Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Susanne Fuchs

Vorträge & Poster

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Breathing in babies and baboons: an exploration

Fuchs, Susanne

Lunch talk


Equipe de Neuro-Ethologie Sensorielle, Bioacoustics Lab, St. Etienne (France)


Regulating the body in communicative challenges - Social interaction through the lenses of bodily effort

Kadavá, Šárka, Susanne Fuchs, Aleksandra Ćwiek & Wim Pouw

PhD colloquium



Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Stability and flexibility of breathing

Fuchs, Susanne

Seminaire Santé Mentale


IMéRA, Maison d'Astronomes

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

To interact is to move: movement as a core constituent of social interaction

Kadavá, Šárka, Susanne Fuchs, Aleksandra Ćwiek & Wim Pouw

Multimodality in Social Interactions 2.0

02. - 03.12.2024

Aix-Marseille Université


FLESH at InScience festival and Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

Fuchs, Susanne, Šarka Kadavá, Aleksandra Ćwiek & Wim Pouw

Annual Meeting 2024 – ViCom

12. - 15.11.2024

Forschungskolleg Bad Homburg


Moving meetings by moving prosody and gesture

Gregori, Alina & Susanne Fuchs

Annual Meeting 2024 – ViCom

12. - 15.11.2024

Forschungskolleg Bad Homburg


FLESH: On the Flexibility and Stability of Gesture-Speech Coordination

Kadavá, Šárka, Susanne Fuchs, Aleksandra Ćwiek & Wim Pouw

ViCom Annual Meeting 2024 – Visual Communication

12. - 15.11.2024

Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, Bad Homburg

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Social interaction through lenses of bodily effort

Kadavá, Šárka, Susanne Fuchs, Aleksandra Ćwiek & Wim Pouw

CLES lab meeting

04. - 08.11.2024

Torun, Poland

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Natural statistics of unimodal and multimodal utterances

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Šárka Kadavá, Susanne Fuchs & Wim Pouw

CLES lab meeting

04. - 08.11.2024

Torun, Poland

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

What beats bouba-kiki effect

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Rémi Anselme, Dan Dediu, Susanne Fuchs, Shigeto Kawahara, Grace E. Oh, Jing Paul, Marcus Perlman, Caterina Petrone, Sabine Reiter, Rachid Ridouane, Jochen Zeller & Bodo Winter

CLES lab meeting

04. - 08.11.2024

Torun, Poland

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

New challenges: Baby and baboon breathing

Fuchs, Susanne

Séminaires de Recherches en Phonétique et Phonologie


Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Breathing in babies and baboons: Work in progress

Fuchs, Susanne



Institut d'Études Avancées d'Aix-Marseille Université


The plasticity of Polish prominence under the influence of rhythmic gestures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Šárka Kadavá, Katarzyna Stoltmann, Wim Pouw & Susanne Fuchs

20. Jahrestreffen für Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P20 2024)

01. - 02.10.2024

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Moving while talking

Fuchs, Susanne

ILCB welcome back party – ILCB fête de la rentrée


ILCB, Université d’Aix-Marseille

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Moving Meetings by Moving Prosody and Gesture

Gregori, Alina & Susanne Fuchs

Symposium Series on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2024)

25. - 27.09.2024

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

The Communicative Consequences of Multimodal Coordination

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Šárka Kadavá, Wim Pouw & Susanne Fuchs

MMSYM 2024

25. - 27.09.2024

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Interdisciplinary approaches to respiratory rhythms

Fuchs, Susanne

ILCB Summer school

26. – 30.08.2024



Regulating the body in communicative challenges. Experimental study under kinematicacoustic analysis

Kadavá, Šarka, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Wim Pouw

The Fifth Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS-5)

15. – 17.08.2024

Lund University, Sweden

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

What do we mean when we say gestures are more expressive than vocalizations? An experimental and simulation study

Kadavá, Šarka, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Wim Pouw

46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024)

24. – 27.07.2024

Postillion Hotel & Conference Centre, Rotterdam


Repair Kinematics of Silent Gesture

Kadavá, Šarka, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Wim Pouw

46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024)

24. – 27.07.2024

Postillion Hotel & Conference Centre, Rotterdam

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Speech Adaptation and Physiological Responses: A Study on f0 and Skin Temperature

Fuchs, Susanne, Tom Offrede & Christine Mooshammer

Speech Prosody (SP2024)

02. - 05.07.2024

Universiteit Leiden


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Ausgewählte Studien und Perspektiven zum Sprechen im Alterungsprozess

Fuchs, Susanne

Internal meeting at Sprechwissenschaft/Phonetik


Freidrich-Schiller Universität Jena


Exploring the sound structure of novel vocalizations

Fuchs, Susanne, Šárka Kadavá, Wim Pouw, Bradley Walker, Nicolas Fay, Bodo Winter & Aleksandra Ćwiek

International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang) 2024

18. - 21.05.2024

Universtiy of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

On the relation between breathing and utterance length in vocally learning birds

Fuchs, Susanne, Lara Sophie Burchardt & Franz Goller

13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP 2024)

13. - 17.05.2024

Autrans, France

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Explorations into speaker consistency in speech breathing and anticipation of upcoming phonetic content

Koenig, Laura L. & Susanne Fuchs

13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP 2024)

