Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Six-months research fellowships for Ukrainian refugees


The ERC project LeibnizDream (https://www.leibnizdream.eu) at the Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS, https://www.leibniz-zas.de) invites applications for Ukrainian researchers ideally holding a Ph.D. in linguistics or substantial work experience as research lab staff in language acquisition to support guest residencies with a duration of up to six calendar months (i.e. first to last of a month) working in the Semantics and Pragmatics group (research area 4).

The fellowship regulations of The Centres for Advanced Studies in the Humanities e.V. (GWZ) apply, which include the following rules: the fellowship award is a 2000€/month (plus 200€/month childcare allowance for fellows coming with children). The fellowship is not subject to tax in Germany and does not provide public health insurance, but fellows are required to submit evidence of sufficient health insurance at the onset of their fellowship. Fellows are expected to work exclusively on their fellowship except for up to 10 hours of research or teaching work at a university or up to 5 hours of other work per week. Fellows are required to take up residency in Berlin for the full duration of the fellowship. The fellows' travel from their permanent residence to and from Berlin can be reimbursed in accordance with German travel reimbursement law. Successful applicants will receive a work place and necessary equipment within a group of researchers investigating semantic properties of child language.


  • applicants need to have working knowledge of English or German
  • applicants should have research experience in child language acquisition and/or formal semantics
  • recent employment in research or at a university in the Ukraine


Interested researchers should send an application letter of up to two pages PDF that clearly indicates the planned period of the support, the maximum amount of travel reimbursement required, and whether children will accompany the fellow. In addition, a CV should be included, preferably appended to the same PDF. The CV must show the applicants recent employment status and recent publications. Applications should be sent by email to leibnizdream@leibniz-zas.de. Fellowships can start on June 1, 2022 or later in 2022, but at the earliest three weeks after submission of their application.

Contact Information

Uli Sauerland