Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

PB1 - Konstituentengrenzbezogene Phänomene gesprochener Sprache




Im Programmbereich PB1 werden Themen aus der Phonetik  und Phonologie (Insertionen, Tilgungen, Ton & Intonation, soziolinguistische Variation und der Einfluss von Sprechgeschwindigkeit auf die akustische und artikulatorische Ausprägung des Signals) innerhalb von Konstituenten und an Konstituentengrenzen untersucht. Ziel ist, zu erkunden, welche artikulatorische bzw. akustische Ausprägung konstituentengrenzenbezogene Phänomene in gesprochener Sprache haben. Darüber hinaus beschäftigen wir uns mit linguistischer Varianz in Berliner Dialekten.


Die Arbeit der Laborphonologie-Gruppe am ZAS beschäftigt sich mit einer Vielzahl verschiedener Themen an der Schnittstelle von Geistes-, Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften. Unsere derzeitige Forschung umfasst die Sprachen Französisch, Italienisch, Amerikanisches Englisch, Vietnamesisch, Ewe, Polnisch, Tschechisch, Ukrainisch, Katalan und unterschiedliche Varietäten des Deutschen. Wir analysieren sowohl Spontansprache (unter Zuhilfenahme von Interviews oder bestimmten Aufgabenstellungen für die Versuchspersonen), als auch unter verschiedenen Bedingungen vorgelesene Texte (z.B. politische Reden) und Laborsprache (mit kontrollierten Sprachmaterialien). Dabei können wir auf ein gut ausgestattetes Sprachlabor zurückgreifen, in dem wir physiologische und akustische Aufnahmen durchführen können. 

Unsere aktuellen Forschungsprojekte umfassen Analysen in folgenden Bereichen: 

Akustische und artikulatorische Manifestationen von prosodischen Grenzen

  • Glottalisierung im Deutschen unter Einfluss prosodischer und segmentaler Aspekte
  • akustische Realisierung der prosodischen Grenzen in Abhängigkeit von lexikalischer Frequenz
  • Reorganisation von artikulatorischen Gesten unter Variation der Sprechgeschwindigkeit
  • Fokusmarkierung und Phrasierung in komplexen Tonsprachen

Phonologische Analysen von Grenzphänomenen

  • Interaktionen zwischen Segmenten und Intonation allgemein und in geflüßterter Sprache

Physiologische Mechanismen in der Realisierung von Grenzmarkierungen

  • Atempausen, deren Dauer und Tiefe in Monologen, Dialogen, gelesenen Texten
  • Turn taking

Akustische, prosodische und morpho-syntaktische Charakteristika von Spontansprache

  • korpusbasierte Analysen deutscher Spontansprache aus unterschiedlichen Bezirken Berlins 
  • den Einfuss der Sprache auf die nationale Identität bei bilingualen Kindern


  • Arvaniti, Amalia, Marzena Zygis & Marek Jaskula . 2015. The phonetics and phonology of Polish vocative chant. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Paper number 297.
  • Arvaniti, Amalia, Zygis, Marzena & Marek Jaskula . 2016. The phonetics and phonology of the Polish calling melodies. Special Issue of Phonetica 73. 338–361.
  • Belz, Malte, Mooshammer Christine, Fuchs, Susanne, Jannedy, Stefanie, Rasskazova, Oxana & Marzena Żygis. 2018. Proceedings of the Conference of Phonetics and Phonology of German Speaking Areas . Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
  • Belz, Malte, Susanne Fuchs, Stefanie Jannedy, Christine Mooshammer, Oxana Rasskazova & Marzena Zygis. 2018. Proceedings of the conference: Phonetics and phonology of the German-speaking countries . Berlin: HU.
  • Blaszczak, Joanna & Marzena Żygis . 2018. Nicht perfekt, aber glücklich. Aus dem Sprachleben deutsch-polnischer Schüler in Berlin. In Hufeisen, Britta, Rosenberg, Peter, Schröder, Christoph, Sopata, Aldona & Tomasz Wicherkiewicz , Sprachbildung und Sprachkontakt im deutsch-polnischen Kontext, 19-43.. Berlin: Peter Lang.
  • Blaszczak, Joanna & Marzena Zygis. 2014. Bin ich Deutscher oder Pole? Eine Studie über nationale Identität der deutsch-polnischen Kinder und Jugendlichen in Berlin. Polnisch in Deutschland. Zeitschrift der Bundesvereinigung der Polnischlehrkräfte 2. 35-50.
  • Brunner, Jana. 2010. Phonological length of number marking morphemes in the framework of typological markedness. In Susanne Fuchs, Philip Hoole, Christine Mooshammer & Marzena Zygis (eds.), Between the Regular and the Particular in Speech and Language, 5-28. Berlin: Peter Lang.