13. - 17.05.2024

Autrans, France


Temporal coordination of articulatory and respiratory events during utterance - initial and inter-speech pauses

Rasskazova, Oksana, Christine Mooshammer & Susanne Fuchs

13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP 2024)

13. - 17.05.2024

Autrans, France


Prosodic Structure and the Prominence of Pitch Accents by Bob Ladd

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Šárka Kadavá & Susanne Fuchs

ZAS, Pariser Str. 1, 10719 Berlin; Room: Ilse-Zimmermann-Raum 0.32 (Ground floor)


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

A comparative approach to communicative alignment and adaptation from nonhuman animals

Fuchs, Susanne

(Mis)Alignment Workshop

19. - 20.10.2023

Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

The role of bones, joints and muscles for speech and gesture in interaction

Fuchs, Susanne

Gespin 2023

13. - 15.09.2023

Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen


When Gestures Enter the Game, Prosody Breaks the Rules

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Šárka Kadavá, Katarzyna Stoltmann, Wim Pouw & Susanne Fuchs


13. - 15.09.2023

Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Is gesture-speech physics at work in rhythmic pointing? Evidence from Polish counting-out rhymes

Kadavá, Šárka, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Katarzyna Stoltmann, Susanne Fuchs & Wim Pouw

20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)

07.08.2023 - 11.08.2023

Prague Congress Center, Czech Republic

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Respiratory and supralaryngeal effects on speech breathing noise across loudness conditions and speaking tasks

Fuchs, Susanne & Laura Koenig

20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)

07. - 11.08.2023

Prague Congress Center, Czech Republic

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Phonetic and pragmatic features of the French discourse marker 'et puis': a longitudinal study in 10 female speakers

Gerstenberg, Annette, Laura Koenig & Susanne Fuchs

20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)

07. - 11.08.2023

Prague Congress Center, Czech Republic

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Do humans converge phonetically when talking to a robot?

Offrede, Tom & Susanne Fuchs

20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)

07. - 11.08.2023

Prague Congress Center, Czech Republic

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Exploring speaker-specific behaviors and effects of electro-optical stomatography palates during speech breathing (hybrid)

Koenig, Laura L. & Susanne Fuchs

184th ASA meeting Chicago

08.05.2023 - 12.05.2023


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Respiratory and articulatory influences on inhalation noise during speech

Koenig, Laura, L. & Susanne Fuchs

183rd Meeting of the ASA (hybrid)

05.12.2022 - 09.12.2022

Nashville, USA

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Do a robot’s eyes change a human’s speech?

Offrede, Tom, Chinmaya Mishra, Gabriel Skantze, Susanne Fuchs & Christine Mooshammer

18. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P)

06.10.2022 - 07.10.2022

Universität Bielefeld


Breathing and speech adaptation: Do interlocutors adapt their speech towards a speaker talking under physical effort?

Offrede, Tom, Susanne Fuchs & Christine Mooshammer

8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control

24.08.2022 - 27.08.2022

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


Comparison of acoustic parameters of inhalations vs. exhalations with 3D-printed vocal tract models

Werner, Raphael, Susanne Fuchs, Jürgen Trouvain, Steffen Kürbis, Bernd Möbius & Peter Birkholz

8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control

24.08.2022 - 27.08.2022

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Speech respiration: past research, recent trends, and future developments

Fuchs, Susanne

8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control

24.08.2022 - 27.08.2022

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

On the relation between motion rate and speech rate with increasing physical workload

Weston, Heather, Wim Pouw & Susanne Fuchs

Speech Motor Control 2022

24.08.2022 - 27.08.2022

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Flexibility and stability of respiration in human actions

Fuchs, Susanne

The 30th Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics

10.07.2022 - 13.07.2022


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Forced exhalation under physical effort: A case report

Fuchs, Susanne

2nd Workshop Measurement of Speech Respiration (virtual)

09.06.2022 - 10.06.2022

Universität des Saarlandes

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

The time course of first formant movement in normal and loud speech

Koenig, Laura L. & Susanne Fuchs

182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America

23.05.2022 - 27.05.2022

Denver, US

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Das SALAMMBO-Korpus: experimentelle Sprach-, Atmungs- und Bewegungsdaten für die Untersuchung von sprachlichen Effekten körperlicher Aktivität im Standarddeutschen

Weston, Heather & Susanne Fuchs

58. Jahrestagung des IDS: Korpora in der Sprachwissenschaft - mündlich, schriftlich, multimodal (virtual)

15.03.2022 - 17.03.2022

IDS Mannheim


At the margins of speech: orofacial expressions and acoustic cues in whispering

Żygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs

2nd Workshop on Facial Gestures in Interaction (virtual)

07.10.2021 - 09.10.2021

Universität Bayreuth


Differences between male and female speakers in the production of /s/: A cross-linguistic study

Paschen, Ludger, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart

Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum 2021 (P&P 17) (virtual)

29.09.2021 - 30.09.2021

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Changes in glottal source parameter values with light to moderate physical load

Weston, Heather, Laura L. Koenig & Susanne Fuchs

Interspeech 2021 (hybrid)

30.08.2021 - 03.09.2021

Brno, Czech Republic

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Dual-speaker experimental designs

