Senior Researcher, Research Manager LeibnizDream
Pariser Straße 1
10719 Berlin
Room: 1.16
Phone: +49 30 20192 570
Dr. Marie-Christine Meyer is a senior researcher and research manager in the ERC project Realizing Leibniz’s Dream: Child Languages as a Mirror of the Mind; Generator Group / Research Area 4 'Semantics & Pragmatics'.
Her research focuses on formal and experimental pragmatics and semantics as well as their interfaces.
Aktuell 26.11.2018
Staff talk 12.07.2024
Jeretic, Paloma, Itai Bassi, Aurore Gonzalez, Marie-Christine Meyer, Kazuko Yatsushiro & Uli Sauerland
Guest talk 21.11.2023
Marie-Christine Meyer
Workshop/AG 14.10.2021
Ilaria Frana (University of Enna “Kore”), Marie-Christine Meyer (ZAS Berlin), Salvatore Pistoia-Reda (U Siena), Jacopo Romoli (Ulster University) & Uli Sauerland (ZAS Berlin)
Staff talk invited 26.07.2021
Meyer, Marie-Christine
Staff talk invited 15.01.2020
Meyer, Marie-Christine
Publication 23.04.2024
Sauerland, Uli, Marie-Christine Meyer & Kazuko Yatsushiro
Publication 30.11.2023
Sauerland, Uli, Itai Bassi, Cory Bill, Abigail Bimpeh, Aron Hirsch, ...
Publication 17.12.2021
Meyer, Marie-Christine & Roman Feiman
Publication 22.12.2019
Meyer, Marie-Christine
Publication 26.10.2017
Meyer, Marie-Christine & Sauerland, Uli