  • Brunner, Jana. 2009. Perturbed speech. How compensation mechanisms can inform us about phonemic targets . Saarbrücken: Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften.
  • Brunner, Jana & Marzena Zygis. 2011. Why do glottal stops and low vowels like each other?. In Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee (eds.), Proceedings of the XVIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 376-379. Hong Kong: Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, University of Hong Kong.
  • Brunner, Jana, Susanne Fuchs & Pascal Perrier. 2011. Supralaryngeal control in Korean velar stops. Journal of Phonetics 39. 178-195.
  • Brunner, Jana, Susanne Fuchs & Pascal Perrier. 2009. On the relationship between palate shape and articulatory behavior. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125(6). 3936-3949.
  • Brutel-Vuilmet, Claire & Susanne Fuchs. 2008. Rate effects on aerodynamics of intervocalic stops: Evidence from real speech data and model data. In Marzena Zygis & Susanne Fuchs (eds.), ZAS Papers in Linguistics 49. Papers in Phonetics and Phonology, 1-21.
  • Cwiek, Aleksandra & Susanne Fuchs. 2019. Iconic prosody is rooted in sensori-motor properties: Fundamental frequency and the vertical space. In Davies, Jim & Evangelia Chrysikou, Proceedings of Cognitive Science, 1-7. Montreal: Cognitive Science Society.
  • Czaplicki, Bartɫomiej, Marzena Żygis, Daniel Pape & Luis M.T. Jesus . 2016. Acoustic evidence of new sibilants in the production of young Polish women. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 52. 1-42.
  • Czaplicki, Bartɫomiej, Marzena Żygis, Daniel Pape & Luis M.T. Jesus . 2016. Analiza akustyczna i sociolingwistyczna nowych sybilantów w wymowie młodych Polek. Poradnik Językowy [The Linguistic Guide] 7. 38-53.
  • Fuchs, Susanne. 2017. Changes and challenges in explaining speech variation: A brief review. In Bertini C., Celata C., Lenoci G., Meluzzi C. & Ricci I., Fattori sociali e biologici nella variazione fonetica - Social and biological factors in speech variation, 29-44. Milano: Officinaventuno.
  • Fuchs, Susanne. 2015. Review of the book: Articulatory Phonetics by Bryan Gick, Ian Wilson & Donald Derrick. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 45(3). 311-313.
  • Fuchs, Susanne. 2009. Articulatory correlates of the voicing contrast in German: Alveolar obstruents . Saarbrücken: Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften.
  • Fuchs, Susanne & Blake Rodgers. 2013. Negative intraoral pressure in German: Evidence from an exploratory study. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 43(3). 321-337.
  • Fuchs, Susanne & Jelena Krivokapic. 2016. Prosodic boundaries in writing: Evidence from a keystroke analysis. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:1678.
  • Fuchs, Susanne & Laura L. Koenig. 2009. The articulation and aerodynamics of voiceless consonants, clusters, and affricates of German. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126 (4). 1988-2001.
  • Fuchs, Susanne & Leonardo Lancia. 2016. Seeing speech production through the window of complex interactions: Introduction to supplement containing selected papers from the Xth International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP) in Cologne. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 59. S1555-S1557.
  • Fuchs, Susanne & Martine Toda. 2010. Do differences in male versus female /s/ reflect biological or sociophonetic factors?. In Susanne Fuchs, Martine Toda & Marzena Zygis (eds.), Turbulent sounds. An interdisciplinary guide, 281-302. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Fuchs, Susanne & Pascal Perrier. 2008. Understanding speech production: The PILIOS approach. Revue francaise de linguistique appliquée XIII (2). 35-44.
  • Fuchs, Susanne & Pascal Perrier (eds.). 2013. Anne Hermes: Articulatory coordination and syllable structure in Italian (Speech production and perception). Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang Publisher.
  • Fuchs, Susanne & Peter Birkholz. 2019. Phonetics of consonants. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press. . URL: doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.410
  • Fuchs, Susanne & Tamara Rathcke. 2018. Laugh is in the air? Physiological analysis of laughter as a correlate of attraction during speed dating. URL: http://pages.isir.upmc.fr/~pelachaud/site/LaughterWorkshop18.html
  • Fuchs, Susanne & Uwe D. Reichel. 2016. On the relationship between pointing gestures and speech production in German counting out rhymes: Evidence from motion capture data and speech acoustics. In Christoph Draxler & Felicitas Kleber (eds.), Proceedings of P&P 12, 1-4. München: LMU .