Fuchs, Susanne

COBRA Training event (virtual)

21.06.2021 - 24.06.2021


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Some considerations on hand-mouth coordination in speech

Fuchs, Susanne

Phonology Colloquium (virtual)


Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Gender and sex in science I

Fuchs, Susanne

Bratislava Cobra Online Training Event (virtual)

22.03.2021 - 26.03.2021


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Gender and sex in science II

Fuchs, Susanne

Bratislava Cobra Online Training Event (virtual)

22.03.2021 - 26.03.2021


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

About the involvement of respiration in short temporal windows

Fuchs, Susanne

Workshop in honor of John Ohala (virtual)

12.03.2021 - 13.03.2021

Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (LPP), Sorbonne


Final and prefinal lengthening in 13 languages

Paschen, Ludger, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart

DGfS Jahrestagung 43, WS Prosodic boundary phenomena

24.02.2021 - 25.02.2021

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg


How vowel length interacts with final lengthening: A corpus study

Paschen, Ludger, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart

18th Old World Conference on Phonology (virtual)

28.01.2021 - 29.01.2021

Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Eivissa


Hat phonologische Vokallänge einen Einfluss auf finale Dehnung? Antworten aus dem DoReCo-Korpus

Paschen, Ludger, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart

Kolloqium Korpuslinguistik und Phonetik (virtual)


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

About the interwoven relationship of respiration and spoken language

Fuchs, Susanne

Donders Lectures (virtual)


Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Phonological vowel length interacts with final lengthening

Paschen, Ludger, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart

ISSP 2020

14.12.2020 - 18.12.2020


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Hand-Mouth Coordination in a Pointing Task Requiring Manual Precision

Ćwiek, Aleksandra & Susanne Fuchs

12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP) (virtual)

14.12.2020 - 18.12.2020

Providence, USA

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Speaking while moving: Does the head compensate for the hands not being able to move?

Serre, Hélène, Marion Dohen, Susanne Fuchs & Amélie Rochet-Capellan

12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP) (virtual)

14.12.2020 - 18.12.2020

Providence, USA

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Exploring the presence and absence of inhalation noises when speaking and when listening

Trouvain, Jürgen, Raphael Werner, Susanne Fuchs & Bernd Möbius

12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP) (virtual)

14.12.2020 - 18.12.2020

Providence, USA

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Speech during light physical activity: Effect on f0 and intensity

Weston, Heather, Susanne Fuchs & Amélie Rochet-Capellan

12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP) (virtual)

14.12.2020 - 18.12.2020

Providence, RI, USA

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Breathing affects reaction time in simple and delayed naming tasks

Zöllner, Alina, Oksana Rasskazova, Christine Mooshammer & Susanne Fuchs

12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP) (virtual)

14.12.2020 - 18.12.2020

Providence, USA

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Formant and voice quality changes as a function of age in women

Koenig, Laura, Susanne Fuchs, Annette Gerstenberg & Moriah Rastegar

179th ASA Meeting: Acoustics Virtually Everywhere (virtual)

07.12.2020 - 11.12.2020


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Bouba and kiki across the globe

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Susanne Fuchs, Marcus Perlman & Bodo Winter

Séminaires de Recherches en Phonétique et Phonologie (virtual)


Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Understanding gender-related differences in scientific research

Fuchs, Susanne

First school, EU project COBRA

03.11.2020 - 17.11.2020


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

An exploratory study of tongue contact in pauses prior to speech

Fuchs, Susanne, Ozlem Unal-Logacev, Oksana Rasskazova, Mark Tiede, Christine Mooshammer

16. Tagung zur Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P16) (virtual)

10.09.2020 - 11.09.2020

Universität Trier

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

At the margins of speech: orofacial expressions and acoustic cues in whispering

Żygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs

Laboratory Phonology conference 17 (virtual)

06.07.2020 - 09.07.2020

University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University, Canada

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Building a Time-Aligned Cross-Linguistic Reference Corpus from Language Documentation Data (DoReCo)

Paschen, Ludger, François Delafontaine, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Matthew Stave & Frank Seifart

LREC 2020 (cancelled)

11.05.2020 - 16.05.2020



At the margins of speech: orofacial expressions and acoustic cues in whispering

Żygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs

GLOW 43, Workshop: Prosody in Speech Signal Perception and Gestures (virtual)

08.04.2020 - 20.04.2020

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Changes in phonetic detail as a matter of discourse and aging: Evidence from a longitudinal study on French

Fuchs, Susanne, Annette Gerstenberg & Laura L. Koenig

2nd Workshop on Speech Perception and Production across the Lifespan (virtual)

30.3.2020 - 31.3.2020

UCL, London


The involvement of respiration in local and global aspects of speech

Fuchs, Susanne

Measurement of Speech Respiration and Speech Preparation Phases

18.2.2020 - 19.2.2020

Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Cross-linguistic variation in local and global speech rate

Paschen, Ludger, Matthew Stave, Manfred Krifka, François Pellegrino, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart

Rate and Rhythm in speech Recognition (R3)


MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag


Fuchs, Susanne

Besuch Herder-Gymnasium


ZAS, Berlin


Speech and breathing in different condition of limb movement and over time

Serré, Hélène, Marion Dohen, Susanne Fuchs & Amélie Rochet-Capellan

1st International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech: BREATHING PAUSING AND VOICE

