Langage.


Paris 8 university, Paris

Staff talk

Ukrainian-German Tandem Presentations

Steriopolo, Olga

Grazer Winterkolleg für Sprache, Kultur und Gesellschaft "Ukraine interaktiv"

26.02. - 01.03.2024

Universität Graz

Staff talk

Sociocultural and linguistic practices and needs of immigrant communities: the pandemic impact and post-pandemic recovery

Gagarina, Natalia & Olga Steriopolo

Workshop on Pre- and Protomorphology

08. - 09.02.2024

Universität Wien

Staff talk

The application of the integrated sociological paradigm to the DP structure: A study of gender discrepancies

Steriopolo, Olga

The 52nd Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM 2023)

13. - 15.09.2023

Poznań, Poland

Staff talk

Feminine epicene nouns as gender-neutral forms in German: Challenging the binary

Steriopolo, Olga & Christin Schütze

Challenging the Binary: Non-Binary, Genderqueer, and Gender-Neutral Language (CtB01)

13. - 15.06.2023

University College London, UK

Staff talk invited

A sociolinguistic investigation into referential means in German using feminine epicene nouns

Steriopolo, Olga & Christin Schütze

International workshop on Grammatical gender and ‘natural’ gender: Mappings and mismatches

01. - 02.06.2023

Freie Universität, Berlin

Staff talk

An experimental study of the interrelation between gender, language, and sexuality in the German-speaking society

Steriopolo, Olga & Christin Schütze

Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference 29 (Lav Lang 29)

09. - 11.03.2023

Boise State University, Idaho

Staff talk

Grammatical gender of Ukrainian nouns

Steriopolo, Olga

International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ECLSS)

21.10.2022 - 23.10.2022

Belek, Antalya, Turkey

Staff talk

A theoretical account for mixed gender agreement in Ukrainian

Steriopolo, Olga

Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-15)

05.10.2022 - 07.10.2022


Staff talk

Gender discrepancies and an evaluative gender shift: A cross-linguistic study within the Distributed Morphology framework (virtual)

Steriopolo, Olga

fifteenth Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 15)

22.09.2022 - 24.09.2022

Udine, Italy

Staff talk

Division of gender

Steriopolo, Olga

3rd International Conference on Sociolinguistics (ICS.3)

24.08.2022 - 26.08.2022


Staff talk

Generic feminines as gender-neutral language forms in German

Steriopolo, Olga & Christin Schütze

Between Feminine and Masculine: Language(s) and society (BetFaM2021) (virtual)

09.12.2021 - 10.12.2021


Staff talk

Grammatical gender and social world

Steriopolo, Olga

50th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM 2021)

16.09.2021 - 19.09.2021


Staff talk

The interrelation between social gender and grammatical gender across languages

Steriopolo, Olga

Language Contact in Times of Globalization 5 (LCTG 5) (virtual)

09.09.2021 - 10.09.2021

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Staff talk

Parameters of variation in the syntax of expressive size suffixes: Case studies of Russian, German, Spanish, and Greek

Steriopolo, Olga, Giorgos Markopoulos & Vassilis Spyropoulos

Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) 2021 - WS 9: Dissecting Morphological Theory 1: Diminutivization Across Languages and Frameworks (virtual)

30.08.2021 - 03.09.2021

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Staff talk

Grammatical language forms used by non-binary transgender* individuals in the LGBT*QIA+ community in Berlin, Germany

Steriopolo, Olga & Harley Aussoleil

The 27th annual Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference (virtual)

21.05.2021 - 23.05.2021

California, USA

Staff talk

Division of gender

Steriopolo, Olga

3rd International Conference on Sociolinguistics (ICS.3) (postponed to 25.08. - 27.08.2021)

26.08.2020 - 28.08.2020

Karls-Universität Prag

Staff talk

The interrelation between social gender and grammatical gender across languages

Steriopolo, Olga

7th International Language in Focus Conference (LIF2020) (cancelled)

30.05.2020 - 02.05.2020

University of Malta, Valletta

Staff talk

Similarities and differences between social and grammatical genders across languages

Steriopolo, Olga

Ninth Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences (ECLSS2020a) (postponed to 16.10. - 18.10.2020)

10.04.2020 - 12.04.2020

Kemer, Turkey

Staff talk

A connection between social and grammatical genders

Steriopolo, Olga

Fifth Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences (ECLSS2019)


Belek, Antalya

Staff talk

How the Russian diminutive syntax may influence the diminutive syntax in Kolyma Yukaghir and Itelmen

Steriopolo, Olga

Transdisciplinary Approaches to Language Variation (TALV 2)

15.02.2019 - 16.02.2019

Limassol, Cyprus

Staff talk

An analysis of the category ‘gender’ in a highly-endangered dialect of Russian, Ninilchik Russian

Steriopolo, Olga

48th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM 2018)

13.09.2018 - 15.09.2018


Staff talk

Social Deixis and Grammatical Gender

Steriopolo, Olga

14th ESSE conference, Advances in Cognitive-Linguistic Approaches to Grammar


Masaryk U, Brno

Staff talk

Grammatical gender in Ninilchik Russian (remote participation)

Steriopolo, Olga

International Conference on Russian Studies MKR-Barcelona 2018

20.06.2018 - 22.06.2018

U Barcelona

Staff poster talk

Social Deixis and Grammatical Gender

Steriopolo, Olga

Olomouc Linguistic Colloquium (OLINCO 2018)

07.06.2018 - 09.06.2018

Palacký U, Olomouc, Czech Republik

Staff talk

Gender Variation in Social Settings

Steriopolo, Olga

5th International Language in Focus conference (LIF2018)

03.05.2018 - 05.05.2018


Staff poster talk

Grammatical gender in Ninilchik Russian and a comparison with Standard Russian

Steriopolo, Olga & Olivia Maky

Contested Languages in the Old World 3 (CLOW 3)

03.05.2018 - 04.05.2018


Staff poster talk

Parameters of Variation in the Syntax of Gender

Steriopolo, Olena & Olga Steriopolo

Current Issues in Comparative Syntax: Past, Present, and Future

01.03.2018 - 02.03.2018

U Singapore

Staff talk

Expressive derivation and change in gender: A case study of Russian

Steriopolo, Olga

Slavic Linguistic Society Meeting

21.09.2017 - 24.09.2017


Staff talk

Variation in gender for evaluative purposes

Steriopolo, Olga

Poznan Linguistic Meeting 2017

18.09.2017 - 20.09.2017

Posen, Polen

Staff talk

Parameters of variation in the syntax of gender

Steriopolo, Olga

11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting

22.06.2017 - 25.06.2017


Staff talk

Nominalizing evaluative suffixes in Russian: The interaction of class, gender, and animacy

Steriopolo, Olga

7th Workshop on Nominalizations

01.06.2017 - 02.06.2017


Staff talk

Diminutive morphemes in Kolyma Yukaghir, Itelmen and Russian

Steriopolo, Olga

4th International Conference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization

16.03.2017 - 18.03.2017

U Greifswald