  • Fuchs, Susanne et al.. 2015. Assessing respiratory contributions to f0 declination in German across varying speech tasks and respiratory demands. Journal of Phonetics 52. 35-45.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Caterina Petrone, Jelena Krivokapic & Philip Hoole. 2013. Acoustic and respiratory evidence for utterance planning in German. Journal of Phonetics 41. 29-47.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Daniel Pape, Caterina Petrone & Pascal Perrier. 2015. Preface. In Susanne Fuchs, Daniel Pape, Caterina Petrone & Pascal Perrier (eds.), Individual differences in speech production and perception, 7-10. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang Publisher.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Daniel Pape, Caterina Petrone & Pascal Perrier (eds.). 2015. Individual differences in speech production and perception (Speech production and perception). Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang Publisher.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Egor Savin, Stephanie Solt, Cornelia Ebert & Manfred Krifka. 2019. Antonym adjective pairs and prosodic iconicity: evidence from letter replications in an English blogger corpus. Linguistics Vanguard. 5(1).
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Egor Savin, Uwe D. Reichel, Cornelia Ebert & Manfred Krifka. 2018. Letter replication as prosodic amplification in social media. In Belz, Malte, Susanne Fuchs, Stefanie Jannedy, Christine Mooshammer, Oxana Rasskazova & Marzena Zygis (eds.), Proceedings of the conference: Phonetics and phonology in the German-speaking countries, 65-68. Berlin: HU.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Helene Loevenbruck, Daniel Pape & Pascal Perrier (eds.). 2009. Some aspects of speech and the brain . Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Jelena Krivokapic & Stefanie Jannedy. 2010. Prosodic boundaries in German: Final lengthening in spontaneous speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127. 1851.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Joanne Cleland & Amélie Rochet-Capellan. 2019. Speech production and perception: Learning and memory (Speech production and perception). Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang Publisher.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Joanne Cleland & Amélie Rochet-Capellan. 2019. Preface. In Fuchs, Susanne, Joanne Cleland & Amélie Rochet-Capellan, Speech production and perception: Learning and memory, 7-11. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang Publisher.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Joanne Cleland, Amelie Rochet-Capellan & Olivia Maky (eds.). 2017. Proceedings of the winter school on Speech production and perception: Learning and memory . Berlin: .
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Laura L. Koenig & Caterina Petrone. 2019. Exploring the source of short-term variations in respiratory data. JASA Express Letter. EL66-EL71.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Martine Grice, Anne Hermes, Leonardo Lancia & Doris Mücke. 2014. Proceedings of the Xth International Speech Production Seminar . Köln: Universität Köln.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Martine Toda & Marzena Zygis. 2010. Preface. In Susanne Fuchs, Martine Toda & Marzena Zygis (eds.), Turbulent sounds. An interdisciplinary guide, v-ix. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Martine Toda & Marzena Zygis (eds.). 2010. Turbulent sounds. An interdisciplinary guide (Interface Explorations). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Melanie Weirich, Christian Kroos, Natalie Fecher, Daniel Pape & Sabine Koppetsch. 2010. Time for a shave? Does facial hair interfere with visual speech intelligibility?. Annals of Improbable Research 16(1). 6-8.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Melanie Weirich, Daniel Pape & Pascal Perrier (eds.). 2012. Speech planning and dynamics (Speech production and perception). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Pascal Perrier & Mariam Hartinger. 2011. A critical evaluation of gestural stiffness estimations in speech production based on a linear second-order model. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 54. 1067–1076.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Philip Hoole, Christine Mooshammer & Marzena Zygis (eds.). 2010. Between the regular and the particular in speech and language . Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Ralf Winkler & Pascal Perrier. 2008. Does the speaker’s vocal tract geometry shape its articulatory vowel space?. In Rudolph Sock, Susanne Fuchs & Yves Laprie (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, 333-336. Strasbourg: Université March Bloch.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Rudolph Sock & Yves Laprie. 2011. Preface. Motor Control 15-1. 2-4.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Stefanie Jannedy & André Meinunger. 2018. Digitale soziale Medien und der Sprachwandel im Licht von Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit. In ZAS, Das Forschungsjahr 2017, 11-17.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Uwe D. Reichel & Amélie Rochet-Capellan. 2016. F0 declination and speech planning in face to face dialogues. In Oliver Jokisch (ed.), Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, Band 81, 145-152.
  • Fuchs, Susanne, Uwe D. Reichel & Amelie Rochet-Capellan. 2015. Changes in speaking and breathing rate while speaking and biking. In U Glasgow (ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Paper number 1005.
  • Gerstenberg, Annette, Susanne Fuchs, Julie M. Kairet Claudia Frankenberg & Johannes Schröder. 2018. A cross-linguistic, longitudinal case study of pauses and interpausal units in spontaneous speech corpora of older speakers of German and French. Proceedings of Speech Prosody. 211-215.
  • Grimme, Britta, Susanne Fuchs, Pascal Perrier & Gregor Schoener. 2011. Limb versus speech motor control: A conceptual review. Motor Control 15-1. 5-33.
