Autor(en) | Stiebels, Barbara, Thomas McFadden, Kerstin Schwabe, Torgrim Solstad, Elisa Kellner, Livia Sommer & Katarzyna Stoltmann |
Erscheinungsdatum | 2024 |
Titel des Werks | OWID plus |
Herausgeber | Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim (ed.) |
Verlag | Institut für Deutsche Sprache, OWID plus |
Ort | Mannheim |
Verlagsseite | |
Open Access | | |
This publication entry refers to the current version of the ZAS database.
The url will always point to whatever the current release is, with older releases migrated to special addresses whenever a new release comes out. The publishers strongly recommend using the most recent release of the ZAS database for all research purposes, but will endeavor to make previous versions available for a limited time after each new release, so that ongoing projects depending on a particular snapshot of the data can be completed or migrated to the new version.
Publishing date of the first version: 16.02.2017
Release 1.0 (2018) is available for the time being at the following address: