Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Jocelyn Aznar

Presentations & Poster

Staff talk

Different patterns of phonological and grammatical variation in Bislama

Meyerhoff, Miriam, Carol Aru, Manfred Krifka, Jocelyn Aznar & Tonjes Veenstra

New Ways of Analyzing Variation 52

07. - 09.11.2024

Florida International University

Staff talk

Register and social stratification in a new corpus of Bislama, an English-based creole

Aru, Carol, Jocelyn Aznar, Manfred Krifka, Miriam Meyerhoff & Tonjes Veenstra

45th ICAME Conference (Interlocking Corpora and Register(s): Diversity and Innovation)

18. - 22.06.2024

Universidade de Vigo

Staff talk

Multiple plural marking in Bislama: Social and grammatical factors

Aru, Carol, Jocelyn Aznar, Manfred Krifka, Miriam Meyerhoff & Tonjes Veenstra

Vanuatu Languages Conference VLC3

10.07.2023 - 13.07.2023

National University of Vanuatu, Port Vila


Staff talk

Sung refrains during the Nisvai narrative practices, Malekula: a polyfunctional device for a multilingual literature

Aznar, Jocelyn

Vanuatu Languages Conference VLC3

10.07.2023 - 13.07.2023

National University of Vanuatu, Port Vila


Staff talk

Silent pauses and interjections as direct speech cues: A cross-linguistic study of 12 language documentation corpora

Aznar, Jocelyn & Frank Seifart

Cross-disciplinary perspectives on quoting and speech reporting

05.10.2022 - 07.10.2022

Université libre de Bruxelles


Staff talk

Demonstrating Automatic Gloss Checking for Annotated Corpora

Lange, Herbert, Jocelyn Aznar & Amy Isard

Language Documentation and Archiving: Where Do We Need To Go From Here? (hybrid)

03.10.2022 - 07.10.2022

Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities


Staff talk

Understanding oral narratives through text sequences: Towards a disciplinary versatile concept suitable for text documentation

Aznar, Jocelyn

55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea

24.08.2022 - 27.08.2022

Universitatea din București

Staff talk

RefCo and its Checker: Improving Language Documentation Corpora’s Reusability Through a Semi-Automatic Review Process

Aznar, Jocelyn & Herbert Lange

European Language Resources Association – 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (hybrid)

20.06.2022 - 25.06.2022


Staff talk invited

Acknowledging the polyphony of documentation: Representing the speakers' voices in the Nisvai language resources

Aznar, Jocelyn

Workshop: Responsible documentation and conscious outcomes: explorations in the ownership of knowledge

23.05.2022 - 25.05.2022

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin

Guest talk

Telling a 'nabol': Interpreting the production of proper names in Nisvai narratives, Vanuatu

Jocelyn Aznar

Lecture Series "Language: Documentation and Theory (ELAR / ZAS)"



Link to the Vimeo video of the talk


Staff talk

Silent gaps and interjections as prosodic cues for direct speech: Preminalary results of a cross-linguistic study on three language documentation corpora

Aznar, Jocelyn & Frank Seifart

Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 6 (hybrid)

16.12.2021 - 18.12.2021

SOAS University of London

Staff talk

Le traitement informatisé dans la recherche coopérative: Articuler une recherche ethnolinguistique à l’élaboration de ressources langagières à Malekula, Vanuatu

Aznar, Jocelyn

Symposium Education, Cultures, Identity (virtual)

14.04.2021 - 15.04.2021

The Ministry of Education and Training, the National University of Vanuatu & the Vanuatu Kultural Senta

Staff talk invited

"Getting the speakers' voices into the language resources: Using annotated narratives to build critical language resources for the Nisvai community, Vanuatu"

Aznar, Jocelyn

ASA2021: Responsibility - Panel: Responsible Documentation? (virtual)


University of St Andrews

Staff talk

Silent gaps as a distinctive feature of Direct Speech: a Corpus study of Nisvai Narratives, Vanuatu

Aznar, Jocelyn

From dialogue to grammar - Language emerging from human sociality: the case of speech representation (virtual)


University of Helsinki