  • Hall, Tracy Alan & Marzena Zygis. 2010. An overview of the phonology of obstruents. In Susanne Fuchs, Martine Toda & Marzena Zygis (eds.), Turbulent sounds. An interdisciplinary guide, 1-37. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Hamann, Silke & Susanne Fuchs. 2010. Retroflexion of voiced stops: Data from Dhao, Thulung, Afar and German. Language and Speech 53(2). 1-36.
  • Hamann, Silke & Susanne Fuchs. 2008. How do voiced retroflex stops evolve? Evidence from typology and an articulatory study. In Marzena Zygis & Susanne Fuchs (eds.), ZAS Papers in Linguistics 49. Papers in Phonetics and Phonology, 97-131.
  • Hamlaoui, Fatima, Żygis, Marzena, Engelmann, Jonas & Michael Wagner . 2015. Acoustic correlates of focus marking in Polish. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Paper number 846.
  • Hay, Jennifer, Stefanie Jannedy & Norma Mendoza-Denton. 2010. Oprah and /ay/: Lexical Frequency, Referee Design & Style. In Miriam Meyerhoff & Erik Schleef (eds.), The Routledge Sociolinguistic Reader, 53-58. London: Routledge.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie. 2012. Urbanes Deutsch und seine Rezeption. Jahrbuch der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Zentren (GWZ) Berlin. 74-95.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie. 2010. The usages and meanings of 'so' in spontaneous Berlin Kiezdeutsch. In Melanie Weirich & Stefanie Jannedy (eds.), Papers from the Linguistics Laboratory. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 52, 43-61.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie. 2008. The Effect of Lexical Tone and Focus on the Formation of F0 in Vietnamese. Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages, 394-412.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie. 2008. The effect of focus on lexical tone in Vietnamese. In Antonis Botinis (ed.), Proceedings of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 105-108.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich. 2016. The acoustics of fricative contrasts in two German dialects. In Christoph Draxler & Felicitas Kleber (eds.), Proceedings of P&P 12, 1-4. München: LMU München.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich. 2014. Sound change in an urban setting: Category instability of the palatal fricative in Berlin. Journal of Laboratory Phonology 5(1). 91-122.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich. 2014. Linguistic Influences on Diphthong Realization of /ɔɪ/ in Hood German. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), 1-4.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich. 2014. Some aspects of individual speaking style features in Hood German. In Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon & Daniel Hirst (eds)., Proceedings of Speech Prosody 7, 843-847.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie & Melanie Weirich. 2012. Phonology & the interpretation of fine phonetic detail in Berlin German. In ISCA (ed.), Proceedings of Interspeech 2012, 1-4. Portland (Oregon, USA): USA.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie, Melanie Weirich & Jana Brunner. 2011. The Effect of Inferences on the Perceptual Categorization of Berlin German Fricatives. In Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee (eds.), Proceedings of the XVIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1870-1873.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie, Melanie Weirich & Louisa Helmeke. 2015. Acoustic analyses of differences in [ç] and [ʃ] productions in Hood German. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1-5. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie, Susanne Fuchs & Melanie Weirich. 2010. Articulation beyond the usual: Evaluating the fastest German speaker under laboratory conditions. In Susanne Fuchs, Phil Hoole, Christine Mooshammer & Marzena Zygis (eds.), Between the regular and the particular in speech and language, 205-234. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie, Susanne Fuchs & Melanie Weirich. 2010. Articulation beyond the usual: Evaluating the fastest German speaker under laboratory conditions.. In Susanne Fuchs, Philip Hoole, Christine Mooshammer & Marzena Zygis (eds.), Between the Regular and the Particular in Speech and Language, 205-234. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
  • Jannedy, Stefanie, Susanne Fuchs & Melanie Weirich. 2008. Schwa out of control?. In Rudolph Sock, Susanne Fuchs & Yves Laprie (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, 129-132. Strasbourg: Institute de phonetique.
  • Kell, Christian A., Maritza Darquea, Marion Behrens, Lorenzo Cordani, Christian Keller & Susanne Fuchs. 2017. Phonetic detail and lateralization of reading-related inner speech and of auditory and somatosensory feedback processing during overt reading. Human Brain Mapping 38(1). 493–508.
  • Koenig, L. Laura & Susanne Fuchs. 2015. Acoustic effects of loud speech and interrelationships among measures. In U Glasgow (ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Paper number 424.
  • Koenig, Laura L. & Susanne Fuchs. 2019. Vowel formants in normal and loud speech. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 62(5). 1278-1295.
  • Koenig, Laura, Susanne Fuchs & Jorge C. Lucero. 2011. Effects of consonant manner and vowel height on intraoral pressure and articulatory contact at voicing offset and onset for voiceless obstruents. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129(5). 3233-3244.
