Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich. 2013. /oy/ as an Identity Marker of Hood German in Berlin. Proceedings on Meetings on Acoustics (POMA 19), 1-6.
Rochet-Capellan, Amelie & Susanne Fuchs. 2013. The interplay of linguistic structure and breathing in German spontaneous speech. Proceedings of Interspeech 2013.
Malisz, Zofia, Marzena Zygis & Bernd Pompino-Marschall. 2013. Rhythmic structure effects on glottalisations: A study of different speech styles in Polish and German. In Martine & Doris Mücke (eds.). Temporal Structure and Mechanisms of Timing. Laboratory Phonology 4. Special Issue, 119-158.
Kraska-Szlenk, Iwona & Marzena Zygis. 2012. Phonetic and lexical gradience in Polish prefixed words. Cognitive Linguistics 23, 317-336.
Zygis, Marzena, Susanne Fuchs & Laura L. Koenig. 2012. Phonetic explanations for the infrequency of voiced sibilant affricates across languages. Laboratory Phonology 3, 299-336.
Zygis, Marzena, Daniel Pape & Luis Jesus. 2012. (Non)retroflex Slavic affricates and their motivation. Evidence from Czech and Polish. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 42, 281-329.
Zygis, Marzena & Bernd Pompino-Marschall. 2012. Glottale Markierungen vokalinitialer Wörter. Deutsch und Polnisch im Kontrast. In Gisela Zifonun & Lutz Gunkel (eds.). Deutsch im Sprachvergleich. Grammatische Kontraste und Konvergenzen, 75-98. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Zygis, Marzena. 2012. Constraint (and other lemmas). In Tracy Alan Hall & Bernd Pompino-Marschall (eds.). Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Phonetik und Phonologie, . Berlin: De Gruyter.
Zygis, Marzena. 2012. Optimality Theory. In Tracy Alan Hall & Bernd Pompino-Marschall (eds.). Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Phonetik und Phonologie, . Berlin: De Gruyter.
Lucero, Jorge, Laura L. Koenig & Susanne Fuchs. 2012. Modeling source-tract interaction in speech production: Voicing onset vs. vowel height after a voiceless obstruent. Proceedings of Interspeech 2012, 2198-2201.
Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich. 2012. Phonology & the interpretation of fine phonetic detail in Berlin German. Proceedings of Interspeech 2012, 110-113.
Fuchs, Susanne, Melanie Weirich, Daniel Pape & Pascal Perrier (eds.). 2012. Speech planning and dynamics. Speech production and perception 1. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang.
Jannedy, Stefanie. 2012. Urbanes Deutsch und seine Rezeption. Bericht über das Forschungsjahr 2011 : ZAS ; Reflexionen. 74-95.
Stiebels, Barbara. 2011. Von den Herausforderungen des lexikalischen Reichtums. Bericht über das Forschungsjahr 2010 : ZAS ; Reflexionen.
Jannedy, Stefanie, Melanie Weirich & Jana Brunner. 2011. The Effect of Inferences on the Perceptual Categorization of Berlin German Fricatives. In Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee (eds.). Proceedings of the XVIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1870-1873. U Hong Kong:
Grimme, Britta, Susanne Fuchs, Pascal Perrier & Gregor Schoener. 2011. Limb versus speech motor control: A conceptual review. Motor Control 15-1, 5-33.
Fuchs, Susanne, Rudolph Sock & Yves Laprie. 2011. Preface [Motor Control 15(1)]. Motor Control 15(1), 2-4.
Brunner, Jana, Susanne Fuchs & Pascal Perrier. 2011. Supralaryngeal control in Korean velar stops. Journal of Phonetics 39, 178-195.
Koenig, Laura, Susanne Fuchs & Jorge C. Lucero. 2011. Effects of consonant manner and vowel height on intraoral pressure and articulatory contact at voicing offset and onset for voiceless obstruents. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129(5), 3233-3244.
Fuchs, Susanne, Pascal Perrier & Mariam Hartinger. 2011. A critical evaluation of gestural stiffness estimations in speech production based on a linear second-order model. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 54, 1067-1076.