01.12.2019 - 03.12.2019

University of Southern Denmark


Atem, Stimme, Sprechen

Fuchs, Susanne

Phonetik/Phonologie Seminar bei Prof. Mooshammer


Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Comprehension of Non-Linguistic Vocalizations across Cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Susanne Fuchs, Cornelia Ebert, Manfred Krifka, Christoph Draxler, Bodo Winter & Marcus Perlman

XPrag.de Annual Meeting 2019

20.11.2019 - 21.11.2019

ZAS, Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Comprehension of Non-Linguistic Vocalizations across Cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Bodo Winter, & Marcus Perlman

MAMPF Seminar


LMU München


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Orofacial expressions and acoustic cues in whispered and normal speech

Żygis, Marzena, Susanne Fuchs & Katarzyna Stoltmann

Amazon Research Days "Probabilistic Methods in Deep Learning"


Amazon, Berlin


Speaking during rhythmic motions of the feet vs. the hands: how do speech and limb movement affect each other?

Hélène Serré, Heather Weston, Amélie Rochet-Capellan, Marion Dohen & Susanne Fuchs

DDCMC19 conference (Dance data, cognition and Multimodal Communication),

19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019

Universidade Nova de Lisboa,


Phonetic reduction and lengthening

Fuchs, Susanne & Ludger Paschen

DoReCo workshop

16.09.2019 - 18.09.2019

ZAS, Berlin


At a cost? Interplay between limb movements and spoken speech

Weston, Heather, Hélène Serré, Amélie Rochet-Capellan, Marion Dohen & Susanne Fuchs

Protolang 6

09.09.2019 - 11.09.2019

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal


The effect of different types of physical activity on the temporal organization of speech

Fuchs, Susanne & Heather Weston

Cognitive Science in Europe



Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

How prosody, speech mode and speaker's visibiity influence oro-facial expressions

Żygis, Marzena, Susanne Fuchs & Katarzyna Stoltmann


Unitec, Institute of Technology; Auckland, NZ


Comprehension of Non Linguistic Vocalizations across Cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Shigeto Kawahara, Bodo Winter & Marcus Perlman

15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC)


Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan


Comprehension of Non-Linguistic Vocalizations across Culture

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Shigeto Kawahara, Bodo Winter & Marcus Perlman

15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

06.08.2019 - 11.08.2019

Kwansen Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan


How prosody, speech mode and speaker's visibiity influence lip aperture

Żygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs

19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

05.08.2019 - 09.08.2019


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Iconic Prosody is Rooted in Sensorimotor Properties: Fundamental Frequency and Vertical Space

Ćwiek, Aleksandra & Susanne Fuchs

41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2019)



Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Rhythmic limb movements affect speech output differently in individuals

Weston, Heather & Susanne Fuchs

Movement. Brain, Body, Cognition

22.07.2019 - 24.07.2019

Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Israel

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

How prosody, speech mode and visibility influence lip aperture

Żygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs

LingCologne2019: Multimodality

06.06.2019 – 07.06.2019

Universität Köln

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Biological aspects in speech production

Fuchs, Susanne

Workshop on "Bio-Cultural Linguistic Anthropology"

19.05.2019 - 22.05.2019

Tuscaloosa, AL (USA)


Comprehension of iconic vocalizations across languages and cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Bodo Winter, Shigeto Kawahara & Marcus Perlman

12th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature


Lund (Sweden)


Comprehension of iconic vocalizations across languages and cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Bodo Winter, Shigeto Kawahara & Marcus Perlman

Symposium: Universal vs. language-specific factors in the processing of iconic structures; International Convention of Psychological Science


Paris (France)


Comprehension of non-linguistic vocalizations across cultures

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Bodo Winter & Marcus Perlman

41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, AG11

06.03.2019 – 08.03.2019

Universität Bremen



Laugh is in the air?

Fuchs, Susanne & Tamara Rathcke

Kolloquium Korpuslinguistik und Phonetik


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Changes and challenges in explaining speech variation: A brief review

Fuchs, Susanne

Neurolinguistisches Kolloquium


Universität Potsdam

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Vowel formant trajectories in naturalistically produced loud speech

Fuchs, Susanne & Laura L. Koenig

176th Meeting of the ASA – joint with the Canadian Acoustical Association

05.11.2018 – 09.11.2018

Victoria BA, Canada

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Ethical applications in linguistic research: Why and how?

Fuchs, Susanne

International doctorate for experimental approaches to language and brain


U Potsdam

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Perceivers change their perspective when an agent is introduced in a static situational context

Stoltmann, Katarzyna & Susanne Fuchs

7th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2018)

10.09.2018 - 14.09.2018



The influence of animacy and spatial relation complexity on the choice of frame of reference in German

Stoltmann, Katarzyna, Susanne Fuchs & Manfred Krifka

Spatial Cognition 2018

05.09.2018 - 08.09.2018


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

At the interplay between motion-breathing-speech production

Fuchs, Susanne


Sporthochschule, U Köln

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Working interdisciplinary: Advantages and challenges

Fuchs, Susanne

Conference on Interdisciplinarity

21.06.2018 - 22.06.2018

Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

A cross-linguistic, longitudinal case study of pauses and interpausal units in spontaneous speech corpora of older speakers of German and French