  • Kraska-Szlenk, Iwona & Marzena Zygis. 2012. Phonetic and lexical gradience in Polish prefixed words. Cognitive Linguistics 23. 317-336.
  • Kraska-Szlenk, Iwona, Marzena Żygis & Marek Jaskuɫa. 2018. Acoustic study of ł-vocalisation in Polish. In Czaplicki, Bartłomiej, Beata Łukaszewicz & Monika Opalińska (eds.), Phonology, Fieldwork and Generalizations, 239-258. Berlin: Peter Lang.
  • Kügler, F., B. Smolibocki, D. Arnold, B. Braun, S. Baumann, M. Grice, S. Jannedy et al.. 2016. Dima - Annotation Guidelines for German Intonation. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1-5. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
  • Lancia, Leonardo & Susanne Fuchs. 2011. The labial coronal effect revisited. In Yves Laprie (ed.), Proceedings of the ISSP, 187-194. Montreal: CD-ROM.
  • Lancia, Leonardo, Susanne Fuchs & Mark Tiede. 2014. Application of concepts from Cross-Recurrence Analysis in speech production: An overview and comparison with other nonlinear methods. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 57. 718-733.
  • Lucero, Jorge, Laura L. Koenig & Susanne Fuchs. 2012. Modeling source-tract interaction in speech production: Voicing onset vs. vowel height after a voiceless obstruent. In ISCA (ed.), Proceedings of Interspeech, 1-4. Portland: USA.
  • Malisz, Zofia & Marzena Zygis. 2018. Lexical stress in Polish: evidence from focus and phrase-position differentiated production data.. In Klessa, Katarzyna, Jolanta Bachan, Agnieszka Wagner, Maciej Karpiński & Daniel Śledziński , Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Speech Prosody, 1008-1012.
  • Malisz, Zofia & Marzena Zygis . 2016. Introduction to Special Issue: Slavic Perspectives on Prosody. Special Issue of Phonetica 73. 155–162.
  • Malisz, Zofia & Marzena Żygis . 2015. Voicing in Polish: Interactions with lexical stress, speech rate, focus and final boundary. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Paper number 963.
  • Malisz, Zofia, Marzena Zygis & Bernd Pompino-Marschall. 2013. Rhythmic structure effects on glottalisations: A study of different speech styles in Polish and German. In Martine & Doris Mücke (eds.), Temporal Structure and Mechanisms of Timing. Laboratory Phonology 4 (Special Issue), 119-158.
  • Mendoza-Denton, Norma & Stefanie Jannedy. 2011. Semiotic layering through gesture and intonation: a case study of complementary and supplementary multimodality in political speech. Journal of English Linguistics 39. 265-299.
  • Mooshammer, Christine, Susanne Fuchs, Dirk Fischer. 2017. Effects of stress and tenseness on the production of CVC syllables in German. In John J. Ohala, Yoko Hasegawa, Manjari Ohala, Daniel Granville & Ashlee C. Bailey, Proceedings of the 14th ICPhS, 409-412.
  • Pape, Daniel. 2009. Microprosodic differences in a cross-linguistic vowel comparison of speech production and speech perception . Berlin: Weissensee Verlag.
  • Pape, Daniel, Pascal Perrier, Susanne Fuchs & Sonja Kandel. 2010. Les trajectoires formantiques respectant les lois de la physique contribuent-elles à une meilleure perception de la parole?. URL: http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00531551
  • Perrier, Pascal & Susanne Fuchs. 2015. Motor equivalence in speech production. In Melissa A. Redford (ed.), Handbook of Speech Production, 225-247. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
  • Perrier, Pascal & Susanne Fuchs. 2008. Speed-curvature relations in speech production challenge the one-third power law. Journal of Neurophysiology 100. 1171-1183.
  • Petrone Caterina, Susanne Fuchs & Laura L. Koenig. 2017. Relations among subglottal pressure, breathing, and acoustic parameters of sentencelevel prominence in German. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141. 1715–1725.
  • Petrone, Caterina, Mariapaola de'Imperio, Leonardo Lancia & Susanne Fuchs. 2014. The interplay between prosodic phrasing and accentual prominence on articulatory lengthening in Italian. In Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon & Daniel Hirst (eds)., Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 192-196. Dublin: Trinity College Dublin.
  • Petrone, Caterina, Susanne Fuchs & Jelena Krivokapic. 2011. Consequences of working memory differences and phrasal length on pause duration and fundamental frequency. In Yves Laprie (ed.), Proceedings of the ISSP, 393-400. Montreal: CD-ROM.
  • Petrone, Caterina, Susanne Fuchs & Laura L. Koenig. 2014. Changes in breathing under different focus conditions.. In Susanne Fuchs, Martine Grice, Anne Hermes, Leonardo Lancia & Doris Mücke (eds.), Proceedings of the Xth International Speech Production Seminar, 328-331. Köln: Universität Köln.
  • Pompino-Marschall, Bernd & Marzena Zygis. 2011. Glottal marking of vowel-initial words in German. In Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee (eds.), Proceedings of the XVIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1626-1629. Hong Kong: Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, University of Hong Kong.
  • Pompino-Marschall, Bernd & Marzena Zygis. 2010. Glottal marking of vowel-initial words in German. In Melanie Weirich & Stefanie Jannedy (eds.), Papers from the Linguistics Laboratory. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 52, 1-17.
  • Pompino-Marschall, Bernd, Elena Steriopolo & Marzena Żygis. 2017. Ukrainian. Illustrations of the IPA. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 47. 349-357.
  • Quiroz, Sergio & Marzena Zygis. 2017. The vocative chant and beyond: German calling melodies under routine and urgent contexts. Proceedings of Interspeech, Stockholm. 1208-1212.
  • Rasskazova, Oxana, Christine Mooshammer & Susanne Fuchs. 2019. Temporal coordination of articulatory and respiratory events prior to speech initiation. In Gernot Kubin & Zdravko Kačič, Proceedings of Interspeech, Paper ID: 2876,, 1-4. Graz: ISCA.
  • Rasskazova, Oxana, Christine Mooshammer & Susanne Fuchs. 2018. Articulatory settings during inter-speech pauses. In Belz, Malte, Susanne Fuchs, Stefanie Jannedy, Christine Mooshammer, Oxana Rasskazova & Marzena Zygis (eds.), Proceedings of the conference: Phonetics and Phonology in the German-speaking countries, 161-164. Berlin: HU.
  • Rochet-Capellan, Amelie & Susanne Fuchs. 2014. Take a breath and take the turn: how breathing meets turns in spontaneous dialogue. In Rachel Smith, Tamara Rathcke, Fred Cummins, Katie Overy & Sophie Scott (eds.), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 20130399.
  • Rochet-Capellan, Amelie & Susanne Fuchs. 2013. The interplay of linguistic structure and breathing in German spontaneous speech. In , Proceedings of Interspeech,
  • Rochet-Capellan, Amélie & Susanne Fuchs. 2013. Changes in breathing while listening to read speech: the effect of reader and speech mode. Frontiers in Psychology 4. 960.
  • Rochet-Capellan, Amelie, Gerard Bailly & Susanne Fuchs. 2014. Is breathing sensitive to the communication partner?. In Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon & Daniel Hirst (eds)., Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 613-617. Dublin: Trinity College.
  • Sock, Rudoph, Susanne Fuchs & Yves Laprie (eds.). 2008. Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Speech Production . Strasbourg: Université March Bloch.
  • Stoltmann, Katarzyna & Susanne Fuchs. 2017. The influence of handedness and pointing direction on deictic gestures and speech interaction: Evidence from motion capture data on Polish counting-out rhymes. In Slim Ouni, Chris Davis, Alexandra Jesse, Jonas Beskow (ed.), AVISA, Proceedings of the International Conference on Audio-Visual Speech Processing, 1-5.
  • Stoltmann, Katarzyna & Susanne Fuchs &. 2017. Syllable-pointing gesture coordination in Polish counting out rhymes: The effect of speech rate. In Silvia Bonacchi & Maciej Karpiński (eds.), Journal of Multimodal Communication Studies 4 (1-2): Special issue: Gesture and Speech in Interaction, 63-68.
  • Ünal-Logacev, Ozlem & Susanne Fuchs. 2015. Voicing contrast in Turkish: Simultaneous measurements of acoustics, EPG, and intraoral pressure. In U Glasgow (ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Paper number 861.
  • Ünal-Logacev, Özlem, Marzena Zygis & Susanne Fuchs. 2019. Phonetics and phonology of soft ‘g’ in Turkish. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 36. 183-206.
  • Ünal-Logacev, Özlem, Susanne Fuchs & Leonardo Lancia. 2018. A multimodal approach to the voicing contrast in Turkish: Evidence from simultaneous measures of acoustics, intraoral pressure and tongue palatal contacts. Journal of Phonetics 71. 395-409.
  • Ünal-Logacev, Özlem, Susanne Fuchs & Marzena Zygis. 2014. Soft 'g' in Turkish. Evidence for sound change in progress. In Susanne Fuchs, Martine Grice, Anne Hermes, Leonardo Lancia & Doris Mücke (eds.), Proceedings of the Xth International Seminar on Speech Production, 441-444. Köln: Universität Köln.
  • Ünal-Logacev, Özlem, Żygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs. 2019. Phonetics and phonology of soft 'g' in Turkish. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 36. 183-206.
