Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Weak modal strength: Towards a cross-linguistic typology

Speaker Vera Hohaus
Affiliaton(s) The University of Manchester
Date New date: 27.01.2022!
Time 14:00 o'clock
Venue Virtually on Zoom only!
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This paper investigates the composition of modal strength distinctions across languages, adding data from Javanese (from joint work with Jozina Vander Klok) and preliminary data from Afrikaans, Hijazi Arabic, Ndbele and Samoan (from the Manchester Linguistic Diversity Collective) to the existing crosslinguistic picture. We then discuss whether the different morpho-syntactic strategies attested in these languages stilll allow for a uniform semanic analysis under a domain-restriction approach (e.g. von Fintel & Iatridou 2008, Rubinstein 2012, 2014) or a degree-based approach (e.g. Portner & Rubinstein 2016, Lassiter 2017).

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