Gerstenberg, Annette, Susanne Fuchs, Julie M. Kairet, Claudia Frankenberg & Johannes Schröder

Speech Prosody 2018

13.06.2018 - 16.06.2018




Prosodic amplification and prosodic iconicity: Evidence from a social media corpus

Fuchs, Susanne, Cornelia Ebert, Egor Savin & Manfred Krifka

Annual Meeting of XPRAG

11.06.2018 - 12.06.2018




A tiny tiny abstract on a biiiiiig topic: An analysis of adjective re(du)plications in a social media corpus

Ćwiek, Aleksandra, Susanne Fuchs, Egor Savin, Cornelia Ebert & Manfred Krifka

Iconicity Workshop

14.05.2018 - 15.05.2018

ZAS, Berlin


Experimental studies on co- and post-speech gestures and their role in perspective-taking

Ebert, Cornelia, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Manfred Krifka

Iconicity in speech and gesture

14.05.2018 - 15.05.2018

ZAS, Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Articulatory settings in English and German during inter-speech pauses

Rasskazova, Oksana, Christine Mooshammer & Susanne Fuchs

The 2018 Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians

12.04.2018 - 14.04.2018

U Kent



Letter replication and iconicity in language: Evidence from social media corpora

Fuchs, Susanne & Egor Savin

Kolloquium Korpuslinguistik und Phonetik


HU Berlin


Iconicity in language: Evidence from social media corpora

Fuchs, Susanne, Egor Savin, Uwe D. Reichel, Cornelia Ebert, Stephanie Solt & Manfred Krifka



ZAS Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Exploring the source of short-term variations in respiratory data

Fuchs, Susanne & Laura L. Koenig

174th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America

04.12.2017 - 08.12.2017

New Orleans

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Individual differences in planning strategies among French, German and English speakers

Swets, Benjamin, Caterina Petrone, Susanne Fuchs & Jelena Krivokapic

Psychonomic Society 58th Annual Meeting

09.11.2017 - 12.11.2017



Ethical applications in linguistic research

Fuchs, Susanne

International doctorate for experimental approaches to language and brain

U Potsdam

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Orality in a blogger corpus: Letter replication as prosodic amplification

Fuchs, Susanne, Egor Savin, Cornelia Ebert, Uwe D. Reichel & Manfred Krifka

Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P13)

27.09.2017 - 28.09.2017

HU Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

The Pragmatic Status of Iconic Meaning in Spoken Communication: Gestures, Ideophones, Prosodic Modulations

Ebert, Cornelia, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs & Manfred Krifka

XPrag.de annual meeting 2017

18.09.2017 - 19.09.2017

Universität zu Köln


The influence of handedness and pointing direction on deictic gestures and speech interaction: Evidence from motion capture data on Polish counting-out rhymes

Stoltmann, Katarzyna & Susanne Fuchs

International Conference on Audio-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP)

25.08.2017 - 26.08.2017



Syllable-pointing gesture coordination in Polish counting out rhymes: The effect of speech rate

Stoltmann, Katarzyna & Susanne Fuchs

Gestures in Speech and Interaction (GESPIN)

25.08.2017 - 27.08.2017

Adam Mickiewicz U, Poznan

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Orofacial expressions in German questions and statements in voiced and whispered speech

Żygis, Marzena, Susanne Fuchs & Katarzyna Stoltmann

5th Gesture and Speech Conference (GESPIN)

25.08.2017 - 27.08.2017

Adam Mickiewicz U, Poznan

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

A multidimensional study of loud speech in German

Koenig, Laura, L. & Susanne Fuchs

Speech Motor Control

05.07.2017 - 08.07.2017


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Tongue palatal contacts during speech preparation in 7 languages

Fuchs, Susanne & Özlem Ünal-Logacev

Speech Motor Control Conference

05.07.2017 - 08.07.2017


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

A multidimensional study of loud speech in German

Koenig, Laura, L. & Susanne Fuchs

Speech Motor Control Conference

05.07.2017 - 08.07.2017


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Articulatory inter-pausal behavior

Rasskazova, Oxana, Christine Mooshammer & Susanne Fuchs

7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control

05.07.2017 - 08.07.2017


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Physiological correlates of loud speech: Respiratory and intraoral pressure data

Koenig, Laura, L. & Susanne Fuchs

173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum

25.06.2017 - 29.06.2017



Can EPG contacts explain intraoral pressure shapes in voiced and voiceless stops in Turkish? Evidence from Generalized Additive Mixed Models

Ünal-Logacev, Özlem, Susanne Fuchs & Leonardo Lancia

Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PAPE)

12.06.2017 - 14.06.2017

U Köln

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

How different motions affect lexical access and linguistic structure in a spontaneous speech task

Fuchs, Susanne, Uwe D. Reichel & Amélie Rochet Capellan

Abstraction, diversity and speech dynamics

03.05.2017 - 05.05.2017

Herrsching am Ammersee


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Zum Einfluss rhythmischer Bewegungen der Gliedmaßen auf sprachliche Strukturen

Fuchs, Susanne (invited)

Arbeitsgruppentreffen der Phonetik/Phonologie


Universität Bielefeld

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Changes and challenges in explaining speech variation: A review over the last 50 years

Fuchs, Susanne (invited keynote)

AISV: Sources and functions of speech variation. Disentangling the role of biological and social factors

25.01.2017 - 27.01.2017

Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Beeinflussen rhythmische Bewegungen der Gliedmaßen die Struktur sprachlicher Äußerungen?

Fuchs, Susanne (invited)

Kolloquium Corpuslinguistik und Phonetik


Berlin, Humboldt Universität

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Ethical applications in linguistic research: Why and how?

Fuchs, Susanne (invited talk)

International doctorate for experimental approaches to language and brain


Potsdam University, Potsdam

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Ethics in psycholinguistic research with children: Writing applications & best practice

Fuchs, Susanne & Pia Knoeferle (invited talk)

Summerschool: Infant Studies on Language Development in Europe (ISOLDE)

27.06.2016 - 30.06.2016

Universität Potsdam



Sprechen und Bewegen: Multitasking im Bewegungslabor

Fuchs, Susanne

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften


Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Variation in prosodic planning among individuals and across languages

Swets, Benjamin, Caterina Petrone, Susanne Fuchs & Jelena Krivokapic

29th Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing

03.03.2016 - 05.03.2016

University of Florida



F0 declination and speech planning in face to face dialogues

Fuchs, Susanne, Uwe D. Reichel & Amelie Rochet-Capellan

27. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung

02.03.2016 - 04.03.2016

Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

On the interaction between moving – breathing – talking

Fuchs, Susanne, Amélie Rochet-Capellan & Uwe D. Reichel (invited)

Meeting of the International Interdisciplinary Thematic Network (RTP-I), CNRS: From humans and non-human primates to robots: Motion

07.12.2015 - 08.12.2015

Primatology Station of the CNRS, Rousset-sur-Arc (France)



Tutorial: Modelling speaker-specific variability by means of biomechanical tongue models

Fuchs, Susanne, Ralf Winkler & Pascal Perrier

Modeling variability in speech

01.10.2015 - 02.10.2015

Stuttgart, Institute for Natural Language Processing



Building speaker - specific biomechanical tongue models: A practical guide

Fuchs, Susanne, Ralf Winkler, Pascal Perrier, Yohan Payan & Lasse Bombien

18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences




Voicing contrast in Turkish: Simultaneous measurements of acoustics, EPG, and intraoral pressure

Ünal-Logacev, Ozlem & Susanne Fuchs

18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

09.08.2015 - 14.08.2015


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Changes in speaking and breathing rate while speaking and biking

Fuchs, Susanne, Uwe D. Reichel & Amelie Rochet-Capellan

18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

09.08.2015 - 14.08.2015


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Acoustic effects of loud speech and interrelationships among measures

Koenig, L. Laura & Susanne Fuchs

18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

09.08.2015 - 14.08.2015


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

How body motion influences speech sequencing via breathing: Evidence from spontaneous speech data

Fuchs, Susanne, Amélie Rochet-Capellan, Uwe D. Reichel & Marcus Roese

Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop 2015

06.07.2015 - 08.07.2015

MOVE, Research Institute Amsterdam & U Amsterdam

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Atempausen beim Sprechen – von der Biologie zur Kognition und zurück

Fuchs, Susanne (invited)

Seminar (Christine Mooshammer): Pausen und Phrasierung in der Lesesprache


HU Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

How body motion influences speech sequencing via breathing

Fuchs, Susanne (invited)

Workshop on temporal sequencing and coordination in speech and movement

10.04.2015 - 11.04.2015

Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence


How body motion influences linguistic structure via breathing

Fuchs, Susanne

HU-ZAS meeting


ZAS Berlin


How body motion influences linguistic structure via breathing

Fuchs, Susanne, Uwe Reichel, Amelie Rochet-Capellan & Marcus Roese



ZAS Berlin


How body motion influences linguistic structure via breathing

Fuchs, Susanne, Uwe Reichel, Amelie Rochet-Capellan & Marcus Roese



ZAS Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Atmung, Stimme, Dialog: Aus dem Labor der Sprachwissenschaft

Fuchs, Susanne & Andrea Kaden (invited)

Festival: Stimme im Ausnahmezustand

13.11.2014 - 15.11.2014

Hebbel Theater (HAU), Berlin


Is breathing sensitive to the communication partner?

Rochet-Capellan, Amelie, Gerard Bailly & Susanne Fuchs

7th International Conference on Speech Prosody

20.05.2014 - 23.05.2014

Trinity College Dublin


Wer hat den längeren Atem? Welche Rolle spielt die Atmung beim Sprechen und Zuhören?

Fuchs, Susanne

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften


ZAS Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Is breathing in fast writing comparable to breathing in speech?

Fuchs, Susanne, Amelie Rochet-Capellan & Gregory Mills


05.05.2014 - 08.05.2014

U Köln


Changes in breathing under different focus conditions

Petrone, Caterina, Susanne Fuchs & Laura Koenig


05.05.2014 - 08.05.2014

U Köln


Are breathing profiles specific to the turn type in unconstrained face-to-face dialogue?

Rochet-Capellan, Amelie & Susanne Fuchs


05.05.2014 - 08.05.2014

U Köln

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Soft 'g' in Turkish: Evidence for sound change in progress?

Ünal-Logacev, Özlem, Susanne Fuchs, Marzena Żygis


05.05.2014 - 08.05.2014

U Köln

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Mumbling is morphology?

Weirich, Melanie, Adrian Simpson, Susanne Fuchs, Ralf Winkler & Pascal Perrier


05.05.2014 - 08.05.2014

U Köln


Listening tongues: An EMA and EPG study on tongue movements during the perception of speech

Weirich, Melanie, Susanne Fuchs & Adrian Simpson

Workshop on convergence


U Köln

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Ethikanträge in der experimentellen Forschung: Wie und warum?

Fuchs, Susanne

Plenarvortrag, Methodenworkshop


HU Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

What breathing can tell us about human interaction

Fuchs, Susanne & Amelie Rochet-Capellan (invited)


LMU München


Zur Rolle der Schneidezähne bei der Produktion von Obstruenten

Fuchs, Susanne, Anna Sapronova & Erika Schulz

Phonetik & Phonologie 9

11.10.2013 - 12.10.2013

U Zürich, Phonetisches Laboratorium


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Artikulatorische Erklärung für sprecherspezifische Unterschiede bei tiefen Vokalen

Winkler, Ralf, Susanne Fuchs, Pascal Perrier, Mark Tiede & Phil Hoole

Phonetik & Phonologie 9

11.10.2013 - 12.10.2013

U Zürich, Phonetisches Laboratorium



Speaker-specific breathing profiles during spontaneous speech

Rochet-Capellan, Amelie & Susanne Fuchs

4th Summer school on Speech Production and Perception: Speaker-specific behaviour

30.09.2013 - 04.10.2013



Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Breathing in human interaction

Rochet-Capellan, Amelie, Leonardo Lancia & Susanne Fuchs

Joint Action Meeting

26.07.2013 - 29.07.2013

HU Berlin


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Eingeladener MA-Vortrag

Zur Rolle der Atmung beim Sprechen und Zuhören

Fuchs, Susanne (invited)


U Jena

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Quantification of speech convergence through non-linear methods for the analysis of time-series

Lancia, Leonardo, Susanne Fuchs & Amelie Rochet-Capellan

Poster, International symposium on imitation and convergence in speech

03.09.2012 - 05.09.2012



Breathing changes during listening and subsequent speech according to the speaker and the loudness level

Rochet-Capellan, Amelie, Susanne Fuchs, Leonardo Lancia & Pascal Perrier

International symposium on imitation and convergence in speech

03.09.2012 - 05.09.2012


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

How listener's respiration changes while listening to speech

Fuchs, Susanne, Amelie Rochet-Capellan, Leonardo Lancia & Pascal Perrier

Poster, Motor Control Summer School

14.06.2012 - 18.06.2012



Breathing cycles during speaking and listening: Data and modelling

Fuchs, Susanne, Amelie Rochet-Capellan, Leonardo Lancia & Pascal Perrier



ZAS Berlin


Breathing cycles during speaking and listening: Data and modelling

Fuchs, Susanne, Amelie Rochet-Capellan, Leonardo Lancia & Pascal Perrier

Dynamic modeling of articulation and prosodic structure

07.05.2012 - 08.05.2012

U Köln


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Does listeners' breathing change according to speaker and to loudness?

Rochet-Capellan, Amelie, Susanne Fuchs, Leonardo Lancia & Pascal Perrier

Poster, Workshop: The listening talker

02.05.2012 - 03.05.2012




Does subglottal pressure increase under contrastive focus?

Fuchs, Susanne, Caterina Petrone & Laura L. Koenig

P&P7 Osnabrück

07.10.2011 - 08.10.2011

U Osnabrück


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Sprechplanung bei Erwachsenen und Kindern und der Einfluss des Arbeitsgedächtnisses – Eine Methodenevaluation

Magister, Caroline, Susanne Fuchs & Caterina Petrone

Poster, Phonetik & Phonologie in Deutschland

07. - 08.10.2011

U Osnabrück


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Is the length of a sentence pre-planned? Evidence from breathing control, intraoral pressure and pitch

Petrone, Caterina, Susanne Fuchs & Jelena Krivokapic

Poster, International Summer School on Multimodal Approaches in Neuroscience

19. - 21.07.2010

MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig


Speaker-specific biomechanical models: From acoustic variability via articulatory variability to the variability of motor commands in selected tongue muscles

Winkler, Ralf, Susanne Fuchs, Pascal Perrier & Mark Tiede

International Seminar on Speech Production

20.06.2011 - 23.06.2011

Montreal, UQAM


The labial coronal effect revised

Lancia, Leonardo & Susanne Fuchs

International Seminar on Speech Production

20.06.2011 - 23.06.2011

Montreal, UQAM


Can the location of vocal tract bending constrain individual vowel articulation? Evidence from biomechanical modeling

Winkler, Ralf, Susanne Fuchs, Pascal Perrier & Mark Tiede

VIth International Conference on Speech Motor Control

08.06.2011 - 11.06.2011


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Consequences of working memory differences and phrasal length on pause duration and fundamental frequency

Petrone, Caterina, Susanne Fuchs & Jelena Krivokapic

Poster, Conference on Speech Motor Control

08. - 11.06.2011


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Applying cross recurrence analysis to the labial coronal effect