  • Weirich, Melanie. 2010. Die attraktive Stimme: Vocal Stereotypes. Eine phonetische Analyse anhand akustischer und auditiver Parameter . Saarbrücken: Verlag Dr. Müller.
  • Weirich, Melanie. 2010. Articulatory and acoustic inter-speaker variability in the production of vowels. Papers from the Linguistics Laboratory. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 52. 19-42.
  • Weirich, Melanie. 2008. Vocal Stereotypes. In Antonis Botinis (ed.), Proceedings of ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguictics, 221-224.
  • Weirich, Melanie & Leonardo Lancia. 2011. Perceived auditory similarity and its acoustic correlates in twins and unrelated speakers. . Proceedings of the XVII. ICPhS, Hongkong. 140-144.
  • Weirich, Melanie & Stefanie Jannedy (eds.). 2010. ZAS Papers in Linguistics: Papers from the Linguistics Laboratory (ZASPiL) 52 . Berlin: ZAS.
  • Weirich, Melanie & Susanne Fuchs. 2013. Palatal morphology can influence speaker-specific realizations of phonemic contrasts. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 56. 1894-1908.
  • Weirich, Melanie & Susanne Fuchs. 2011. Vocal tract morphology can influence speaker specific realisations of phonemic contrasts. In Yves Laprie (ed.), Proceedings of the ISSP, 251-258. Montreal: CD-ROM.
  • Weirich, Melanie, Adrian Simpson, Susanne Fuchs, Ralf Winkler & Pascal Perrier. 2014. Mumbling is morphology?. In Susanne Fuchs, Martine Grice, Anne Hermes, Leonardo Lancia & Doris Mücke (eds.), Proceedings of the Xth International Seminar on Speech Production, 457-460. Köln: Universität Köln.
  • Weirich, Melanie, Susanne Fuchs, Adrian Simpson, Ralf Winkler & Pascal Perrier. 2016. Mumbling: macho or morphology?. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 59. S1587-S1595.
  • Winkler, Ralf, Susanne Fuchs, Pascal Perrier & Mark Tiede. 2011. Speaker-specific biomechanical models: From acoustic variability via articulatory variability to the variability of motor commands in selected tongue muscles. In Yves Laprie (ed.), Proceedings of the ISSP, 219-226. Montreal: CD-ROM.
  • Zygis, Marzena. 2012. Constraint (and other lemmas). In Tracy Alan Hall & Bernd Pompino-Marschall (eds.), Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Phonetik und Phonologie, Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Zygis, Marzena. 2012. Optimality Theory. In Tracy Alan Hall & Bernd Pompino-Marschall (eds.), Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Phonetik und Phonologie, Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Zygis, Marzena. 2011. Why is Slavic < č> not always /tʃ/? . In Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee (eds.), Proceedings of the XVIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2340-2343. Hong Kong: Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, University of Hong-Kong.
  • Zygis, Marzena. 2010. Typology of consonantal insertions. In Melanie Weirich & Stefanie Jannedy (eds.), Papers from the Linguistics Laboratory. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 52, 111-140.
  • Zygis, Marzena. 2010. On changes in Slavic sibilant systems and their perceptual motivation. In Daniel Recasens, Fernando Sánchez Miret & Kenneth J. Wireback (eds.) , Experimental phonetics and sound change, 115-138. München: Lincom.
  • Zygis, Marzena. 2008. On the avoidance of voiced sibilant affricates. In Marzena Zygis & Susanne Fuchs (eds.), ZAS Papers in Linguistics 49. Papers in Phonetics and Phonology, 23-45.
  • Zygis, Marzena & Jaye Padgett. 2010. A perceptual study of Polish sibilants, and its implications for historical sound change. Journal of Phonetics 38.2. 207-226.
  • Zygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs. 2019. How prosody, speech mode and speaker visibility influence lip aperture. In Tabain, Marija, Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1-5. Melbourne: International Phonetic Association.
  • Zygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs. 2008. Why are voiced affricates avoided cross-linguistically? Evidence from an aerodynamic study. In Rudolph Sock, Susanne Fuchs & Yves Laprie (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, 425-428. Strasbourg: Institute de phonetique.
  • Zygis, Marzena & Susanne Fuchs (eds.). 2008. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 49. Papers in Phonetics and Phonology . ZAS Berlin.
  • Zygis, Marzena & Zofia Malisz. 2017. Slavic Perspectives on Prosody (Special Issue of Phonetica 73). Vol. 3 (Slavic Prosody) & 4 (Interfaces in Slavic Prosody) : Karger.
  • Zygis, Marzena, Daniel Pape & Luis Jesus. 2012. (Non)retroflex Slavic affricates and their motivation. Evidence from Czech and Polish. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 42. 281-329.
  • Żygis, Marzena, Daniel Pape, Luis M.T. Jesus & Marek Jaskuła. 2014. How do voiceless fricatives contribute to intended intonation? A comparison of whispered, semi-whispered and normal speec. In Susanne Fuchs, Martine Grice, Anne Hermes, Leonardo Lancia & Doris Mücke (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, 472-475. Köln: Universität Köln.
  • Żygis, Marzena, Daniel Pape, Luis M.T. Jesus & Marek Jaskuła. 2014. Intended intonation of statements and polar questions in Polish in whispered, semi-whispered and normal speech modes. In Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon & Daniel Hirst (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody, 678-682. Dublin: Trinity College Dublin.
  • Zygis, Marzena, Daniel Reasens & Aina Espinosa. 2008. Acoustic characteristics of velar stops and velar softening in Catalan, German and Polish. In Rudolph Sock, Susanne Fuchs & Yves Laprie (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, 97-100. Strasbourg: Institute de phonetique.
  • Zygis, Marzena, Daniel Recasens & Aina Espinosa . 2010. The role of position in testing the acoustic equivalence hypothesis of velar softening for aspirated stops. In Susanne Fuchs, Christine Mooshammer, Phil Hoole & Marzena Zygis (eds.), Between the regular and the particular in speech and language, 125-143. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang.
  • Zygis, Marzena, Fuchs, Susanne & Katarzyna Stoltmann . 2017. Orofacial expressions in German questions and statements in voiced and whispered speech. Journal of Multimodal Communication Studies 4. 87-92.
  • Zygis, Marzena, Pape Daniel, Luis Jesus & Marek Jaskula . 2015. The effects of intonation on acoustic properties of fricatives. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Paper number 481.
  • Żygis, Marzena, Pape, Daniel, Koenig, Laura L., Jaskula, Marek & Luis Jesus . 2017. Segmental cues to intonation of statements and polar questions in whispered, semi-whispered and normal speech modes. Journal of Phonetics 63. 53-71.
  • Zygis, Marzena, Susanne Fuchs & Katarzyna Stoltmann. 2017. Orofacial expressions in German questions and statements in voiced and whispered speech. In Silvia Bonacchi & Maciej Karpiński (eds.), Journal of Multimodal Communication Studies 4 (1-2): Special issue: Gesture and Speech in Interaction, 87-92.
  • Zygis, Marzena, Susanne Fuchs & Laura L. Koenig. 2012. Phonetic explanations for the infrequency of voiced affricates across languages. Laboratory Phonology 3. 299-336.


  • Satellite Workshop on Dynamics and Representation of Turbulent Sounds, 13.7.2016, Laboratory Phonology 15, Cornell University, Ithaca
  • Workshop on Hypothesis testing using linear mixed effects models, 7.10.2015, ZAS
  • Workshop Strong versus weak prosodic positions: Possible variation and relevance for grammar at DGFS, Leipzig (2015)
  • Conference Borders and Identitiy: Urban Fragmantations (BIC), Berlin (2015)
  • Workshop Prosody of Slavic Languages at Speech prosody, Dublin (2014)
  • International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Cologne (2014), ca. 200 participants
  • Members of PB1 conducted several interviews with journalists working on features for the SWR (Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk)
  • Participation in the Long Night of the Sciences Berlin, 2013
  • Summer school: Speech production and perception: Speaker-specific behaviour, 30.9. - 4.10.2013, Aix-en-Provence
  • Universality and variability in segment-prosody interactions.Workshop at the Linguistic Institute 2013, 12.07.2013, U Michigan
  • Deutsche Intonation: Modelle und Annotation (DIMA III), 15. -16.5.2013, ZAS
  • 9th Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP 9). 19. - 21.01.2012, ZAS/HU
  • Special session The role of aerodynamics in phonology at ICPhSin Hongkong, 17.-21.8.2011
  • Workshop Perception & Attitude at ICLAVE, Freiburg, 29.6.-1.7.2011
  • Workshop Audiovisual perception am ZAS Berlin, 29.3.2011
  • 3rd Summer-school Cognitive and physical models of speech production and perception: Planning and dynamics, Berlin, 27.9.-1.10.2010
  • Workshop Positional phenomena in phonetics and phonology, GLOW Wroclaw (Poland), 13.4.2010
  • School lecture on Youth Language (Vincent Lübeck Gymnasium Stade)
  • Laboratory tours for underprivileged urban kids
  • Interview on Jugendsprache (Youth Language) at Radio BR2
  • Tag der Talente (with national finalists of talent competitions) BMBF
  • Documentary on TV show (MDR). Articulatory and acoustic recording of the fastest German speaker Dr. Georg Winter.
  • Workshop Insertions and deletions in speech at DGFS, Osnabrück, 4.-6.3.2009
  • International Speech Production Seminar (ISSP), Strasbourg, 8.-12.12.2008 (ca. 150 participants)