Lancia, Leonardo & Susanne Fuchs

Poster, Conference on Speech Motor Control

08. - 11.06.2011



Measuring intraoral pressure: Examples from our work

Fuchs, Susanne & Laura L. Koenig


ZAS Berlin

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

On the flexibility of speech planning: effects of working memory on fundamental frequency production

Petrone, Caterina, Susanne Fuchs & Jelena Krivokapic

Poster, Xth Symposium of Psycholinguistics

13. - 16.04.2011

Donostia, San Sebastian (E)


Methods in speech production (Electropalatography and aerodynamic measures)

Fuchs, Susanne & Pascal Perrier

Methods in speech production


MPI Leipzig


Intraoral pressure and electropalatographic measures at voicing offsets and onsets in obstruents and obstruent sequences of German

Koenig, Laura & Susanne Fuchs

International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics

06.07.2010 - 08.07.2010

U Wisconsin-Madison, WI (USA)


Voicing contrast in American English and German: An intraoral pressure and acoustic study

Rodgers, Blake & Susanne Fuchs

International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics

06.07.2010 - 08.07.2010

U Wisconsin-Madison, WI (USA)

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Cross recurrence analysis of speech signals

Lancia, Leonardo & Susanne Fuchs

Poster, School of Advanced Studies in Speech Dynamics

07. - 11.06.2010

São Paulo (BR)

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Prosodic boundaries in German: Final lengthening in spontaneous speech

Fuchs, Susanne, Jelena Krivokapic & Stefanie Jannedy

Poster, 159th ASA meeting/NOISE-CON

19. - 23.04.2010

Baltimore, MD (USA)


Is the length of a sentence pre-planned? Evidence from breathing control, intraoral pressure and F0

Fuchs, Susanne, Caterina Petrone & Jelena Krivokapic


Grenoble, GIPSA-lab, ICP

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Speed-curvature relations in speech production challenge the one-third power law

Perrier, Pascal & Susanne Fuchs

Poster, Progress in Motor Control



Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

On coordinative patterns and transformation effects in reiterant speech production

Fuchs, Susanne, Mariam Hartinger, Matthias Ziervogel & Melanie Weirich

Progress in Motor Control




Why are voiced affricates avoided cross-linguistically? Evidence from an aerodynamic study

Żygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs

Konferenz Phonetik & Phonologie 5


U Köln


The control of speech breathing in relation to the upcoming sentence

Fuchs, Susanne

International Seminar on Speech Production

08.12.2008 - 12.12.2008


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Does the speaker's vocal tract geometry shape its articulatory vowel space

Fuchs, Susanne, Ralf Winkler & Pascal Perrier

Poster, International Seminar on Speech Production

08.12.2008 - 12.12.2008


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Schwa out of control?

Jannedy, Stefanie, Susanne Fuchs & Melanie Weirich

Poster, International Seminar on Speech Production

08.12.2008 - 12.12.2008



Why are voiced affricates avoided cross-linguistically? Evidence from an aerodynamic study

Żygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs

International Seminar on Speech Production

08.12.2008 - 12.12.2008


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Why are voiced affricates avoided cross-linguistically? Evidence from an aerodynamic study

Żygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs

Poster, Workshop on Consonant clusters and structural complexity

31.07.2008 - 02.08.2008

U München

Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

The relation between articulatory and aerodynamic properties of single /t/, /S/ and their combination in /tS/ and /St/

Fuchs, Susanne & Laura L. Koenig

Poster, ASA meeting

29.06.2008 - 04.07.2008


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Inter-speaker variability and the articulatory-acoustic relations in German and English /sh/

Fuchs, Susanne & Martine Toda

Poster, ASA meeting

29.06.2008 - 04.07.2008



Physical modelling of Vowel-Stop-Vowel sequences

Brutel-Vuilmet, Claire, Xavier Pelorson, Annemie van Hirtum & Susanne Fuchs

ASA meeting

29.06.2008 - 04.07.2008


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Voicing offsets and onsets in relation to intraoral pressure values in lingual obstruents of German

Koenig, Laura & Susanne Fuchs

Poster, ASA meeting

29.06.2008 - 04.07.2008


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Speaker-specific patterns of token-totoken variability

Mooshammer, Christine, Pascal Perrier & Susanne Fuchs

Poster, ASA meeting

29.06.2008 - 04.07.2008


Mitarbeiter-Vortrag - Poster

Speed-curvature relations in speech production: a multilingual experimental and modeling study

Perrier, Pascal & Susanne Fuchs

Poster, ASA meeting

29.06.2008 - 04.07.2008



Do differences in male versus female /s/ reflect biological factors or sociophonetic ones

Fuchs, Susanne


Strasbourg, U Marc Bloch


Supralaryngeal movements in the realisation of the voicing contrast. A cross-linguistic study

Fuchs, Susanne, Marzena Żygis, Jana Brunner & Anke Busler

Konferenz Phonetik & Phonologie 3


U Stuttgart


Temporal and special aspects in the realisation of voiced and voiceless sibilants in different word positions

Fuchs, Susanne, Marzena Żygis, Jana Brunner, Anke Busler, Hristo Velkov & Pascal Perrier

5th International Conference on Speech Motor Control

